That's not for me to decide, that's for the voters to decide and many of them are saying, this slavish adherence to the cult of the free market that the Republican party has followed for decades isn't what we want anymore. That's not a question for me, that's up to them.
Milo Yiannopoulos
Some politician some years ago said that bad officials are elected by good voters who do not vote.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
An elected official of the past stated that ill-suited representatives are chosen by conscientious citizens who abstain from voting.
I could stand in the middle Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters.
Donald Trump
I could shoot someone in the heart of Fifth Avenue, and I wouldn't lose a single supporter.
The stupidity of the American voter is exceeded only by its slovenliness.
Jonathan Gruber
The greatest threat to the constitutional right to vote is voter fraud.
Lynn Westmoreland
You politicians remain professional because the voters remain amateur.
Katharine Hepburn
The greatest threat to public confidence in elections in this case is the prospect of enforcing a purposefully discriminatory law, one that likely imposes an unconstitutional poll tax and risks denying the right to vote to hundreds of thousands of eligible voters.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The voter is basically dumb and lazy. The reason I became a Democratic operative instead of a Republican was because there were more Democrats that didn’t have a clue than there were Republicans.
James Carville
You constantly hear about voter fraud... but you don't see huge amounts of vote fraud out there.
Eric Holder
The trouble with democracy is that 50 percent of the voters are below average.
Jeff Cooper
The ban directly hampers the partys ability to spread its message and hamstrings voters seeking to inform themselves about the candidates and issues.
Thurgood Marshall
Bill Clinton was a liberal who could appeal to conservative-leaning Bubba voters.
Rich Lowry
A platform is something a candidate stands for and the voters fall for.
Gracie Allen
A new presidential poll reveals that Democrats have the edge among voters under 30. The good news for Republicans is that there's only six people under 30 who actually vote.
Conan O'Brien
Voters decide nothing. Vote counters decide everything!
Joseph Stalin
Since the 1930s the technique of buying votes with the voters' own money has been expanded to an extent undreamed of by earlier politicians.
Milton Friedman
It's fairly obvious, since Richard Nixon, that there is no such thing as a fair deal for any voter in the United States -- You're just not gonna get it. It's a joke -- the people that you vote for, they're the next best thing to criminals. But of course they have money for advertising campaigns that make them look a little bit better than they actually are.
Frank Zappa
All that first term, lip service to gun owners is just part of a massive Obama conspiracy to deceive voters and hide his true intentions to destroy the Second Amendment during his second term.
Wayne LaPierre
Exxon, Coca-Cola, BHP Billiton and News Corporation have much more say in organising the global agenda than the planet's 5 billion mature-age voters without a ballot box.
Bob Brown
Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
That's the trouble with trying to influence an undecided voter. First you have to find one
Pat Sajak
What is the primary purpose of a political leader? To build a majority. If voters care about parking lots, then talk about parking lots.
Newt Gingrich
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee was more politically oriented. Part and parcel of the initial SNCC efforts was to not only go in for voter registration, but for political participation.
Ella Baker
The threshold by the Commission on Presidential Debates. In the words of the League of Women Voters, they are a fraud being perpetrated on the American public.
Jill Stein
Whenever we do voter registration, we ask, 'Why haven't you voted before?' The response is often, 'No one's asked us.' It's not about telling people what to do - it's about sharing what they can do.
Rosario Dawson
Why not liberate voters to actually vote your values?
Jill Stein
The advocates of public control cannot do without inflation. They need it in order to finance their policy of reckless spending and of lavishly subsidizing and bribing the voters.
Ludwig von Mises
Have you or haven't you built a good school? Haven't you improved living conditions? Aren't you a bureaucrat? Have you helped to make our labor more effective, our life more cultured? Such will be the criteria with which millions of voters will approach candidates, casting away those who are unfit, striking them off lists, advancing better ones, nominating them for elections.
Joseph Stalin
I do great with Latino voters. I employee so many Latinos, I have so many people working for me, the Latinos love Trump, and I Iove them.
Donald Trump
For voters what matters is what government actually delivers for them.
Theresa May
Applause, mingled with boos and hisses, is about all that the average voter is able or willing to contribute to public life.
Elmer Davis
Immigration is a gateway basically. It's a check-off point for Latino voters.
Jeb Bush
My constituents don't want more refugees. I'm not ashamed to represent these voters. I'm proud of it.
Geert Wilders
For those of us on that Leave side there is a natural credibility with those voters.
Liam Fox
I think the voters who voted for Donald Trump certainly are willing to tolerate a lot of ugliness, but maybe, if you're in desperate circumstances, or you think America is deeply in trouble, you're willing to tolerate that without necessarily liking it.
David Brooks
Congress has really set this thing up in a way that they absolve themselves of blame, They have their scapegoats. They can blame the Pentagon. They can blame BRAC. It's hard for voters to say this is Ortiz's fault.
Juan Carlos I of Spain
Freedom Summer, the massive voter education project in Mississippi, was 1964. I graduated from high school in 1965. So becoming active was almost a rite of passage.
Danny Glover
Our march to freedom is irreversible. We must not allow fear to stand in our way. Universal suffrage on a common voters' roll in a united, democratic and non-racial South Africa is the only way to peace and racial harmony.
Nelson Mandela
Woke up this morning to the incredible news that I was nominated for an Emmy, and a shower full of dog poop. Apparently my dog is so excited, she has explosive diarrhea. I truly could not be more thankful to the Emmy voters for including me in this brilliant company of extraordinary women. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go clean up an enormous amount of dog poop out of my shower. Yay!
Martha Plimpton
You have to remember that in a state like Florida, independent voters will decide the election.
Jeb Bush
I have realized why corrupt politicians do nothing to improve the quality of public school education. They are terrified of educated voters.
Voters are hungry for principled, conservative fighters - because the threat to our liberties from Washington never has been greater.
Ted Cruz
The internet makes it much easier for politicians to communicate directly with voters - think of the interest when David [Cameron] launched WebCameron, or Tony Blair's rather embarrassing attempt to catch up on YouTube.
Theresa May
There are many hands touching ballots after a voter drops his ballot into the ballot box. There is no guarantee of ballot secrecy for anyone, which makes the whole system vulnerable to intimidation and bribery.
Bob Schaffer
We need them. We need scientifically literate voters and taxpayers for the future.
Bill Nye
In the end, Tuesday's vote represented a repudiation of virtually every notion Democrats embraced in recent weeks as they tried to disregard the growing evidence that they were headed for a historic defeat. Now, the vote is in, and the voters' message can no longer be discounted.
Byron York
Crime is only the worst example, but it is a paradigm for other Labour policy disasters. No one tells the voters that crime is falling: let them stay scared senseless.
Polly Toynbee
Donald Trump is actually doing what Bernie Sanders was billed as doing. He's doing new voters into the process.
Joy-Ann Reid
But clearly at the same time you've got to get out there and connect with voters and actually respond to the needs, the frustrations, whatever problems their now saying are not being adequately solved.
Patricia Hewitt
Voter caging and voter ID laws exist to disfranchise voters.
Cynthia McKinney