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William Gurnall Quotes

English minister, Death: 12-10-1679 William Gurnall Quotes
Satan will be ready to help forward such thoughts as a fit medium to lift thee up , and slacken thy care in duty for the future. Such discoveries do indeed bear witness to the truth of thy grace, but not to the degree and measure of it. The weak child may be, yea, is, oftener in the lap than the strong.
William Gurnall

We fear men so much, because we fear God so little.
William Gurnall

Hope fills the afflicted soul with such inward joy and consolation, that it can laugh while tears are in the eye, sigh and sing all in a breath; it is called "the rejoicing of hope" (Hebrews 3:6).
William Gurnall

It is the image of God reflected in you that so enrages hell; it is this at which the demons hurl their mightiest weapons.
William Gurnall

Cowards never won heaven. Do not claim that you are begotten of God and you have His royal blood running in your veins unless you can prove your lineage by His heroic spirit: to dare to be holy in spite of men and devils.
William Gurnall

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In heaven we shall appear, not in armour, but in robes of glory. But here these are to be worn night and day; we must walk, work, and sleep in them, or else we are not true soldiers of Christ.
William Gurnall

The Christian is bred by the Word, and he must be fed by it.
William Gurnall

Nothing is more contrary to a heavenly hope than an earthly heart.
William Gurnall

Quote Topics by William Gurnall: Christian Prayer Soul Saint Art Grace Sin Strong Children Men Christianity Kings Hands Blessing Keys Faith Praying Christ Blood Mean Promise Heaven Christian Inspirational Heart Humble Running Principles May Believe Son
We are justified, not by giving anything to God,--what we do,--but by receiving from God, what Christ hath done for us.
William Gurnall

The sins of teachers are the teachers of sin.
William Gurnall

God Himself underwrites your battle and has appointed His own Son 'the captain of your salvation'.
William Gurnall

God loves the saints as the purchase of his Son's blood. They cost him dear, and that which is so hardly got shall not be easily lost. He that was willing to expend his Son's blood to gain them, will not deny his power to keep them.
William Gurnall

To forsake sin, is to leave it without any thought reserved of returning to it again.
William Gurnall

God would not rub so hard if it were not to fetch out the dirt that is ingrained in our natures. God loves purity so well He had rather see a hole than a spot in His child's garments.
William Gurnall

Compare Scripture with Scripture. False doctrines, like false witnesses, agree not among themselves.
William Gurnall

Humble souls are fearful of their own strength.
William Gurnall

The Christian must trust in a withdrawing God.
William Gurnall

Paul was Nero's prisoner, but Nero was much more God's.
William Gurnall

Never was a faithful prayer lost. Some prayers have a longer voyage than others, but then they return with their richer lading at last, so that the praying soul is a gainer by waiting for an answer.
William Gurnall

The Word of God is too sacred a thing, and preaching too solemn a work, to be toyed and played with.
William Gurnall

We live by faith, and faith lives by exercise.
William Gurnall

We must come to good works by faith, and not to faith by good works.
William Gurnall

As you love your peace, Christian, be plain-hearted with God and man, and keep the king's highway.
William Gurnall

The possessions God allows us to have are intended for our use, not our enjoyment. Trying to squeeze something out of them that was never in them in the first place is a futile endeavor. A cow's udders, gently pressed, will yield sweet milk, nourishing and refreshing. Applying more and more pressure will not produce greater quantities of milk. We lose the good of material things by expecting too much from them. Those who try hardest to please themselves with earthly goods find the least satisfaction in them.
William Gurnall

God's wounds cure, sin's kisses kill.
William Gurnall

It is the saint's duty, and should be their care, not only to believe that God is Almighty, but also to strongly believe that His almighty power is engaged for our defense and help in all of our straits and temptations.
William Gurnall

Weak faith will as surely land the Christian in heaven as strong faith, for it is impossible the least dram of true grace should perish
William Gurnall

Of all creatures in this visible world, light is the most glorious; of all light, the light of the sun without compare excels the rest.
William Gurnall

The mightier any is in the word, the more mighty he will be in prayer.
William Gurnall

Christ is the door that opens into God's presence and lets the soul into His very bosom, faith is the key that unlocks the door; but the Spirit is He that makes this key.
William Gurnall

Satan cannot deny but that great wonders have been wrought by prayer. As the spirit of prayer goes up, so his kingdom goes down. Satan's strategems against prayer are three. First, if he can, he will keep thee from prayer. If that be not feasible, secondly, he will strive to interrupt thee in prayer. And, thirdly, if that plot takes not, he will labour to hinder the success of thy prayer.
William Gurnall

The storm may be tempestuous, but it is only temporary.
William Gurnall

It is one thing to know a truth, and another thing to know it by unction.
William Gurnall

He that is impatient, and cannot wait on God for a mercy, will not easily submit to Him in a denial.
William Gurnall

Never venture near the door where sin dwells, lest you are dragged in.
William Gurnall

We must not confide in the armour of God, but in the God of this armour, because all our weapons are only mighty through God.
William Gurnall

One Almighty is more than all mighties
William Gurnall

Can Christ be in thou heart and thou not know it? Can one king be dethroned and another crowned in thy soul and thou hear no scuffle?
William Gurnall

Least doers are the greatest boasters.
William Gurnall

Christ will bear no equal, and Satan no superior; and therefore, hold in with both thou canst not.
William Gurnall

The soldier is summoned to a life of active duty and so is the Christian.
William Gurnall

Godliness, as well as the doctrine of our faith, is a mystery.
William Gurnall

And while God had work for Paul, he found him friends both in court and prison. Let persecutors send saints to prison, God can provide a keeper for their turn.
William Gurnall

There is no such way to be even with the devil and his instruments, for all their spite against us, as by doing what good we can wherever we be come.
William Gurnall

Christ bears with the saints' imperfections; well may the saints one with another.
William Gurnall

Furnish thyself with arguments from the promises to enforce thy prayers, and make them prevalent with God. The promises are the ground of faith, and faith, when strengthened, will make thee fervent, and such fervency ever speeds and returns with victory out of the field of prayer. The mightier any is in the Word, the more mighty he will be in prayer.
William Gurnall

Say not that thou hast royal blood in thy veins; say not that thou art born of God if thou canst not prove thy pedigree by daring to be holy!
William Gurnall

God hath made it a debt which one saint owes to another to carry their names to a throne of grace.
William Gurnall

How can God stoop lower than to come and dwell with a poor humble soul? Which is more than if he had said, such a one should dwell with him; for a beggar to live at court is not so much as the king to dwell with him in his cottage.
William Gurnall

The longer a soul hath neglected duty, the more ado there is to get it taken up.
William Gurnall