Amateurs study tactics; professionals study logistics.
Omar N. Bradley
Novices contemplate maneuvers; experts evaluate arrangements.
The amateurs discuss tactics: the professionals discuss logistics
Napoleon Bonaparte
The novices debate strategies: the experts deliberate arrangements.
So, my tactic with conservation of apex predators is to get people excited and take them to where they live.
Steve Irwin
Tactics is knowing what to do when there is something to do. Strategy is knowing what to do when there is nothing to do.
Savielly Tartakower
New weapons require new tactics. Never put new wine into old bottles.
Heinz Guderian
Now that I have called you on your false accusation, you are using additional smear tactics.
George Soros
Strategy requires thought, tactics require observation
Max Euwe
Strategy is buying a bottle of fine wine when you take a lady out for dinner. Tactics is getting her to drink it.
Frank Muir
Wishing, hoping and regretting are the most common and dangerous tactics for evading the present.
Sammy Davis, Jr.
The fear tactic is a tactic that's used by people who want to maintain control, and it's very effective.
Hamza Yusuf
Now as before, women must refuse to be meek and guileful, for truth cannot be served by dissimulation. Women who fancy that they manipulate the world by pussy power and gentle cajolery are fools. It is slavery to have to adopt such tactics.
Germaine Greer
Beauty and seriousness are perhaps the most shocking tactics left to artists these days.
Grayson Perry
Discovered check is the dive bomber of the Chessboard
Reuben Fine
Nine-tenths of tactics are certain, and taught in books: but the irrational tenth is like the kingfisher flashing across the pool, and that is the test of generals.
T. E. Lawrence
The tactics...no, amateurs discuss tactics,.... Professional soldiers study logistics.
Tom Clancy
The Soviets sought not a place in the sun, but the sun itself. Their objective was the world. They would not tolerate compromise on goals, only on tactics.
John Foster Dulles
I think we brought to the world, the United States anyway, the whole idea of boycotting as a nonviolent tactic. I think we showed the world that nonviolence can work to make social change.
Dolores Huerta
Tactics involve calculations that can tax the human brain, but when you boil them down, they are actually the simplest part of chess and are almost trivial compared to strategy.
Garry Kasparov
I owe most to Georges Sorel. This master of syndicalism by his rough theories of revolutionary tactics has contributed most to form the discipline, energy and power of the fascist cohorts.
Benito Mussolini
Our nonviolent tactics are not as effective. We ask nicely for years and get nothing. Someone makes a threat, and it works.
Ingrid Newkirk
Football tactics are rapidly becoming as complicated as the chemical formula for splitting the atom.
Jimmy Greaves
The thirteenth rule of radical tactics: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.
Saul Alinsky
In warfare, there are no constant conditions. He who can modify his tactics in relation to his opponent will succeed and win.
Sun Tzu
We believe firmly that Communism internally and externally can and must be fought without resort to the Communist tactics of the suppression of all individual freedom.
Emanuel Celler
All who have read a few old books have picked up the old tactics of considering every new idea a 'heresy' which must be rooted out.
Lu Xun
Revolutionary tactics cannot be invented by leaders; they must develop spontaneously-history comes first, leaders' consciousness second.
Rosa Luxemburg
When conventional tactics are altered unexpectedly according to the situation, they take on the element of surprise and increase in strategic value .
Sun Bin
We must stop climate change. And we can, if we use the tactics that worked in South Africa against the worst carbon emitters.
Desmond Tutu
One of the regime's most important tactics is the creation of a third force in the country.
Joe Slovo
Incentives are not strategy, they are tactics. Defensive measures.
Carlos Ghosn
A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.
Saul Alinsky
The game of football is one of strategy and tactics.
Woody Hayes
It's a deft trick to turn American exceptionalism into an exceptional political tactic.
Ron Fournier
No tactic will work until you have the guts to DO the work!
Robin Sharma
Good players develop a tactical instinct, a sense of what is possible or likely and what is not worth calculating.
Samuel Reshevsky
politics can be an ugly game, and in a national election the stakes get higher while the tactics get lower.
Geraldine Ferraro
Terrorism is the tactic of demanding the impossible, and demanding it at gunpoint.
Christopher Hitchens
Today's unions are less Mobbed-up than those of yesteryear to be sure, but they're hardly above tactics that would be considered intimidating and coercive.
Jonah Goldberg
We often hear the terms 'positional' and 'tactical' used as opposites. But this is as wrong as to consider a painting's composition unrelated to its subject. Just as there is no such thing as 'artistic' art, so there is no such thing as 'positional' chess.
Samuel Reshevsky
A thorough understanding of the typical mating continuations makes the most complicated sacrificial combinations leading up to them not only not difficult, but almost a matter of course
Siegbert Tarrasch
If you let a bully intimidate you, he's going to do it again. You've got to stand up to these strong-arm tactics.
Charles Djou
Direct address has been a consistent tactic in my work, regardless of the medium that I'm working in.
Barbara Kruger
A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.
Saul Alinsky