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Abdul Kalam Quotes

Abdul Kalam Quotes
If you FAIL, never give up because F.A.I.L. means "First Attempt in Learning". END is not the end; in fact E.N.D. means "Effort Never Dies". If you get NO as an answer, remember N.O. means "Next Opportunity".
Abdul Kalam

All Birds find shelter during a rain. But Eagle avoids rain by flying above the Clouds. Problems are common, but attitude makes the difference!!!
Abdul Kalam

All animals seek refuge from precipitation, but the Eagle transcends it by soaring above the Cumulus. Difficulties are widespread, yet attitude creates a contrast!!!
Don’t read success stories, you will only get a message. Read failure stories, you will get some ideas to get success.
Abdul Kalam

'Don't just listen to tales of triumph; you will merely receive a communication. Peruse stories of failure and you will gain some insights to attain success.'
You cannot change your future, but you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future.
Abdul Kalam

You cannot alter your destiny, but you can modify your practices, and without a doubt your practices will shape your destiny.
I'm not a handsome guy, but I can give my hand to someone who needs help. Beauty is in the heart, not in the face.
Abdul Kalam

I am not physically attractive, but I will still extend my aid to anyone in need. Kindness lies within, not on the surface.
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Confidence and Hard work is the best medicine to kill the disease called failure. It will make you successful person.
Abdul Kalam

Assurance and Diligence is the most effective remedy to eradicate the malady called defeat. It will render you a triumphant individual.
If you want to shine like sun, first you have to burn like it.
Abdul Kalam

If you wish to glimmer like the sun, first you must ignite like it.
A Fool can become a Genius when he understands he is a Fool but. A Genius can become a Fool when he understands he is a Genius.
Abdul Kalam

'A Dullard can become a Savant when he acknowledges his Ignorance, but a Savant can become a Dullard when he realizes his Erudition.'
Quote Topics by Abdul Kalam: Inspirational Dream India People Thinking Teacher Motivational Children Nuclear Success Two Hard Work Creativity Mean Needs Technology Young Generation Beautiful Mind Ifs Succeed Want Development Integrity Giving Up Sleep Mother Differences Sacrifice Adversity
IF you Salute your work,You do not have to salute anybody. IF you pollute your work,You have to salute everybody.
Abdul Kalam

If you appreciate your work,You do not have to defer to anyone. IF you debase your work,You have to yield to all.
If you want to shine like the sun, first burn like the sun.
Abdul Kalam

'If you aspire to radiate like the sun, first blaze like the sun.'
One Best Book is Equal To Hundred Good Friends But One Good Friend is Equal To A Library.
Abdul Kalam

'A Single Valuable Tome Is Equivalent To Hundreds Of Beneficial Companions, Yet A Single Admired Pal Is Equal To An Entire Collection.'
Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep.
Abdul Kalam

Insightful musings do not permit repose.
My message, especially to young people is to have courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed. These are great qualities that they must work towards. This is my message to the young people.
Abdul Kalam

Don't take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.
Abdul Kalam

Don't become complacent after your initial success as failure in subsequent attempts may lead to cynicism about the authenticity of your earlier victory.
What is the secret of success? Right decisions. How do you make right decisions? Experience. How do you gain experience? Wrong decisions.
Abdul Kalam

If you are born with fame, it is an accident. If you die with fame, it is an achievement.
Abdul Kalam

Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy you, but to help you realise your hidden potential and power, let difficulties know that you too are difficult.
Abdul Kalam

To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal
Abdul Kalam

Achieve your aim through unwavering concentration.
The best brains of the nation may be found on the last benches of the classroom.
Abdul Kalam

The brightest minds of the country can be found among those seated in the rear of the classroom.
It Is Very Easy To Defeat Someone, But It Is Very Hard To Win Someone
Abdul Kalam

Conquering someone is a simple feat, yet earning their trust and respect is a difficult endeavor.
Learning gives creativity Creativity leads to thinking Thinking provides knowledge Knowledge makes you great.
Abdul Kalam

Educating spawns ingenuity Ingenuity prompts contemplation Contemplation yields wisdom Wisdom renders you remarkable.
If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher.
Abdul Kalam

Life is a difficult game. You can win it only by retaining your birthright to be a person.
Abdul Kalam

Desire, when it stems from the heart and spirit, when it is pure and intense, possesses awesome electromagnetic energy. This energy is released into the ether each night, as the mind falls into the sleep state. Each morning it returns to the conscious state reinforced with the cosmic currents. That which has been imaged will surely and certainly be manifested. You can rely, young man, upon this ageless promise as surely as you can rely upon the eternally unbroken promise of sunrise... and of Spring.
Abdul Kalam

Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place - that is, the unique you. Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, and have perseverance to realise the great life.
Abdul Kalam

You have to dream before your dreams can come true.
Abdul Kalam

No matter what is the environment around you, it is always possible to maintain your brand of integrity
Abdul Kalam

Excellence is a continuous process and not an accident.
Abdul Kalam

You see, God helps only people who work hard. That principle is very clear.
Abdul Kalam

Without your involvement you can't succeed. With your involvement you can't fail.
Abdul Kalam

suffering is the essence of success!!!
Abdul Kalam

Climbing to the top demands strength, whether it is to the top of Mount Everest or to the top of your career.
Abdul Kalam

Problems are common, but attitude makes the difference!!!
Abdul Kalam

India can live without nuclear weapons. That's our dream, and it should be the dream of the U.S. also.
Abdul Kalam

No religion has mandated killing others as a requirement for its sustenance or promotion.
Abdul Kalam

Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success.
Abdul Kalam

Success is when your signature becomes an autograph.
Abdul Kalam

We should not give up and we should not allow the problem to defeat us.
Abdul Kalam

India must achieve the real goal?that is energy independence or an economy which will function well within total freedom from oil, gas or coal imports.
Abdul Kalam

Economy forced me to become a vegetarian, but I finally starting liking it.
Abdul Kalam

Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow.
Abdul Kalam

Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work.
Abdul Kalam

Why are we, as a nation so obsessed with foreign things? Is it a legacy of our colonial years? We want foreign television sets. We want foreign shirts. We want foreign technology. Why this obsession with everything imported?
Abdul Kalam

It means, people who are in high and responsible positions, if they go against righteousness, righteousness itself will get transformed into a destroyer.
Abdul Kalam

In this world, fear has no place. Only strength respects strength.
Abdul Kalam

We will be remembered only if we give to our younger generation a prosperous and safe India, resulting out of economic prosperity coupled with civilizational heritage.
Abdul Kalam

In a democracy, the well-being, individuality and happiness of every citizen is important for the overall prosperity, peace and happiness of the nation.
Abdul Kalam

Thinking should become your capital asset, no matter whatever ups and downs you come across in your life.
Abdul Kalam

Poetry comes from the highest happiness or the deepest sorrow.
Abdul Kalam

Thinking is the capital, Enterprise is the way, Hard Work is the solution
Abdul Kalam