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Vitamins Quotes

To all my little Hulkamaniacs, say your prayers, take your vitamins and you will never go wrong.
Hulk Hogan

Authors on Vitamins Quotes: Linus Pauling Hulk Hogan Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Rick Riordan Chris Mohr Jennifer Egan Robert Duvall Carla Gugino Kunal Nayyar Georgia May Jagger Terry Pratchett Ashley Jensen Ingrid Newkirk Colonel Sanders Jim Gaffigan Stephen Hawking Carnie Wilson Kurt Vonnegut Kent Hovind Tia Walker William Feather E. L. Konigsburg Matthew Moy Irwin Stone Brendan Brazier John Gokongwei Rosanne Cash Debbie Harry Frederick Leboyer Tony Parker William Howard Taft Paul D. Boyer Michael Specter
I take a vitamin every day; it's called a steak.
Robert Duvall

I try and take lots of vitamins and I don't drink. I do smoke, though, I'd be insufferable if I didn't smoke, you'd have to push me off a balcony I'd be so boring.
Kate Beckinsale

Accessories are like vitamins to fashion
Anna Dello Russo

Old age - that's when a woman takes vitamins A through G, and still looks like H.
Rita Hayworth

Train. Say your prayers. Eat your vitamins.
Hulk Hogan

If you take a reasonable amount of vitamin C regularly, the incidence of the common cold goes down. If you get a cold and start immediately, as soon as you start sneezing and sniffling, the cold just doesn't get going.
Linus Pauling

Affirmations are our mental vitamins, providing the supplementary positive thoughts we need to balance the barrage of negative events and thoughts we experience daily.
Tia Walker

Fruits are snacks, which are rich in vitamins, and can be eaten the whole day.
Celine Dion

Repeat mantra: Donuts are not vitamins, donuts are not.
William Howard Taft

Being touched and caressed, being massaged, is food for the infant; food as necessary as minerals, vitamins, and proteins. Deprived of this food, the name of which is love, Babies would rather die. And often they do.
Frederick Leboyer

There is absolutely no nutrient, no protein, no vitamin, no mineral that can't be obtained from plant-based foods.
Michael Klaper

No evidence compels the conclusion that the minimum required intake of any vitamin comes close to the optimum intake that sustains good health.
Linus Pauling

Although physicians, as part of their training, are taught that the dosage of a drug that is prescribed for the patient must be very carefully determined and controlled, they seem to have difficulty in remembering that the same principle applies to the vitamins.
Linus Pauling

I only take vitamin B complex. Before World War II, I used to take ionized yeast, because in the pre-war era we never heard about vitamins.
John Gokongwei

Reading inspirational and motivational quotes daily is like taking my vitamins.
Rosanne Cash

Hard work beats all the tonics and vitamins in the world.
Colonel Sanders

[Fashion is] a kind of vitamin for style.
Yves Saint Laurent

The excitement of vitamins, nutrition and metabolism permeated the environment.
Paul D. Boyer

I hear from patients who say their doctor said, 'If you want to take Vitamin C, go ahead and do it. It won't harm you, and it may do you some good.' More and more physicians are getting convinced about the value of large doses of Vitamin C.
Linus Pauling

All those vitamins aren't to keep death at bay, they're to keep deterioration at bay.
Jeanne Moreau

Employing...nutrition and vitamin therapy...one of the nation's largest alcoholism treatment programs reports a 71% success rate. This contrasts with...(a) national...rate (of) 25% as reported by NIAAA.
Irwin Stone

A substance that makes you ill if you don't eat it.
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

When I do get time, I like to hike and I take lots of vitamins and powders to keep healthy.
Catherine Bell

Drink lots of water, get lots of sleep, and take vitamin C!
Georgia May Jagger

What do we actually seek from food? It's not calories, nor is it volume or mass. It is, in fact, nutrition: micronutrients, which include vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. These are components by which food can be assessed a value, and therefore, a decision can be objectively made as to whether it's worth eating.
Brendan Brazier

Daily vitamins are of no value.
Michael Specter

Fortified plant-based milks are delicious and contain all the calcium, protein, and vitamin D of dairy products but with none of the cholesterol, lactose, hormones, or cruelty found in cow's milk.
Ingrid Newkirk

It's so important to take vitamins. People always get ill on tour because of the close proximity in the bus with everyone.
Ellie Goulding

[A vitamin is] a substance you get sick from if you don't eat it.
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Curse Hermes and his multi-vitamins!
Rick Riordan

I don't do any crazy diets. I take vitamins and eat three times a day.

Frank stared at her. "But you throw Ding Dongs at monsters." Iris looked horrified. "Oh, they're not Ding Dongs." She rummaged under the counter and brought out a package of chocolate covered cakes that looked exactly like Ding Dongs. "These are gluten-free, no-sugar-added, vitamin-enriched, soy-free, goat-milk-and-seaweed-based cupcake simulations." "All natural!" Fleecy chimed in. "I stand corrected." Frank suddenly felt as queasy as Percy.
Rick Riordan

I did learn that there's no point in eating too much Vitamin C because it comes out of your bladder.
Kunal Nayyar

In this era of affluence and of permissiveness, we have, in all but cultural areas, bred a nation of overprivileged youngsters, saturated with vitamins, television and plastic toys.
Judith Crist

All the vitamins needed seem to be found in plebian dishes.
William Feather

These things sneak up on him for no reason, these flashes of irrational happiness. It's probably a vitamin deficiency.
Margaret Atwood

Talk was like the vitamins of our friendship: Large daily doses kept it healthy.
E. L. Konigsburg

I take lots of vitamins, but I don't think that's what keeps us going.
Debbie Harry

"The whiter the bread, the quicker you're dead" because white bread lacks vitamin E and lecithin.
Kent Hovind

I take vitamins. I workout every day.
Alyssa Milano

I drink Vitamin Water nonstop - I should have an IV.
Johnny Weir

About 70 percent of pregnant women are deficient in Vitamin D.
Chris Mohr

I'm not a big believer in vitamins and all that stuff.
Jamie Moyer

When my friends have a health concern, they call me. Ive always been a vitamin taker. I also take digestive enzymes and antioxidants, and supplements that help with the thyroid and adrenals for my time-zone changes.
Carla Gugino

Take your vitamins. Don't drink vodka. Get used to empire waistlines.
Rainbow Rowell

If there's a pool I love to hangout there and layout and get some sun. If I can ever find a second to get some sun, some Vitamin D, I will do so.
Haley Reinhart

You think everything can be magically cured with vitamins?” “Everything but us.
Judy Blume

But anyway, it's obvious through human experience that extended families and tribes are terribly important. We can do without an extended family as human beings about as easily as we can do without vitamins or essential minerals.
Kurt Vonnegut

... the food was good solid stuff for a cold morning, all calories and fat and protein and maybe a vitamin crying softly because it was all alone.
Terry Pratchett