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Zoe Kravitz Quotes

American actress, Birth: 1-12-1988 Zoe Kravitz Quotes
Beauty is when you can appreciate yourself. When you love yourself, that's when you're most beautiful.
Zoe Kravitz

I live in Brooklyn, in Williamsburg, so I just like to wander around. Williamsburg's such a cool little neighborhood community spot.
Zoe Kravitz

I'm happy to just sit in a cafe and watch people. It's my favorite thing to do, for sure.
Zoe Kravitz

Be confident, and just do it. It's all about not questioning what everyone else is thinking, since they're probably looking to others to know what is or isn't cool.
Zoe Kravitz

Im a total weirdo and have often felt like an outcast and a freak, and I love that. It makes things so much more exciting.
Zoe Kravitz

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I'm pretty much a thrift shop gal. Flea markets on Sundays.
Zoe Kravitz

Turquoise is my birthstone; Im a Sagittarius.
Zoe Kravitz

I see the human in everyone and everything. No one is more important than anyone else; I still hang out with my high school friends.
Zoe Kravitz

Quote Topics by Zoe Kravitz: Thinking People Makeup Beautiful School Parent Art Years Believe Important Black Media Looks Secret Mom Crazy Together Freak Trying Fun Littles Acting Home Hair Creative Dad Care Ideas Jobs Directors
When you're making an independent film and you care about it so much you do all the prep work beforehand.
Zoe Kravitz

Black women have kinky hair, and we think we have limitations on what we can do. It's interesting that people think, 'Oh this is the only thing they can do.' But if you have blonde, straight hair and don't change it for 20 years - nobody thinks about it. Nobody says anything!
Zoe Kravitz

That's my approach to makeup in general, highlight something, what you love about yourself, but don't cover anything up, or distract from what you actually look like.
Zoe Kravitz

Once women find sisterhood, there's nothing stronger.
Zoe Kravitz

So, absolutely, [my Dad] will call and say, "I just got offered this or that and what do you think?" My Mom [Lisa Bonet] will do the same. And we all trust each other's opinions. And we all know each other so well and what we're capable of so, if someone's scared to do something, we encourage them to take that chance because we believe in each other as a family.
Zoe Kravitz

I don’t know what the secret is. We’re a family… We all love each other… and we’ve all worked through whatever issues there’ve ever been, and in a healthy way. So, we all get along. Love conquers all, I guess.
Zoe Kravitz

If you're not taking care of yourself, lipstick and foundation isn't really going to do anything for you.
Zoe Kravitz

I think it [my first heartbreak] probably just taught me that you will always heal. That this too shall pass. The first time you feel that sort of pain, you think it's never going to go away. Once you do survive it, you realize you can survive anything.
Zoe Kravitz

I think it's important to represent black women and our natural hair. Not wearing a weave is totally beautiful and acceptable.
Zoe Kravitz

My dad has totally taken my Cat Stevens T-shirt, but it's OK; I have his Black Flag one, and that's amazing.
Zoe Kravitz

That's the most important thing in art: to be aware, pay attention, be inspired - but it should come ultimately from you.
Zoe Kravitz

The thing that my parents have always taught me is that beauty comes from the inside, and also that beauty stems from health.
Zoe Kravitz

Artists also have the responsibility of reflecting the truth.
Zoe Kravitz

You have to take care of your body, you have to rest, drink water, try to eat well, and then on top of that, you use makeup to highlight your beauty that comes from your health.
Zoe Kravitz

When you look cakey, or you have too much on, and you actually see the makeup, the makeup isn't doing its job. When you use the makeup in a way where the people aren't thinking about the makeup, and they're looking at you, that's what we want.
Zoe Kravitz

I had talked to my agent a lot over the years about not being interested in stereotypical "black films" [because] I didn't like the way they were representing black people over and over and over again in the same way.
Zoe Kravitz

The kinds of things I like with crystals are the really beautiful costume jewelry, vintage pieces, and they usually have that diamond shape.
Zoe Kravitz

It kind of varies. I don’t have a method yet. It depends on the script and the character I think I need. I’ve worked with acting coaches, researched roles, and channeled different parts of myself. It’s on a case-by-case for me, right now.
Zoe Kravitz

Women that look like me [the black ones] need to see more of themselves in social media, in film, in music.
Zoe Kravitz

I would fly to Los Angeles just for a cheeseburger with pickles and extra tomatoes from In-N-Out.
Zoe Kravitz

I think less is more in terms of makeup in general.
Zoe Kravitz

I always messed around with makeup. From a very early age, my mom would let me play with hers, and my grandma, and my aunts and stuff were always like, 'Let me put lipstick on her!' that they'd have in their purse. But I think just from a very young age I've had fun with makeup.
Zoe Kravitz

My parents [father Lenny Kravitz and Bonet] did exactly what they wanted and didn't let anyone tell them not to. Now, as women, we need to continue to do that. Especially in the age of social media, when everyone has an opinion and it's so easy to be influenced.
Zoe Kravitz

I feel like whole idea with makeup is that I don't want anyone to think, 'Oh she's wearing makeup.' I just want them to think, 'Oh she looks good!'
Zoe Kravitz

I was pretty lucky, I went to a really great school. I went to a Steiner School, which is very small and nurturing and creative, so I felt like I was in an environment where I could mature. There was less of the clique-y stuff, which can really make high school a living hell for a lot of people, going on, so I was very similar then to who I am now. I'm still a dork.
Zoe Kravitz

Fashion is fun, and fashion is a form of art and self-expression. And I think it should have a wink-wink nature to it. For me, it's about the way it makes you feel. If you want to feel sexy, you want to feel bright, you want to feel good. That's what people are attracted to - when they see you execute an emotion or an idea clearly and proudly.
Zoe Kravitz

Television's getting better because people are investing more money and time and respect into it. But the secret weapon of television is that, because it's a slow burn, you get to meditate on things and develop them. As opposed to film, where you have an allotted amount of time and hopefully you can wrap it up in there.
Zoe Kravitz

I do think women are unfairly judged by their physical appearance, but I don’t think it had anything to do with being mixed-race. In my opinion, mixed-race people are the most beautiful.
Zoe Kravitz

Anyone that is able to put a high school film and gonzo journalism together, it's like, "Yes, please!"
Zoe Kravitz

A lot of people do what their families do. Imagine if everyone in the family is a doctor and they decide to become an actor. Then people have to make those choices for themselves and their art and what they believe in.
Zoe Kravitz

I'm lucky having parents that have been in show business for a while and they don't care about the shiny stuff so much. They raised me in that way - to stay grounded, not to chase the shiny pretty things. I stay in the moment, because when you do that the hype goes away.
Zoe Kravitz

I don't wear a lot of perfumey-perfumes because I think a lot of them smell like you're wearing perfume. And I don't want to smell like that.
Zoe Kravitz

My style is very inspired by both my parents, so we all have the same taste.
Zoe Kravitz

Fame has become this obsession for people, which kind of creeps me out.
Zoe Kravitz

I'm a New Yorker; I've paid my dues.
Zoe Kravitz

I'm obsessed with Juice Press - they're everywhere. I spend so much money at that place it's crazy.
Zoe Kravitz

I feel like most creative people are total freaks.
Zoe Kravitz

People love teen movies because everyone can relate.
Zoe Kravitz

I'm not a very organized person.
Zoe Kravitz

Let's let everything come to the surface, even with people we come in contact with for a moment. This situation can help us be a little bit more awake with each other.
Zoe Kravitz

I like photography and I write; I also write music. One day I would like to direct [films] as well.
Zoe Kravitz

Music has always helped me stay creative and grounded because I'm traveling and shooting and trying to understand other people. Music was something I could just sit in a room and make with my friends.
Zoe Kravitz