They can't collect legal taxes from illegal money.
Al Capone
They cannot extract lawful levies from illicit funds.
On the whole, I prefer not to be lectured on patriotism by those who keep offshore maildrops in order to avoid paying their taxes.
Molly Ivins
It cannot be good to tax the Americans... You will lose more than you gain.
Thomas Hutchinson
Always overpay your taxes.That way you'll get a refund.
Meyer Lansky
Higher taxes never reduce the deficit. Governments spend whatever they take in and then whatever they can get away with.
Milton Friedman
The Eva Longoria who worked at Wendy's flipping burgers - she needed a tax break.
Eva Longoria
We are all are equal, but some pay higher tax rates than others.
Jeff Rich
I told the Inland Revenue I didn't owe them a penny because I lived near the seaside.
Ken Dodd
Politics is very much like taxes - everybody is against them, or everybody is for them as long as they don't apply to him
Fiorello H. La Guardia
As American taxpayers know too well, the tax code is incredibly complex and compliance is all to expensive.
Jim Ramstad
Republicans will not be reduced to being the tax collectors for the Obama economy.
Mitch McConnell
No nation in history has ever survived a tax burden that reached a third of its national income.
Ronald Reagan
It's really American to avoid paying taxes, legally.
Lindsey Graham
Trickle-down did not work. It got us into the mess we were in, in 2008 and 2009. Slashing taxes on the wealthy hasn’t worked. And a lot of really smart, wealthy people know that. And they are saying, hey, we need to do more to make the contributions we should be making to rebuild the middle class.
Hillary Clinton
The tax code is 10 times the size of the Bible with none of the good news.
Paul Ryan
In other words, governments do not collect taxes to provide services, they provide services as an excuse to collect taxes.
Richard J. Maybury
"I pay my taxes," says somebody, as if that were an act of virtue instead of one of compulsion.
Robert Menzies
I won't talk about what it was like in prison, except to say I'm glad I'm out and that I plan never to go back and to pay my taxes every day.
Richard Pryor
We didn't think taxes ought to go up. They ought to go down. We didn't think the census ought to be weakened.
Pete du Pont
A lot of really smart, wealthy people know that [slashing taxes on the wealthy hasn't worked.]
Donald Trump
Men at a distance, who have admired our systems of government unfounded in nature, are apt to accuse the rulers, and say that taxes have been assessed too high and collected too rigidly.
Henry Knox
You can’t tax business. Business doesn’t pay taxes. It collects taxes.
Ronald Reagan
The surest thing in the world is not death and taxes, it's death and eternity. Yet, we're so unconcerned.
Leonard Ravenhill
Cops today are nothing but an armed tax collector
Frank Serpico
It costs ten times more to govern us than it used to, and we are not governed one-tenth as good.
Will Rogers
If I have sex, I know my quarterly estimated taxes must be due. And if it's oral sex, I know it's time to renew my driver's license.
Ray Romano
A tax is a fine for doing well, a fine is a tax for doing wrong.
Mark Twain
Why can't Americans do their own taxes? Because the federal Tax Code is out of control, that's why. It's gigantic and insanely complex, and it gets worse all the time. Nobody has ever read the whole thing. IRS workers are afraid to go into the same ROOM with it.
Dave Barry
The tax code is now nine times longer than the Bible, and not nearly as interesting.
Rob Portman
You will not see any of your taxes increase one single dime.
Barack Obama
Tax complexity itself is a kind of tax.
Max Baucus
Advertising is a tax for having an unremarkable product
Robert Stephens
There are some Republicans who say that any time you raise new revenue, you have to have a tax cut to match it. I am not one of those Republicans.
Jeff Flake
When it comes to understanding others, we rarely tax our imaginations.
Lawrence Hill
Inflation is a form of tax, a tax that we all collectively must pay.
Henry Hazlitt
The only way you get Americans to notice anything is to tax them or draft them or kill them.
John Irving
If you want more of something, subsidize it; if you want less of something, tax it.
Ronald Reagan
I come from Cuba. Taxes for me are no big thing.
Tony Oliva
I have never played the lottery in my life and never will. Voltaire described lotteries as a tax on stupidity. More specifically, I think, on innumeracy.
Daniel Tammet
I'm gonna put all my money into taxes. They're sure to go up.
Sam Levenson
Let's tell the truth. Mr. Reagan will raise taxes, and so will I. He won't tell you. I just did.
Walter F. Mondale
We're going to start making things again in America. As part of our plan to bring back our jobs, we're going to lower our business tax from 35 percent to 15 tax, the biggest since Ronald Reagan.
Donald Trump
The only certainties in life are death and taxes.
Mark Twain
When I do something stupid with money and lose it....I call that Stupid Tax. I have paid so much Stupid Tax that I am expert.
Dave Ramsey