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Wiz Khalifa Quotes

Haitian rapper and actor, Birth: 8-9-1987 Wiz Khalifa Quotes
My life, my choices, my mistakes, my lessons- NOT YOUR BUSINESS.
Wiz Khalifa

'My biography, my decisions, my missteps, my educational experiences- NON OF YOUR CONCERN.'
Girls fall in love with what they hear. Boys fall in love with what they see. That’s why girls wear make-up and boys lie.
Wiz Khalifa

'Females are captivated by what they hear, whilst males are attracted to what they observe. That is why females adorn themselves with cosmetics and males fabricate stories.'
Never make permanent decisions on temporary feelings.
Wiz Khalifa

Do not commit to a course of action based on fleeting sentiment.
You don't need too many people to be happy. Just a few real ones who appreciate you for who you are.
Wiz Khalifa

'You don't require a large number of individuals to be content. Simply a few genuine ones who value you for your individuality.'
Great minds think alone.
Wiz Khalifa

Lone thinkers conceive remarkable ideas.
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Time is money, so I went and bought a rolex.
Wiz Khalifa

'I decided to invest in a luxury wristwatch, as time is a precious commodity.'
"I love you" takes 3 seconds to say, 3 hours to explain, and a lifetime to prove.
Wiz Khalifa

"Affection is easily declared, but its meaning must be demonstrated over time."
Three things I want in a relationship: Eyes that won't cry, lips that won't lie, and love that won't die.
Wiz Khalifa

'Three desires I have in a relationship: Sight that won't shed tears, mouths that won't deceive, and adoration that won't expire.'
Quote Topics by Wiz Khalifa: Meaningful People Want Thinking Hate Weed Trying Girl Song Past World Real Giving Winning Names Beautiful Play Rapper Doe Men Knows Relationship Pittsburgh Sleep Feels Mistake Mind Firsts Games I Hate You
I don't regret my past, I just regret the time I've wasted on the wrong people.
Wiz Khalifa

I have no remorse for my history, only for the occasions I squandered on unworthy individuals.
A day without a smile is a day wasted
Wiz Khalifa

A day without cheer is a day gone to waste.
The moment you give up is the moment you let someone else win.
Wiz Khalifa

The instant you surrender is the instant you grant another triumph.
I come from a place where people get high, the grades get low, and if someone has a secret EVERYONE KNOWS.
Wiz Khalifa

I originate from an area where individuals indulge in drugs, educational performance is poor, and gossip runs rampant.
Just because the past taps you on the shoulder, does not mean you have to look back.
Wiz Khalifa

Even if history beckons, you are not obliged to look back.
Bestfriends has 11 letters, but so does Backstabber.
Wiz Khalifa

'Good companionship has 11 letters, but so does Betrayer.'
Take a chance because you never know how perfect something can turn out.
Wiz Khalifa

Test the waters because you never recognize how extraordinary something can be.
Rolex, mo sex, good weed, no stress, run my town, arms, chest, lift weights, bowflex
Wiz Khalifa

Luxury watch, passionate encounters, quality cannabis, no worries, control my area, biceps, torso, pump iron, exercise equipment.
Don't worry about someone who doesn't worry about you.
Wiz Khalifa

Don't expend energy on those who don't reciprocate.
Somebody asked me if I knew you. A million memories flashed through my mind but I just smiled and said I used to.
Wiz Khalifa

I have an idea of who I want to be, I have a vision of my own success.
Wiz Khalifa

If you think it's necessary to judge me by my past, don't get mad when I put you there.
Wiz Khalifa

Worrying is stupid. it's like walking around with an umbrella waiting for it to rain.
Wiz Khalifa

Everything’s better when you’re high.
Wiz Khalifa

Good things come in good time.
Wiz Khalifa

Work hard, play hard.
Wiz Khalifa

I don't need someone that sees what's good about me. I need someone that sees the bad and still wants me.
Wiz Khalifa

People ask me why it is so hard to trust and I ask them why is it so hard to keep a promise.
Wiz Khalifa

I was not born with enough middle fingers.
Wiz Khalifa

Whatever I do, I do it because I want to do it and because it's completely, 100% me.
Wiz Khalifa

Don't leave something good to find something better. Once you realize you had the best, the best has found better.
Wiz Khalifa

A man who treats his women like a princess is proof that he was raised by a queen.
Wiz Khalifa

Forget the ones that forget you.
Wiz Khalifa

Never Forget what someone says to you when they are drunk. Because Drunk words are Sober Thoughts
Wiz Khalifa

When someone special walks into your life and is able to change things for the better, don't let them walk away.
Wiz Khalifa

Haters saying they wanna defeat us, they don't hate us they wanna be us. Truth is you can't join us or beat us.
Wiz Khalifa

I aint trippen never slicking or slacking on my pimping
Wiz Khalifa

I don't have much but I take all I got and that's what I give, what I get in return is the money I earn and the life I live.
Wiz Khalifa

Be who you are and let everyone love that person.
Wiz Khalifa

I'm not a facebook status you don't have to like me.
Wiz Khalifa

Went from being hated on, to Niggas try to go down the same road I made it on. Aint no love lost but aint no love shown, so now when niggas call i just don not pick up the phone.
Wiz Khalifa

I am not in a bad mood. Everyone is just.. annoying.
Wiz Khalifa

The name 'Wiz' comes from me being the youngest dude in my age group of people that I hung out with. I was pretty good at anything I tried to do, so they would call me a young wiz.
Wiz Khalifa

'Khalifa' is Arabic, it means successor, leader, shining light. My granddad is Muslim and he gave me that name.
Wiz Khalifa

Sometime we waste too much time to think about someone who does not even think about us for a second.
Wiz Khalifa

Everyone is born beautiful, some people just let the world turn them into something ugly.
Wiz Khalifa

I've done a lot of work to get where I'm at, but I have to keep working.
Wiz Khalifa

Be careful what you say to someone today. Because tomorrow they might not be here, and you can't take it back.
Wiz Khalifa

You're not wrong for doin what you want.
Wiz Khalifa

Some people make your life better by walking into it while other people make your life better by simply walking out of it.
Wiz Khalifa

If it's one thing I know well is how to get my grind on.
Wiz Khalifa

Being single doesn't necessarily mean you're available. Sometimes you have to put up a sign that says "Do Not Disturb" on your heart.
Wiz Khalifa