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Submissive Quotes

In slave times the Negro was kept subservient and submissive by the frequency and severity of the scourging, but, with freedom, a new system of intimidation came into vogue; the Negro was not only whipped and scourged; he was killed.
Ida B. Wells

Authors on Submissive Quotes: Vincent de Paul Martin Luther King, Jr. William Wilberforce Niccolo Machiavelli Paul Cezanne Gabrielle Reece Saint Augustine Laurie Sheck Emma Watson Ida B. Wells Veronica Roth Maria Doyle Kennedy Eric Hoffer Han Fei Ernst Rohm Orson Scott Card Trevor Treharne Massimo Vignelli Eva Figes FKA twigs Roy H. Williams
People are submissive to power, and few of them can be influenced by doctrines of righteousness.
Han Fei

Folks are inclined to authority, and hardly any can be swayed by ethical principles.
Courage is an inner resolution to go forward despite obstacles; Cowardice is submissive surrender to circumstances.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

You may only get this one life – but lived free of submissive reverence – that is still a thing of rampant beauty.
Trevor Treharne

The true believer, no matter how rowdy and violent his acts, is basically an obedient and submissive person.
Eric Hoffer

Let us be submissive to Providence, He will see to our affairs in His own time and in His own way
Vincent de Paul

The people want wholesome dread. They want to fear something. They want someone to frighten them and make them shudderingly submissive.
Ernst Rohm

I hold strongly to this: that it is better to be impetuous than circumspect; because fortune is a woman and if she is to be submissive it is necessary to beat and coerce her.
Niccolo Machiavelli

Man has been naturally so created that it is advantageous for him to be submissive, but disastrous for him to follow his own will, and not the will of his creator.
Saint Augustine

The pencil you leave it there, and it's dead. It doesn't do anything and it doesn't move by itself. It doesn't offer anything; it's totally submissive to you.
Massimo Vignelli

If men don’t have to be aggressive in order to be accepted, women won’t feel compelled to be submissive. If men don’t have to control, women won’t have to be controlled.
Emma Watson

Cowardice is submissive surrender to circumstances.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Looking away is submissive. Looking [..] in the eye is a challenge.
Veronica Roth

To truly be feminine means being soft, receptive, and - look out, here it comes - submissive.
Gabrielle Reece

Turning the other cheek isn't submissive. It's defiant.
Roy H. Williams

In short, Christians in general are everywhere denominated the servants and the children of God, and are required to serve him with that submissive obedience, and that affectionate promptitude of duty, which belong to those endearing relations.
William Wilberforce

Sadly, man recognises that the ideal, submissive woman he has created for himself is somehow not quite what he wanted.
Eva Figes

One is neither too scrupulous nor too sincere nor too submissive to nature; but one is more or less master of one's model, and, above all, of the means of expression.
Paul Cezanne

Women are often expected to be more amiable or more pleasing or more submissive than men generally.
Maria Doyle Kennedy

Nevertheless, when one is ill, one should be submissive to the doctor and obey him.
Vincent de Paul

It is a common trait of primates to become submissive and even worshipful toward one who has the power to kill them.
Orson Scott Card

I think 'fan' implies somebody who's submissive, sycophantic, in awe of everything you're doing.
FKA twigs

One of the beautiful things about writing is that it offers an inner life that's disciplined and at the same time wild. Not in any way servile or submissive. It exists outside of institutional and other forms of authority even when being affected by them. On what almost feels like a cellular level, it's anathema to labeling and enforced divisions.
Laurie Sheck