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Zsadist Quotes

I was dead until you found me, though I breathed. I was sightless, though I could see. And then you came...and I was awakened.
J.R. Ward

Authors on Zsadist Quotes: J.R. Ward
Welcome to the wonderful world of jealousy, he thought. For the price of admission, you get a splitting headache, a nearly irresistable urge to commit murder, and an inferiority complex. Yippee.
J.R. Ward

Phury knelt beside him and stroked his face. "I've only ever had you to live for. If you die I have nothing. I'm utterly lost. And you are needed here." Zsadist tried to reach out, but couldn't lift his arms as Phury stood up. "God, Z, I keep thinking this tragedy of ours is going to be over. But it just keeps going, doesn't it?" Zsadist blacked out to the sound of his twin's boots heading from the room.
J.R. Ward

I can't... I find that I can't concentrate. On anything. I can't really..." Rhage's eyes drifted to Zsadist. "How do you live with it? All the anger. The pain. The...
J.R. Ward

...Bringing the very heavens close enough to touch. It was Zsadist. His eyes closed, his head back, his mouth wide open, he sang. The scarred one, the souless one, had the voice of an angel.
J.R. Ward

Sorry to bother you,” Bella said over the wailing. “But she wants her daddy.
J.R. Ward

I feel like I am wlaking down into a porn movie" V mutteres as they took the steps with care. "Wouldn't that require more black candles for you", Zsadist cracked.
J.R. Ward

Zsadist: I didn't make up the rules of this scenario Wrath: You'll die if you go by yourself. Zsadist: Well... I'm kind of ready to get off the ride. Phury felt his skin get tight all over.
J.R. Ward

He tasted each one of them. The raw power and majesty of Wrath. The vast strength of Rhage. The burning, protective loyalty of Phury. The cold savagery of Zsadist. The sharp cunning of Vishous.
J.R. Ward

After a moment the king said, "So be it." Zsadist cursed. Butch whistled low. Rhage bit into a Tootsie Pop.
J.R. Ward

Rhage burning deep inside Uncontrollable Phury, unable to hide Trust me and I'll let my Wrath begin This Tohrment building up within My Vischous attitude will shine through .........I'll let my Tehrror free on you -my own zsadist quote from the black dagger brotherhood that i found online
J.R. Ward

In the far corner, a tenor began to sing, Zsadist's crystal-clear voice sailing up toward the warrior paintings on the ceiling far, far above them all. At first John didn't know what the song was...although if he'd been asked what his name was, he would have said Santa Claus, or Luther Vandross, or Teddy Roosevelt. Maybe even Joan Collins.
J.R. Ward

Although she was ashamed to admit it now, the darkness in him had been the largest part of his allure. It was such an anomaly, a contrast to what she'd known from life. It had made him dangerous. Exciting. Sexy. But that was a fantasy. This was real. He suffered. And there was nothing sexy or thrilling about that. (Zsadists & Bella)
J.R. Ward

Look, you didn't fail me. Because you can't fail at the impossible." -Zsadist to Phury
J.R. Ward

We don’t have to talk about Zsadist. That’s okay. He’s the most interesting part of me.
J.R. Ward