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Tangible Quotes

Our thought is the unseen magnet, ever attracting its correspondence in things seen and tangible.
Prentice Mulford

Authors on Tangible Quotes: Jada Pinkett Smith Pope Francis Rebecca Solnit Maurizio Cattelan Bruce Lee Georges Braque Emile M. Cioran F. Scott Fitzgerald Vin Diesel John Frederick Demartini Billy Joel Hawa Abdi Cameron Sinclair Subir Chowdhury Luke Kirby Anne Wilkes Tucker Jeremy Renner Donna Summer Fernando Pessoa Paul Allen Seth Avett Rebecca St. James Maya Angelou Bruce H. Lipton Gladys Taber Emily Mortimer Zbigniew Brzezinski Vilmos Zsigmond Jorge Semprun Bob Dylan James A. Garfield Abraham Cahan Ross Perot
The most tangible of all visible mysteries - fire.
Leigh Hunt

Don't say 'wife.' I'm your mistress. Wife's such an ugly word. Your 'permanent mistress' is so much more tangible and desirableā€¦ .
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Alfred Nobel was much concerned, as are we all, with the tangible benefits we hope for and expect from physiological and medical research, and the Faculty of the Caroline Institute has ever been alert to recognize practical benefits.
Haldan Keffer Hartline

What quantum physics teaches us is that everything we thought was physical is not physical.
Bruce H. Lipton

The costs of poor quality are tangible; they will cost you customers and money, and ultimately affect the success of your business.
Subir Chowdhury

Faith wouldn't be faith without having to trust what is unseen. That's difficult sometimes, and it's almost easier to put our trust in what is tangible. But God wants us to put one foot in front of the other and just step out on faith.
Rebecca St. James

It is by the steady elimination of everything which is ugly - thoughts and words no less than tangible objects - and by the substitution of things of true and lasting beauty that the whole progress of humanity proceeds.
Anna Pavlova

One cannot proclaim the Gospel of Jesus without the tangible witness of oneā€™s life. Those who listen to us and observe us must be able to see in our actions what they hear from our lips, and so give glory to God!
Pope Francis

I learned that surrounding myself with people who are able to help me is like being surrounded by tangible godliness.
Jada Pinkett Smith

We must now learn to draw inspiration from the tangible miracles that surround us.
Umberto Boccioni

Your inner-most dominant thoughts become your outer-most tangible reality.
John Frederick Demartini

I was born rich. Not in tangible things... but rich in the parents I had.
Ross Perot

The compass represents spirituality, no end and no beginning....the ruler represents 'tangible evidence' ... a measurable event... both coming together shall represent a Human Being...the intersection of life and consciousness.
Tom DeLonge

Happiness is not a tangible thing, it's a byproduct - a byproduct of achievement.
Ray Kroc

Wordless is not the same of expressionless. All phenomenon of the universe, audible and inaudible, tangible and intangible, sentient and insentient, are the clear and ceaseless expression of the buddha nature.
John Daido Loori

The intangible represents the real power of the universe. It is the seed of the tangible.
Bruce Lee

Theories are always very thin and insubstantial, experience only is tangible.
Hosea Ballou

Science provides tangible evidence of its accuracy and importance. Religion makes excuses for its absence of the same.
PZ Myers

Art is nothing tangible. We cannot call a painting 'art' as the words 'artifact' and 'artificial' imply. The thing made is a work of art made by art, but not itself art. The art remains in the artist and is the knowledge by which things are made.
Ananda Coomaraswamy

It's in our nature. If you are a plumber, there is an objective way to establish whether you put together a great piping system or not. Art is a bit more slippery than that. So, when you fill a gallery with dirt and someone comes along waving wads of bills, it's difficult not to take them because they become a tangible acknowledgement that what you've been doing actually makes sense.
Maurizio Cattelan

More apparent to Teamster members than any moral lapses were the tangible gains that had been steadily realized under Hoffa since his advent to power.
Jimmy Hoffa

Memorizing information is valuable but only if you're able to make some sense of the information and put it into a useful context. Isn't it much better if we can attach something tangible to that information?
Kenneth C. Davis

Maybe its time we get a toolbox that doesnt just count whats easily counted, the tangible in life, but actually counts what we most value, the things that are intangible.
Chip Conley

Memories are less tangible than dreams.
Isadora Duncan

Sometimes I would see them not as mementos of the blissful hours but as the tangible precious debris of the storm raging in my soul.
Orhan Pamuk

I've always felt from everyone I talk to that the fans feel like I'm tangible and they can talk to me and they know me.
Hulk Hogan

By getting as close to the true idea of religion, of spirituality as it is possible for us to get.. ...we would be in possession of the only tangible relationship tot the deity in things.
Marsden Hartley

There is something more to "reality" than just the tangible. There is also mood, and you cannot skip that.
Vilmos Zsigmond

What is great about entrepreneurship is that entrepreneurs create the tangible from the intangible.
Robert Herjavec

I don't know what leadership is. You can't touch it. You can't feel it. It's not tangible. But I do know this: you recognize it when you see it.
Bob Ehrlich

You can give words, but you can't take them. And when words are given, that is when they are shared. We remember what that was like. Words so real they were almost tangible. There are conversations you remember, for certain. But more than that, there is the sensation of conversation. You will remember that, even when the precise words begin to blur.
David Levithan

THOUGHT is the only power which can produce tangible riches from the Formless Substance.
Wallace D. Wattles

I don't think I'm tangible to myself.
Bob Dylan

What is magical and mystifying to me about style is not that by seeing we can believe. It is that eventually, we can believe, because we can see we can embrace change the more we can make it tangible.
Stacy London

Each of us possesses a tangible living soul. The system has no such thing. We must not allow the system to exploit us.
Haruki Murakami

Well, I'll say I have an incredible ability to fantasize - I really do. I don't have to have things tangible to be able to see them, and therefore I enjoy so many things, because they're in my mind.
Donna Summer

It is not sufficient that what one paints should be made visible. It must be made tangible.
Georges Braque

However, lifestyle intervention requires discipline with a tangible end result that is within reach. It requires personal resolve, a lifelong commitment.
Tim Holden

I like when a poem ends on its "receipts," meaning it gives me something tactile or tangible to dwell on as I exit the reading experience. So I strive to end my own poems that way as well.
Allison Joseph

Only the other world has substance and reality; only good deeds and holy learning have tangible worth.
Abraham Cahan

Human spirit, things that aren't tangible, fascinate me, so I'm always researching mind, spirit, soul.
Jada Pinkett Smith

I am convinced that words are things, and we simply don't have the machinery to measure what they are. I believe that words are tangible things.
Maya Angelou

Mock jewelry on a woman is tangible vulgarity.
Bayard Taylor

When I write, I make my memories tangible, and in this way I can get rid of them.
Jorge Semprun

Tangible language, which often tells more falsehoods than truths.
Abraham Lincoln

Let us all remember this: one cannot proclaim the Gospel of Jesus without the tangible witness of one's life.
Pope Francis

Prayer is the most tangible expression of trust in God.
Jerry Bridges

It struck me that what I'd heard about certain celebrities was true: they had It, whatever the hell It was. Star power isn't a myth; it is tangible and forceful.
Michael Bergin

Every now and then she looked around for tangible evidence of his having ever been there. Where were the butterflies? the blueberries? the whistling reed? She could find nothing, for he had left nothing but his stunning absence.
Toni Morrison