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Trevor Brooking Quotes

English footballer and manager, Birth: 2-10-1948
You're always going to be struggling if you haven't got a left foot.
Trevor Brooking

Unfortunately, we don't get a second chance. We've already played them twice.
Trevor Brooking

That's football, Mike, Northern Ireland have had several chances and haven't scored but England have had no chances and scored twice.
Trevor Brooking

Merseyside derbies usually last 90 minutes and I'm sure today's won't be any different.
Trevor Brooking

I come from a generation where I couldn't even contemplate such a thing. I find it amazing... You can become a multi-millionaire as a club player without playing international football. But international football is about individual pride and wanting to perform at the highest level. If I got picked at 41, I would have played, even if I thought I would make a fool of myself. I just wanted to play for my country.
Trevor Brooking

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That could have been his second yellow card - if he'd already got his first one of course
Trevor Brooking

Historically, the host nations do well in Euro 2000.
Trevor Brooking