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Synthesis Quotes

Truth is found neither in the thesis nor the antithesis, but in an emergent synthesis which reconciles the two.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Reality is neither in the affirmation nor denial, but in an arising harmony which brings together the two.
Authors on Synthesis Quotes: Martin Luther King, Jr. Francis Crick Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Sai Baba Mahatma Gandhi Ada Louise Huxtable Jonathan Dee Jane Roberts Stanislaw Jerzy Lec Barry Long Frank Lloyd Wright R. Buckminster Fuller Hans Kung Benito Mussolini Jean Baudrillard Joan Z. Borysenko Ron Kauk Elsie de Wolfe Nicole Brossard Samael Aun Weor Manuel Puig Arthur C. Clarke John Oates Rose Macaulay Emile M. Cioran Gil J Wolman Samuel Eliot Morison C. S. Lewis Isaac Newton Alex Faickney Osborn Mikhail Gorbachev Jordan Rudess Robert Burns Woodward
Poetry is the synthesis of hyacinths and biscuits.
Carl Sandburg

Without analysis, no synthesis.
Friedrich Engels

Moreover the incorporation requires the same components needed for protein synthesis, and is inhibited by the same inhibitors. Thus the system is most unlikely to be a complete artefact and is very probably closely related to genuine protein synthesis.
Francis Crick

The circle is the synthesis of the greatest oppositions. It combines the concentric and the eccentric in a single form and in equilibrium. Of the three primary forms, it points most clearly to the fourth dimension.
Wassily Kandinsky

A designer is an emerging synthesis of artist, inventor, mechanic, objective economist and evolutionary strategist.
R. Buckminster Fuller

What better model of a synthesis than a nocturnal dream? Dreams simplify, don't they?
Manuel Puig

A house should be a synthesis of comfort, practicality, and tradition.
Elsie de Wolfe

Good architecture is still the difficult, conscientious, creative, expressive planning for that elusive synthesis that is a near-contradiction in terms: efficiency and beauty.
Ada Louise Huxtable

Mere change is not growth. Growth is the synthesis of change and continuity, and where there is no continuity there is no growth.
C. S. Lewis

The Fascist conception of the State is all-embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have value. Thus understood, Fascism is totalitarian, and the Fascist State -- a synthesis and a unit inclusive of all values -- interprets, develops, and potentiates the whole life of a people.
Benito Mussolini

Evolution: The Modern Synthesis.
Julian Huxley

The new shopping malls make possible the synthesis of all consumer activities, not least of which are shopping, flirting with objects, idle wandering, and all the permutations of these.
Jean Baudrillard

The Synthesis consists in assuming the Causes discovered and established as Principles, and by them explaining the Phænomena proceeding from them, and proving the Explanations.
Isaac Newton

Synthesis..., perhaps in greater measure than activities in any other area of organic chemistry, provides a measure of the condition and power of science. For synthetic undertakings are seldom if ever undertaken by chance, nor will the most painstaking, or inspired, purely observational activities suffice. Synthesis must always be carried out by plan.
Robert Burns Woodward

Woes and wonders of power, that tonic hell, synthesis of poison and panacea.
Emile M. Cioran

The Epistle to the Romans is an extremely important synthesis of the whole theology of St. Paul.
Hans Kung

Really Love itself is the extract of the whole Knowledge, it is written that in last synthesis the Wisdom can be reduced into Love, and the Love into Happiness.
Samael Aun Weor

Get the habit of analysis - analysis will in time enable synthesis to become your habit of mind.
Frank Lloyd Wright

What the eye sees is a synthesis of who you are and all you have learned. This is what I would call the language of photography.
Graciela Iturbide

Who ever asked theses and antitheses if they want to become syntheses?
Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

Creativity is the production of meaning by synthesis.
Alex Faickney Osborn

Truth is found neither in Marxism nor in traditional capitalism. Each represents a partial truth. Historically capitalism failed to see the truth in collective enterprise, and Marxism failed to see the truth in individual enterprise. Nineteenth century capitalism failed to see that life is social and Marxism failed and still fails to see that life is individual and personal. The Kingdom of God is neither the thesis of individual enterprise nor the antithesis of collective enterprise, but a synthesis which reconciles the truths of both.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Spirit is the third, yet in such a way that one can speak of a synthesis only when the spirit is posited.
Soren Kierkegaard

Too rigid specialization is almost as bad for a historian's mind, and for his ultimate reputation, as too early an indulgence in broad generalization and synthesis.
Samuel Eliot Morison

A unitary urbanism — the synthesis of art and technology that we call for — must be constructed according to certain new values of life, values which now need to be distinguished and disseminated.
Gil J Wolman

But life at its best is a creative synthesis of opposites in fruitful harmony.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

If you are into synthesis it’s a must have app. I’ve been jamming all night!
Jordan Rudess

True knowledge is that which establishes harmony and synthesis between ience on the one hand and spirituality and ethics on the other.
Sai Baba

Bouldering is the synthesis of all skills needed for climbing
Ron Kauk

Most research is a synthesis of problem solving and creativity.
Joan Z. Borysenko

I kept looking for a logic that would explain life. It never occurred to me that instead love is the vital synthesis.
Jane Roberts

Communism--the first expression of the social nature--is the first term of social development--the thesis; property, the reverse of communism, is the second term--the antithesis. When we have discovered the third term, the synthesis, we shall have the required solution.
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

Can the synthesis of man and machine ever be stable, or will the purely organic component become such a hindrance that it has to be discarded?
Arthur C. Clarke

The poet has to make a synthesis out of the moral life of our time, and this life is lived at this moment on a political plane.
Rose Macaulay

Poetry, I'm returning to it, never leaves me. It's my genre completely. In poetry I contemplate myself exuberantly. It's my unique strength. Force of gravity, electric and magnetic energy; in my own way, to make a synthesis.
Nicole Brossard

My guitar playing is a synthesis of traditional American acoustic style and Urban Pop and RB.
John Oates

A kind of synthesis, but with some elements that perhaps you wouldn't have expected in advance. I always like that when that happens, when something comes that is more than the sum of the parts.
Evan Parker

The science of anti-Semitism has as its object Judaism as a social problem, being thus, necessarily, the synthesis of all sciences that can contribute to its solution.
A. C. Cuza

I saw Dolce Vita and my mind was blown by it, by the synthesis. I realised I wanted to be a filmmaker and started making films. I was writing screenplays and couldn't get money because my work was so uncommercial.
Rebecca Miller

A human and a bicycle are the perfect synthesis of body and machine.
Richard Ballantine

Protein synthesis is a central problem for the whole of biology, and that it is in all probability closely related to gene action.
Francis Crick

In our discussions here at the forum there was no trace of the futile debate about what is better, capitalism or socialism...We should seek a synthesis of ideas and values that have proven their viability.
Mikhail Gorbachev

The ideal is a synthesis of the different cultures that have come to stay in India, that have influenced Indian life, and that, in their turn, have themselves been influenced by the spirit of the soil.
Mahatma Gandhi

Any product of the mind is a reaction of the past, a synthesis of what is old.
Barry Long

New York is ultimately not the synthesis but merely the sum of its unfathomable subjectivities, its personal histories, its uncategorisable figures.
Jonathan Dee