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Walter Russell Quotes

American painter, Birth: 19-5-1871, Death: 19-5-1963 Walter Russell Quotes
Your body is merely a machine made to express the thoughts that flow through you and nothing more. It is but an instrument for you to express your imagings just as a piano is an instrument for a musician to express his imagings. Just as the piano is not the musician, so, likewise, your body is not you.
Walter Russell

When it becomes a part of every man's thinking that a single thought can change the polarity of our entire body toward either life or death - and can likewise change its entire chemistry toward increasing alkalinity or acidity to strengthen it or weaken it - or can change the shape of every corpuscle of matter in the entire body in the direction of either growth or decay - then the medical profession will radically change both its principles and its practices with the ailment of bodies.
Walter Russell

How does one chip off the marble that doesn't belong? ... That comes about through five things: humility, reverence, inspiration, deep purpose, and joy. No great man has ever wise-cracked his way to greatness. Until one learns to lose one's self he cannot find himself. No one can multiply himself by himself. He must first divide himself and give himself to the service of all, thus placing himself within all others through acts of thoughtfulness and service.
Walter Russell

Meditation transports one from the transient world of matter to the real world of dreamings, visions, and imaginings where idea is and concepts are born.
Walter Russell

Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it.
Walter Russell

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The true measure of greatness of a human being is their ability to express love in relationship.
Walter Russell

The electric energy which motivates us is not within our bodies at all. It is a part of the universal supply which flows through us from the Universal Source with an intensity set by our desires and our will.
Walter Russell

I believe that there is but One Thinker in the universe; that my thinking is His thinking, and that every man's thinking is an extension, through God, of every other man's thinking. I therefore think that the greater the exaltation and ecstasy of my thinking, the greater the standards of all man's thinking will be. Each man is thus empowered to uplift all men as each drop of water uplifts the entire ocean.
Walter Russell

Quote Topics by Walter Russell: Secret Men Life Light Thinking Giving Believe Energy Desire Balance Nature Inspiration Body Real Wave Opposites Soul Lying Doe Humility Business Self Healing Unity Grief Selfish War Civilization Awareness Simple
Every successful man or great genius has three particular qualities in common. The most conspicuous of these is that they all produce a prodigious amount of work. The second is that they never know fatigue. And the third is that their minds grow more brilliant as they grow older, instead of less brilliant. Great men's lives begin at forty, where the mediocre man's life ends. The genius remains an ever-flowing fountain of creative achievement until the very last breath he draws.
Walter Russell

I believe that every man can multiply his own ability by almost constant wordless realization of his unity with his Source. I have, myself, made that feeling so much a part of me that I actually feel myself to be an extension of the Source; that my works are not my own, but interpretations of this Source.
Walter Russell

War, and more wars, are helping Government to siphon the earnings of its people into its treasury for its own selfish purpose, which is to rule the people for the Government instead of for the purpose of serving the people. When will the people see that the very taxes they pay are building a power to be used against them?
Walter Russell

There are no limitations set by this electric universe upon any man's multiplication power. Each man sets his own limitations in accordance with his desires. He be a thin wire which gathers little energy and carries a weak current, or he may be a heavy one. That is true of all energy borrowed from the universe by all of us. It is there in unlimited quantities, but the gauge of the kind of wire each of us is set by ourselves.
Walter Russell

Equal interchange of goods and service between buyer and seller is the keynote of tomorrow's business world when the vision of the modern business man awakens him to the wisdom of writing that policy into his code of ethics.
Walter Russell

Do not attempt to accomplish greater results by a greater effort of your little understanding, but by a greater understanding of your little effort. The greater your understanding of the power within yourself, the less effort you need to make in order to achieve.
Walter Russell

Perfection of rhythm, balanced perfection of rhythm. Everything in Nature is expressed by rhythmic waves of light. Every thought and action is a light-wave of thought and action. If one interprets the God within one, one's thoughts and actions must be balanced rhythmic waves. Ugliness, fears, failures and diseases arise from unbalanced thoughts and actions. Therefore think beauty always if one desire vitality of body and happiness.
Walter Russell

Every man should be master of anything he does and should do it in a masterly manner, with love, no matter what it is, whether hard physical work, menial or boring work, or inspirational work.
Walter Russell

The keystone of the entire structure of the spiritual and physical universe is Rhythmic Balanced Interchange between all opposites.
Walter Russell

The beauty of a piece of music is not in its technique but in the Soul of its creator; nor is it in the sound vibrations of the piece but in the silence of the Light from which the sound springs.
Walter Russell

I will see beauty and goodness in all things. From all that is unlovely shall my vision be immune.
Walter Russell

This whole electric universe is a complex maze of similar tensions. Every particle of matter in the universe is separated from its condition of oneness, just as the return ball is separated from the hand, and each is connected with the other one by an electric thread of light which measures the tension of that separateness.
Walter Russell

Man must begin to the unitary principle of man - knowing that there are not separate men or separate individuals, but hat the whole man idea is one. He must know that all mankind is connected with every other part of mankind, all geared together by the one omnipresent Light of God which centers all as ONE and motivates all as ONE. Until man knows that separation from God is impossible, even for one second, he does not begin to have knowledge.
Walter Russell

Every genius thinks INWARDLY toward his Mind instead of outwardly toward his senses
Walter Russell

When our knowing exceeds our sensing, we will no longer be deceived by the illusions of our senses.
Walter Russell

Man must know the principle of Creation: giving between each interchanging opposite half of each cycle for the purpose of repeating its giving. This is universal law and each individual must manifest this law. Man will forever war with man until he learns to give his all with the full expectation of equal receiving, and never taking that which is not given as an earned reward for his giving.
Walter Russell

When the human race learns how to give and regive equally each will be enriched. He who withholds that which he should give to another impoverishes both himself and the other.
Walter Russell

If we think we are tired or ill, it is only because we have done something to unbalance the bodily conductivity of the universal electric current which motivates it.
Walter Russell

There should be no distasteful tasks in one's life. If you just hate to do a thing, that hatred for it develops body-destructive toxins, and you become fatigued very soon.
Walter Russell

Down deep in his heart he knew that we all have the same promise of the unlimited help of the Universal Intelligence that guides all things. If we want it, we only have to plug into it with the master keys of desire and trust.
Walter Russell

The cardinal error of science lies in shutting the Creator out of His Creation.
Walter Russell

To know the mechanics of the wave, is to know the entire secret of Nature.
Walter Russell

If you want it and believe you can have it, you will.
Walter Russell

You may command nature to the extent only in which you are willing to obey her.
Walter Russell

I believe that such constant realization ennobles one automatically. One's stature is greater, one's step more elastic, one's aura more powerful; and it makes other people see that Light in one's eyes which attracts people to him who has it.
Walter Russell

... Grief is selfish. It is indulged in for self-gratification, not for love. Cosmic man knows the beauty and unreality of death. Sympathy for the afflicted makes a reality of the affliction by its recognition as an infliction, while sorrow for the loss of anything, or for the »unfortunate« condition of anybody, is forgetful of the beauty and abundance of all-giving God and Nature. The Mind of God knows but one unchanging emotion - ECSTASY - the ecstasy of Love - the ecstasy which has its beginnings in an inner joyousness of one who is far on the road to the discovery of his immortal Self.
Walter Russell

All motion is curved and all curvature is spiral.
Walter Russell

Defeat I shall not know. It shall not touch me. I will meet it with true thinking. Resisting it will be my strengthening. But if, perchance, the day shall give to me the bitter cup, it shall sweeten in the drinking.
Walter Russell

You have to gather your energy together...conserving it and insulating it from dissipation in every direction other than that of your purpose.
Walter Russell

The healing principle is within man himself. Man's power to heal himself, or extend his healing power to others, is measured by his awareness of God in him.
Walter Russell

Security and contentment can come only through interdependence of every man upon every other man.
Walter Russell

Our very name for God's Creation is NATURE, for that is what Nature is. I shall define Nature for you in simple words. Nature is an electric wave thought image of God's nature, electrically projected from His formless and unconditioned ONE LIGHT into countless many forms of conditioned light which we call matter.
Walter Russell

No civilization can exist part free and part slave. ..We have never had any other kind of civilization. It has always been that way. There has always been a division of man. There has always been the conqueror and conquered-the master and slave-the ruler and the ruled-the oppressor and the oppressed. There has never been content nor unity. There has been only discontent and disunity.
Walter Russell

Inspiration comes only to those who seek it with humility toward their own achievements and reverence toward the achievements of God.
Walter Russell

I believe sincerely that every man has consummate genius within him.
Walter Russell

The Russell Cosmogony with its new concepts of light, matter, energy, electricity and magnetism is a simple yet complete, consistent and workable cosmogony which will enable future scientists to visualize the universe as a unified whole, and will open the door to the New Age of Transmutation.
Walter Russell

Man's ignorance of the Law of Love in personal and world relationships will not serve as an excuse to save him from disaster. Wealth cannot be acquired from others by might, for wealth thus taken will impoverish him who takes anything which is not given. Nor can power be thus acquired, for the weakness of the despoiled will prevail against the might of the despoiler.
Walter Russell

In motion alone is the answer to all of the mysteries of matter.
Walter Russell

All of man's wars are based upon TAKING. There could be no war based upon GIVING.
Walter Russell

I will do today that which is of today and pay no heed to the tomorrow; nor waste regrets on that which was yesterday.
Walter Russell

This New Age is marking the dawn of a new world-thought. That new thought is a new cosmic concept of the value of man to man. The whole world is discovering that all mankind is one and that the unity of man is real – not just an abstract idea. Mankind is beginning to discover that the hurt of any man hurts every man, and, conversely, the uplift of any man uplifts every man
Walter Russell

Lock yourself up in your room or go out in the woods where you an be alone. When you are alone the universe talks to you in flashes of inspiration.
Walter Russell