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Alan Shearer Quotes

English footballer and manager, Birth: 13-8-1970 Alan Shearer Quotes
Newcastle fans never cease to amaze me. If there was a trophy for best supporters this lot would win it hands down every year.
Alan Shearer

Basically, a manager is a father figure to 20 or 25 blokes. It's about trying to get the best out of them and creating team spirit.
Alan Shearer

If you ask footballers to pick out the player they most admire, so many of them will pick Paul Scholes.
Alan Shearer

My motto in life is 'if you give 100 per cent then no one can ask any more'.
Alan Shearer

People are very proud of Newcastle, very proud to come from here. This is a working class City and they just want to enjoy themselves and live life to the full. They work all week, pick their wages up at the end of the week and they spend it over a weekend by having a good time and watching the football. That's our life.
Alan Shearer

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If you ask footballers to pick out the player they most admire, so many of them will pick Paul Scholes. His passing and shooting is of the highest level and he’s the most consistent and naturally gifted player we’ve had for a long, long time.
Alan Shearer

I have always said that the best feeling in the world is scoring a goal. Don't tell my missus that, but it is. When that ball hits the back of the net, it is fantastic.
Alan Shearer

Defeat is not worth thinking about.
Alan Shearer

Quote Topics by Alan Shearer: Football Player England Goal People Play Years Real Mean Soccer Kids Funny Giving White Balls Chance Stills Feelings Watches Sports Country Party Way Clubs Dad Golf Hands World Winning Want
Football's not just about scoring goals - it's about winning.
Alan Shearer

When I was a young boy I wanted to play for Newcastle United, I wanted to wear the number nine shirt and I wanted to score goals at St James' Park. I've lived my dream and I realise how lucky I've been to have done that.
Alan Shearer

I don't know what I'd have become if I hadn't been a footballer; I wrote down 'dustbin man' on a careers questionnaire at school till my dad made me change it to 'joiner'.
Alan Shearer

I've never wanted to leave. I'm here for the rest of my life, and hopefully after that as well.
Alan Shearer

If you want to have a great party at Wembley, don't invite the Germans.
Alan Shearer

One accusation you can't throw at me is that I've always done my best.
Alan Shearer

You should always give 100%. If you do that then no-one can ask any more of you. Someone once said to me when I was a kid: 'If you're asked to do ten sprints, by all means do 11 but never do nine because you're only cheating yourself'.
Alan Shearer

I've turned down Barcelona, Inter Milan, Juventus and Manchester United to play here. I hope everyone already knows how much it means to me to play for Newcastle United.
Alan Shearer

There is another side to me which people don't often see, but it's very hard for me to show that. When I do interviews, I'm talking to people I don't know and when you speak to a stranger you don't open up, do you? In my position, people are always looking for something to say about me. And anything I do say, given half-a-chance they'll turn it round into something spectacular so I've got to be very careful. That's why it's only my friends and family who know the real me. Now my wife, Lainya, she could tell you a few stories.
Alan Shearer

You never get fed up scoring goals.
Alan Shearer

I want to be around when Newcastle win a trophy because I want to see this place lift off. It will be one hell of a party for a long time.
Alan Shearer

If people don't like my style, then I can't do anything about that. I have been like that since I first entered into the game and it hasn't done me bad in the past, so I am not going to change now.
Alan Shearer

Yes, I do like to be in control. I do like everything to be laid out, to know what I'm doing. I'm very impatient. I like things done yesterday, which is probably a fault of mine. I like things to be neat and tidy and organised. I say what I want and show what I want and I keep things private.
Alan Shearer

There was a big possibility that I would have had to leave Newcastle had Ruud Gullit stayed as manager.
Alan Shearer

I've got a great life that I really enjoy. But there is something chewing at me inside: that adrenaline rush from football, I miss that.
Alan Shearer

We go there with confidence, but we know there is a very fine line between success and failure in this game.
Alan Shearer

It does not bother me that some say I'm dull and boring because the people that do know me will tell you a different story. It is very difficult to be open with people you don't know. There is nothing I can do about the fact that the real me does not get across and it is probably difficult to know the real me.
Alan Shearer

First is first. That's the way I was brought up. Second or third are nowhere.
Alan Shearer

I always practise penalties, but what people don't understand is that you can never recreate that pressure situation that you're under.
Alan Shearer

If you take the money away, a lot of the footballers would still be playing football. So, the money has nothing to do with it.
Alan Shearer

I spend time with my family. I have got two daughters who are too young to know their Dad's a footballer. They just want to play with their Dad. I like to play golf, too, but apart from that, that's me, I'm afraid.
Alan Shearer

People say he doesn't score a lot of goals with his head, but does he really have to with the ability he has in his feet? He makes spectacular goals look easy. His technique is fantastic. (on Thierry Henry)
Alan Shearer

Any change of my style, the way I've played for 10 years, will not be a drastic one. Yes, I've always given as good as I've got; as a forward you have to do that because, if you don't look after yourself, you might find yourself being thrown in a hole and buried.
Alan Shearer

For me, Paul Scholes has been the best midfield player in the Premier League. By a mile. He has the lot. He scores and creates goals, he can pass the ball, he can head it, and rounds all this off with a competitive streak.
Alan Shearer

At times they don't like you to kick them and they feel you're not allowed to kick them.
Alan Shearer

I still get butterflies when England are playing.
Alan Shearer

One of the biggest fears of players in a shootout is letting your teammates down.
Alan Shearer

Andy Carroll will cause anyone problems and I don't see a problem in that
Alan Shearer

Sometimes going in for a hard tackle generates a louder cheer than a great pass.
Alan Shearer

I didn't watch cartoons, I was too busy playing football.
Alan Shearer

As a kid I always wanted to be a centre-forward. I wanted the buzz and thrill of scoring goals from an early age.
Alan Shearer

No money in the world can buy a white England shirt.
Alan Shearer

If people are going to write bad things about me because it makes news, I can brush it aside because I've had this for 10 years. I'm big enough and strong enough to cope with it. It's what comes with being Alan Shearer.
Alan Shearer

You have to go out onto the pitch feeling good about yourself. That can give you that extra 30 per cent.
Alan Shearer

When I go home every night, I can look in the mirror and say I have given 110 per cent for Newcastle United. If people aren't happy with that, I can't give any more.
Alan Shearer

I've got two girls. I like to play golf. Apart from that there's not a lot goes on in my life. So I am boring, aren't I?
Alan Shearer

The FA Cup means a lot. There is a real passion here for the competition which you don't get elsewhere. It's a love affair. It's part and parcel of living up here. People might think I'm daft, but I'm not wrong; I'd rather win the Cup than the League.
Alan Shearer

I don't watch a lot of TV, to be honest. With three kids I have my hands full.
Alan Shearer

There's no way the future's over for Martin Keown, Tony Adams or David Seaman.
Alan Shearer

This is the better one. It's identical.
Alan Shearer

Nothing's black or white in our country - you're either brilliant or you're hopeless
Alan Shearer

I have never wanted to go abroad before but you can never say never in football.
Alan Shearer