South Africans will kick down a statue of a dead white man but won’t even attempt to slap a live one. Yet they can stone to death a black man simply because he’s a foreigner
Robert Mugabe
South Africans will demolish a monument of a deceased white person but won't even try to give a living one a light tap. Still, they can pummel to death an African man solely because he is an immigrant.
The only white man you can trust is a dead white man.
Robert Mugabe
'Put no confidence in a living Caucasian.'
Black women have had to develop a larger vision of our society than perhaps any other group. They have had to understand white men, white women, and black men. And they have had to understand themselves. When black women win victories, it is a boost for virtually every segment of society.
Angela Davis
The white man is not indigenous to Africa. Africa is for Africans. Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans.
Robert Mugabe
The Caucasian race is not native to Africa. Africa belongs to the African people. Zimbabwe is the nation of Zimbabweans.
For centuries, Europeans dominated the African continent. The white man arrogated to himself the right to rule and to be obeyed by the non-white; his mission, he claimed, was to "civilize" Africa. Under this cloak, the Europeans robbed the continent of vast riches and inflicted unimaginable suffering on the African people.
Kwame Nkrumah
The white man has succeeded in subduing the world by forcing everybody to think his way....The white man's propaganda has made him the master of the world, and all those who have come in contact with it and accepted it have become his slaves.
Marcus Garvey
I'll tell you what's at the bottom of it. If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.
Lyndon B. Johnson
I have always observed that wherever you find the negro, everything is going down around him, and wherever you find the white man, you see everything around him improving.
Robert E. Lee
I have persistently noticed that wherever the African American is present, all things around them are deteriorating, and everywhere the Caucasian resides, everything in their vicinity is progressing.
As long as a white man does it, it's alright, a black man is supposed to have no feelings. But when a black man strikes back he's an extremist, he's supposed to sit passively and have no feelings, be nonviolent, and love his enemy no matter what kind of attack, verbal or otherwise, he's supposed to take it. But if he stands up in any way and tries to defend himself, then he's an extremist.
Malcolm X
What treaty have the Sioux made with the white man that we have broken? Not one. What treaty have the white man ever made with us that they have kept? Not one.
Sitting Bull
'What accord has the Sioux formed with the Europeans that we have disregarded? Not a single one. What agreement has the Europeans ever made with us that they have respected? None whatsoever.'
If a white man wants to lynch me, that’s his problem. If he’s got the power to lynch me, that’s my problem. Racism is not a question of attitude; it’s a question of power.
Stokely Carmichael
"If a Caucasian individual seeks to hang me, that is their issue. If they possess the authority to hang me, that is my obstacle. Prejudice is not an inquiry of disposition; it's an inquiry of power."
Marihuana influences Negroes to look at white people in the eye, step on white men's shadows and look at a white woman twice.
Harry J. Anslinger
Cannabis emboldens African-Americans to confront white individuals, trespass upon white men's personal space and ogle white women.
If somebody told me I only had an hour to live, I'd spend it choking a white man. I'd do it nice and slow.
Miles Davis
If someone informed me I only had sixty minutes of life remaining, I would use it to strangle a Caucasian male. I would do it leisurely and methodically.
Our republican system was meant for a homogeneous people. As long as blacks continue to live with the whites they constitute a threat to the national life. Family life may also collapse and the increase of mixed breed bastards may some day challenge the supremacy of the white man.
Abraham Lincoln
The appeal to the white man's pocket has ever been more effectual than all the appeals ever made to his conscience.
Ida B. Wells
Oh God! Like the thunderbird of old I shall rise again out of the sea; I shall grab the instruments of the white man’s success - his education, his skills, and with these new tools I shall build my race into the proudest segment of your society.
Chief Dan George
If blacks were given the right to vote, that would place every splay-footed, bandy-shanked, hump-backed, thick-lipped, flat-nosed, woolly-headed, ebon-colored in the country upon an equality with the poor white man.
Andrew Johnson
I have asked some of the great white chiefs where they get their authority to say to the Indian that he shall stay in one place, while he sees white men going where they please. They cannot tell me.
Chief Joseph
I have inquired of some of the eminent white leaders from where they gain their right to tell Indigenous people that they must remain in one location while witnessing Caucasian individuals move wherever they desire. They are unable to provide me with an answer.
I grew up like a neglected weed, ignorant of liberty, having no experience of it. Then I was not happy or contented: every time I saw a white man I was afraid of being carried away.
Harriet Tubman
I was born to give the white man hell, and I will give him hell from the cradle to the grave.
Khalid Abdul Muhammad
The white man’s victory soon became complete by fraud, violence, intimidation and murder.
Ida B. Wells
The Negro enslaved by his inferiority, the white man enslaved by his superiority alike behave in accordance with a neurotic orientation.
Frantz Fanon
As a race, the African is inferior to the white man. Subordination to the white man is his normal condition. He is not his equal by nature and cannot be made so by human laws or human institutions. Our system, therefore, so far as regards this inferior race, rests upon this great immutable law of nature.
Alexander H. Stephens
White man goes into his churches to talk about Jesus, the Indian into his Tepee to talk to Jesus (with Peyote etc).
Quanah Parker
White men seem to have difficulty in realizing that people who live differently from themselves still might be traveling the upward and progressive road of life.
Luther Standing Bear
I don't hold it against Dizzy [Gillespie], you know, but if a guy wants to play a certain way, you work towards that. If he stops - he's full of crap, you know. I mean, I wouldn't do it, for no money, or for no place in the white man's world. Not just to make money, because then you don't have anything. You don't have as much money as whoever you're trying to ape; that's making money by being commercial. Then you don't have anything to give the world; so you're not important. You might as well be dead.
Miles Davis
An enlightened society is one where all people - the rich and the poor, the literate and the illiterate, the black and the white, men and women - live happily as children of the same Lord. Thus experiencing the brotherhood of men under the fatherhood of God.
Pandurang Shastri Athavale
I know that my race must change. We cannot hold our own with the white men as we are. We only ask an even chance to live as other men live. We ask to be recognized as men. We ask that the same law shall work alike on all men. If an Indian breaks the law, punish him by the law. If a white man breaks the law, punish him also.
Chief Joseph
I ain't going to jail no more. The only
way we gonna stop them white men from whuppin' us is to take over.
What we gonna start sayin' now is Black Power!
Stokely Carmichael
Jesus was not a white man; He was not a black man. He came from that part of the world that touches Africa and Asia and Europe. Christianity is not a white man's religion and don't let anybody ever tell you that it's white or black. Christ belongs to all people; He belongs to the whole world.
Billy Graham
Oh Lord, I thank Thee that I can bring these people Thy Word. But Lord, there are other villages back in the jungle where no white man has gone. They need Jesus, too. Help me reach them!
Mary Slessor
When asked by an anthropologist what the Indians called America before the white men came, an Indian said simply "Ours.
Vine Deloria Jr.
The black man should seek to be, and he should be encouraged to be, the best possible black man and not the best possible imitation of a white man.
Warren G. Harding
The white men in the East are like birds. They are hatching out their eggs every year, and there is not room enough in the East, and they must go elsewhere; and they come out West, as you have seen them coming for the last few years.
George Crook
I had intended to have gone into Africa incognito. But the fact that a white man, even an American, was about to enter Africa was soon known all over Zanzibar.
Henry Morton Stanley
We must have an America in which White men and women can live and work, in their homes and in the streets of our cities, without fear.
George Lincoln Rockwell
The white man's happiness cannot be purchased by the black man's misery.
Frederick Douglass
You can put a cat in an oven, but that don't make it a biscuit.
Wesley Snipes
Let the black man vote when he is fit to vote; prohibit the white man voting when he is unfit to vote.
Warren G. Harding
Its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery . . . is his natural and normal condition.
Alexander H. Stephens
My hands are heavy and most importantly they are very fast. I have been called the fastest white man alive. I don't work submissions and not because I am trying to prove something I'm just frankly not very good at 'em. I am very good at getting away. I've never fought anybody whether it was in practice or competition who could hold me down. Even if I thought I could get a submission I'm not laying underneath a grown man with my legs spread on worldwide T.V. Some guys subscribe to that theory but I am a Republican and we don't do that
Chael Sonnen
The white men of the South had better make up their minds that the blacks will remain in the South just as long as corn will tassel and cotton will bloom into whiteness.
Timothy Thomas Fortune
The difference between a white man and an Indian is this- A white man wants to leave money to his children. An Indian wants to leave forests.
Winona LaDuke
I am a red man. If the Great Spirit had desired me to be a white man he would have made me so in the first place.
Sitting Bull
The very first time I was on a car in Atlanta, I saw the conductor - all conductors are white - ask a Negro woman to get up and take a seat farther back in order to make a place for a white man. I have also seen white men requested to leave the Negro section of the car.
Ray Stannard Baker
I am not in favor of caste, nor separation of the brotherhood of mankind, and would as willingly live among white men as Black, if I had equal possession and enjoyment of privileges, but I shall never be reconciled living among them subservient to their will.
Martin Delany
During the last decades, films about the black experience have been produced, directed, and even scripted by white men. Some of them are excellent. But most reflect George Bernard Shaw’s warning that 'if you do not tell your stories others will tell them for you and they will vulgarize and degrade you.'
Ishmael Reed
People in America worship money, and a white man's face on a green piece of paper does not make me wealthy. My health makes me wealthy. I used to work at a hospital, so I know the real deal.
Paul Mooney
Because white men can’t police their imaginations, black men are dying.
Claudia Rankine