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Throwing Quotes

It's a trip but it hasn't crossed over to the point where women are throwing their panties at me.
Taye Diggs

Authors on Throwing Quotes: Jennie Finch D'arcy Wretzky Nhat Hanh Tim Hudson Dennis Eckersley Joe Maddon Lin-Manuel Miranda Madeleine L'Engle Will Shetterly Eric Gagne Abbi Glines Glenn Ford Robert Kanigel Al Madrigal Mike Shannon Phil Niekro James A. Garfield Tony Palermo Douglas Horton Joe Namath Madonna Ciccone Tana French Ernest Hemingway Carl Erskine Glenn Hoddle Rosita Forbes Billy Boyd Lisa Loeb Phyllis A. Whitney George Burns Scott Lynch Dontrelle Willis Josh Beckett
If you become involved with me, you will be throwing yourself into the abyss.
Franz Kafka

There are no rules in writing. There are useful principles. Throw them away when they're not useful. But always know what you're throwing away.
Will Shetterly

Throwing out preclearance when it has worked and is continuing to work to stop discriminatory changes is like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg

How good would it be if one could die by throwing oneself into an infinite void.
Emile M. Cioran

When I was in Vegas women were throwing their hotel keys at me. But it was after they checked out.
George Burns

We please God most, not by frantically trying to make ourselves good, but by throwing ourselves into His arms.
Aiden Wilson Tozer

Understanding means throwing away your knowledge.
Nhat Hanh

Never give up. Take what life throws at you and throw it right back. If life keeps throwing then you have a tennis match going. Learn to like tennis.
Glenn Ford

One can become enthusiastic over anything. For a time I was delighted with bomb throwing. It gave me a tremendous pleasure to bomb those fellows from above.
Manfred von Richthofen

It’s hard to throw away history. It was like you were throwing away a part of yourself.
Jenny Han

Throwing blondes at Locke Lamora was not unlike throwing lettuce at sharks.
Scott Lynch

Humility is throwing oneself away in complete concentration on something or someone else.
Madeleine L'Engle

It is throwing our life away, to think of the wrong things.
Hugh Nibley

How you recover from what life's throwing at you is what matters.
Joe Namath

My friend, there is nothing so sexy as a woman who is angry. Perhaps when she is even throwing things.
Marat Safin

And, quite frankly, I fully expected to be charged with murder, because they weren't charging anybody. I did it in terms of, I felt like I was throwing down the gauntlet saying look, this is what happened. There's a family out there that needed to know what happened.
Patty Hearst

Attend me, hold me in your muscular flowering arms, protect me from throwing any part of myself away.
Audre Lorde

The worst days of darkness through which I have ever passed have been greatly alleviated by throwing myself with all my energy into some work relating to others.
James A. Garfield

If wishes were fishes we'd all be throwing nets. If wishes were horses we'd all ride.
Douglas Horton

You know you’re writing well when you're throwing good stuff into the wastebasket.
Ernest Hemingway

Prince Charles is very relaxed at the table, throwing his salad around willy-nilly. I didn't find him stiff at all.
Madonna Ciccone

I've had pretty good success with Stan (Musial) by throwing him my best pitch and backing up third.
Carl Erskine

All my life the only thing I've been good at has been climbing and throwing myself off big things.
Bear Grylls

You can't drink too many otherwise you can't see what you're throwing at.
Eric Bristow

... combinatorics, a sort of glorified dice-throwing.
Robert Kanigel

You rarely think about just throwing to third base to get one out. That's probably the industry's fault with all of that.
Joe Maddon

A woman's happiness is in throwing everything away to live for love.
Ai Yazawa

There should be a rule against your own inner monologue throwing around that much sarcasm.
Jim Butcher

The belief that security can be obtained by throwing a small state to the wolves is a fatal delusion.
Winston Churchill

Hollywood is throwing action movies at me.
Liam Neeson

Adding CO2 to the air is like throwing another blanket on the bed.
James Hansen

Sexual attraction keeps throwing self-interest off course.
Mason Cooley

A certain feeling comes from throwing your good life away, and it is one part rapture.
Barbara Kingsolver

I was known for throwing knives.
D'arcy Wretzky

Throwing young people on the scrap heap is a public health emergency.
Michael Marmot

The right-hander is throwing up in the bullpen.
Mike Shannon

He [Viggo Mortensen] was standing behind the camera throwing the apples … And I’ve never seen him so happy.
Billy Boyd

However happy the director is, I have to be okay with it. I'm pretty strict with myself, about throwing things out or trying to be true to whatever the situation dictates.
Martin Freeman

I look at scouting reports, but don't let them dictate what I'm throwing.
Tim Hudson

I am not throwing away my shot.
Lin-Manuel Miranda

I never knew how to throw a fastball, never learned how to throw a curveball, a slider, split-finger, whatever they're throwing nowadays. I was a one-pitch pitcher.
Phil Niekro

When a label is throwing money at you, you have to recoup it.
Tony Palermo

The best compliment I've gotten was being compared to Randy Johnson. We're both hard-throwing.
Jennie Finch

I wasn't sure I could make it through another hour of his company without throwing my stapler at his head.
Tana French

There was nothing wrong with the performance, apart from throwing away the game.
Glenn Hoddle

the camels had strayed far in search of scarce grass. When collected, they displayed a fiendish ingenuity in throwing their loads and tangling themselves up in every possible strap.
Rosita Forbes

Short of throwing away all television sets, I really don't know what we can do about writing.
Phyllis A. Whitney

Every day's a blessing, so I'm just out there throwing my best.
Dontrelle Willis

Throwing a ball is not natural, whether it's overhand or underhand.
Jennie Finch