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T.L. Osborn Quotes

You should never ask God to do what He has said He’s already done, and you should never ask God to do what He has told you to do.
T.L. Osborn

Never entreat God to repeat what He has already accomplished or commanded.
The purpose of a spirit filled life is to demonstrate the supernatural power of our living God so that the unsaved multitudes will abandon their dead gods to call upon the name of The Lord and be delivered.
T.L. Osborn

Both sin and sickness came into the world through the fall of the human race. Therefore, we must look for the healing of both in the savior of the human race. God is as willing to heal believers as He is to forgive unbelievers. Know this; if He was merciful enough to forgive you when you were unconverted, He is merciful enough to heal you now that you are in His family!
T.L. Osborn

How can we call ourselves a church and not believe in healing and in miracles? I cannot read four pages anywhere in the Bible without encountering miracles! And the God of the bible is the same today!
T.L. Osborn

The gospel of the kingdom must be preached with evidence; it must be preached as a witness.This can only be done by christians who are filled with the Holy Spirit.
T.L. Osborn

The proclamation of God's reign must be communicated with proof; it should be declared as testimony. This can only be achieved by believers who are brimming with the Divine Spirit.
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One Way: Jesus! One Job: Evangelism!
T.L. Osborn

'One Path: Christ! One Assignment: Proclamation of the Gospel!'
Speaking in tongues is not enough.If we turn men from unchristian religions to christianity we must produce miracles which convince men that Christ lives and He is real today.
T.L. Osborn

Converting people from non-Christian faiths to Christianity necessitates the manifestation of supernatural feats that authenticate Christ's presence and existence in the present.
Only the power of the Living Christ proclaimed in demonstration of the Holy Spirit, can meet the urgent needs of humanity.
T.L. Osborn

Only the might of the Resurrected Lord proclaimed in evidence of the Divine Spirit, can satisfy the pressing demands of mankind.
Quote Topics by T.L. Osborn: Purpose Done Spirit Healing Christian Miracle Kingdoms Education Ministry Sick People Soul Real Jesus Should Needs Race Facts Ideas Simple Desire Spirit Filled Life Men Names Missionary Said Jobs Humanity Believe Fall
Christians need never be sick, any more than they need to be sinful. It is always God's desire to heal you.
T.L. Osborn

Christians should never be ill, just as they should not commit wrongdoings. God wishes to bring restoration to your health.
There is only one purpose of pentecost; that is to effectively evangelize lost souls.
T.L. Osborn

The primary intention of Pentecost is to successfully spread the Gospel to those who have not heard it.
Ministry is pretty simple. Love people and help them.
T.L. Osborn

New facts often trigger new ideas
T.L. Osborn