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Trenton Lee Stewart Quotes

Trenton Lee Stewart Quotes
You must remember, family is often born of blood, but it doesn't depend on blood. Nor is it exclusive of friendship. Family members can be your best friends, you know. And best friends, whether or not they are related to you, can be your family.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Kate seemed to have doubled in size. She had drawn back her broad shoulders and set her jaw, and something in the stance called to mind the contained ferocity of a lioness. But it was the fierceness in Kate's bright blue eyes that had the most striking effect. The sort of look that made you thankful she wasn't your enemy. "It's not going to be over," Kate said firmly "Until we say so.
Trenton Lee Stewart

One problem with being a leader, is that even among your friends you are alone, for it is you -- and you alone -- to whom the others look for final guidance.
Trenton Lee Stewart

May your adventures bring you closer together, even as they take you far away from home.
Trenton Lee Stewart

The gym is always open, except when it's closed.
Trenton Lee Stewart

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Is this what family is like: the feeling that everyone’s connected, that with one piece missing, the whole thing’s broken?
Trenton Lee Stewart

Was it worse for him, Reynie wondered, to have felt loved and then rejected? Or was it worse to have always felt alone?
Trenton Lee Stewart

Grow the lawn and mow the lawn always keep the TV on, brush your teeth and kill the germs, poison apples, poison worms.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Quote Topics by Trenton Lee Stewart: Mysterious Benedict Society Children Thinking Names Mind Eye Writing Missing Mysterious Doors Support Winning Character Book Curtains Two Boys Prisoner Tests Family Majesty Rudeness Fall Firsts Average Paper Grief Dull Stories House
The missing aren't missing, they're only departed, All minds keep all thoughts - so like gold - closely guarded.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Every great thinker keeps a journal, you know.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Reynie's fce fell. 'It's not funny, Kate.' For a moment - a fleeting moment - Kate looked desperately sad. 'Well, of course it's not funny, Reynie Muldoon. But what do you want me to do? Cry?
Trenton Lee Stewart

Rules and school are tools for fools! I don't give two mules for rules.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Now listen, we need to be quiet as mice. No, quieter than that. As quiet as...as..." "Dead mice?" Reynie suggested. "Perfect," said Kate with an approving nod. "As quiet as dead mice.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Remember, children. For every exit, there is also an entrance. ~ Milligan, The Mysterious Benedict Society
Trenton Lee Stewart

No one seems to realize how much we are driven by FEAR, the essential component of human personality. Everything else - from ambition to love to despair - derives in some way from this single powerful emotion.
Trenton Lee Stewart

I think when I started to write The Mysterious Benedict Society that I had that kind of thing in mind - the notion of having to be able to solve puzzles and riddles because enormous stakes rode upon your ability to do that.
Trenton Lee Stewart

I was always interested in the possibility maybe of finding my way into a big adventure.
Trenton Lee Stewart

In the candle's flickering light, the library's thousands of books emerged from the shadows, and for a moment Nicholas could not help admiring them again. During free time he had almost never looked up from the pages he was reading, but now he saw the books anew, from without rather than from within, and was reminded of how beautiful they were simply as objects. The geometrical wonder of them all, each book on its own and all the books together, row upon row, the infinite patterns and possibilities they presented. They were truly lovely.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Daddy, will you take me to the mill, again?
Trenton Lee Stewart

Poor Kate,"said Constance,"she's lost her marbles.
Trenton Lee Stewart

And please don't call me that." I didn't call you 'that', I called you George Washington.
Trenton Lee Stewart

She announced her age right away, for children consider their ages every bit as important as their names.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Something about this made Reynie uneasy. Had he done so badly? Was this meant to test his courage? He did as he was told, closing his eyes and bracing himself as best he could. "Why are you flinching?" the pencil woman asked. "I don't know. I thought maybe you were going to slap me." "Don't be ridiculous. I could slap you perfectly well with your eyes open. I'm only going to blindfold you.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Why, then, do you think the white player might have done it?" Reynie considered. He imagined himself moving out his knight only to bring it right back to where it started. Why would he ever do such a thing? At last he said,"Perhaps because he doubted himself.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Children are capable of such open rudeness.
Trenton Lee Stewart

So what's your team called?" asked Kate, twisting her legs into a pretzel-like configuration, "We're called the Winmates because we're inmates who win." Kate looked back and forth at Reynie and Constance, searching their expression for signs of delight. "You gave yourselves a name?" asked Constance. Now it was Kate's turn to be baffled. "You didn't? How can you have a team without a name?
Trenton Lee Stewart

At this, Constance sat down on a rock and covered her face. She seemed smaller than ever now - so small the harbor breeze might catch her up like a scrap of paper and carry her away, carry her into nowhere.
Trenton Lee Stewart

If you like to tell stories and compose sentences, and if you work hard at being good at these things, then you are a writer even if you haven't published anything.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Don't thank me,' Mr. Curtain called as the door slid closed. 'Impress me!
Trenton Lee Stewart

I've only just arrived, Kate. It may surprise you to learn that you were my top priority.
Trenton Lee Stewart

They stared out their window at night enough to know where the darkest shadows lay, and it was to the darkest shadows they kept.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Good grief! They're going to call us inside soon, and Sticky hasn't even met Madge yet!" "Who's Madge?" Sticky asked. "Her Majesty the Queen!
Trenton Lee Stewart

Oh dear,"cried Rhonda just then, for Mr. Benedict, awash in strong emotion, has gone to sleep.with a sudden loud snore he toppled forward into the attentive arms of Rhonda and Number Two, who eased him to the floor. "What's wrong with him?" Constance asked. "He has narcolepsy," said Kate. "He steals a lot?" "That's kleptomania," Sticky said. "Mr. Benedict sleeps a lot.
Trenton Lee Stewart

'Is that really the best you can say? An average-looking boy? An awful lot of boys are average-looking, S.Q.!' And poor S.Q., he just kept arguing that 'this boy was especially average-looking.' " ~ Kate Wetherall, The Mysterious Benedict Society
Trenton Lee Stewart

Milligan! Come and tell us why you're so dreadfully glum!" ~ Constance, The Mysterious Benedict Society
Trenton Lee Stewart

If we're just trying to be accurate, then how about 'The Doomed to Fail Bunch'?" said Constance. "Honestly! We can't even name ourselves.
Trenton Lee Stewart

You are the smartest children i know. You just don't beleive it.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Oh, here's a clever one. Do you remember this question from the first test?It reads, 'What wrong with this statement?' And do you know what Constance wrote in reply? She wrote, 'What's wrong with you?
Trenton Lee Stewart

I'm an orphan!" Constance cried gleefully. "I'm an orphan!" ~ The Prisoner's Dilemma
Trenton Lee Stewart

The answer to this riddle has a hole in the middle, And some have been known to fall in it. In tennis it's nothing, but it can be received, And sometimes a person may win it. Though not seen or heard it may be perceived, Like princes or bees it's in clover. The answer to this riddle has a hole in the middle, And without it one cannot start over.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Listen, just do what you think is right, and we'll support it." ~ Sticky Washington, The Prisoner's Dilemma
Trenton Lee Stewart

It just supports my personal opinion that he's a wacko
Trenton Lee Stewart

Everything is as it should be.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Remember the White Knight.
Trenton Lee Stewart

She was a thin woman in a mustard-yellow suit, with a yellowish complexion, short-cropped rusty red hair, and a stiff posture. She reminded Reynie of a giant walking pencil.
Trenton Lee Stewart

In other words, you are our last possible hope. You are our only hope.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Au contraire..." "What?" Constance demanded. Curtain blinked. ~ The Perilous Journey
Trenton Lee Stewart

Mr. Harinton was real. There were adults in the world who would actually make sacrifices for others - not just for their own families but for anyone who needed help. Nicholas had always had the impression that families looked after one another, and he had come to understand that, on rare ocassions, children would do the same... But this was different. What Mr. Harinton was doing certainly helped Nicolas - but it also simply felt right to Nicholas. It made him want to be exactly like Mr. Harinton himself.
Trenton Lee Stewart

I tend to find characters who lack vulnerability dull.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Somhow those Ten Men -- at the time they were called Recruiters, of course -- discovered that Constance had been at the library. Most likely one of their informants saw her come out, because it was on that very day that the brutes showed up and threatened the librarians. Who told them nothing, incidentally.' 'The same thing happened in Holland,' Kate reflected. 'You'd think these guys would learn their lesson -- librarians know how to keep quiet.' 'It helps to ask politely,' said Mr. Benedict
Trenton Lee Stewart