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Alex Gaskarth Quotes

Alex Gaskarth Quotes
Never underestimate a girl’s love for her favorite band. Never think even for a minute, that she won’t defend them to her death. Because it’s not just the music that makes that band her favorite. It’s the guys, the gals. It’s the fans. People whom of which she has interacted with thanks to the band. That band might of saved her life, or just made her smile everyday. That band has never broke her heart and has yet to leave her. No wonder she finds such joy in her music.
Alex Gaskarth

Be real, because a mask only fools people on the outside. Pretending to be someone you're not takes a toll on the real you, and the real you is more important than anyone else.
Alex Gaskarth

Be genuine, for a facade only deceives people from the exterior. Feigning to be someone you aren't takes its toll on the authentic you, and the authentic you is more consequential than anyone else.
Nothing is easy, and life can be extremely tough, but there's always a yin to the yang, so to speak. It's up to you to seek it out, embrace it, and live happily ever after. No matter how bad the hand you've been dealt may seem, there's always a way to play it.
Alex Gaskarth

Dreams don't always have to exist while the sun's down and your eyes are shut
Alex Gaskarth

Therapy is about every kids nightmare when people are telling you that you need to get help but all you really want is a hug.
Alex Gaskarth

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You are who you are and that's the most beautiful thing in the world.
Alex Gaskarth

Music is the soundtrack to every good and bad time we will ever have.
Alex Gaskarth

The closest friends you'll have are the ones you'd take a bullet for, but they're the ones you constantly feel you could put a bullet in as well.
Alex Gaskarth

Quote Topics by Alex Gaskarth: People Heart Thinking Believe Beautiful Doors Important Song Way Memories Knowing Play Tragedy Hate Girl Music Agendas Kids Ifs Dies Gone Drug Too Much Ideas Fool Who You Are Forget Hiatus Fans Google
Being a fan doesn't mean being there from the start... It means being there till the end.
Alex Gaskarth

Six feet under the stars is a place that doesn't exist. It's a place in your mind where everything and anything is possible. It's a place with no rules or limitations. It's a place where only two people can be at a time where no one can judge them and no one could try to break them apart.
Alex Gaskarth

Be your own kind of beautiful, it's super important. Take that to heart and always be yourself.
Alex Gaskarth

Life's greatest tragedy is not that it will someday end, but that most only live to follow directions and sometimes we end up totally lost.
Alex Gaskarth

We are all shades of gray. Its been said again and again; Lifes a process we are fleeting moments that come and go, and I'm grateful for my time, my aspirations, my mistakes, my flaws and my abilities, think of me what you will but before you do, don't.
Alex Gaskarth

Fools die happy. The happy die young. The young die foolish.
Alex Gaskarth

It's funny how the littlest things can make you feel larger than life; the right lyric, the most heartfelt melody, the clearest message. Love.
Alex Gaskarth

We dont offer you any solutions necessarily but we definitely offer you a minute to escape.
Alex Gaskarth

Our street corners keep secrets, and our road signs only suggest, never deciding for us, never knowing if the destination to which they lead, is where we truely belong. Life's greatest tragedy is not that it will some day end, but that most of us just live to follow directions, and many times we end up totally lost.
Alex Gaskarth

Don't kill yourself, have sex instead!
Alex Gaskarth

It's important to be conscious of the world we live in. We get one chance, as far as I'm concerned, but we all leave an echo. It's important that our echo resonates positively on the planet and its inhabitants after we're gone.
Alex Gaskarth

The darker the walls,the brighter the sky outside.
Alex Gaskarth

Dont throw yourself out on another’s whim. People change, as do intentions and as a result, consequences. Live for yourself - Love those around you, but realize that they’ve got their own agendas.
Alex Gaskarth

Never underestimate a girl’s love for her favorite band. Never think even for a minute, that she won’t defend them to her death.
Alex Gaskarth

Hang in, keep cool, and stay who you are. Things will improve.
Alex Gaskarth

The message of this band [All Time Low] is go out and do what you want to do and believe in yourself and that it's okay to do that. It's okay to be who you are.
Alex Gaskarth

I’ll never second guess the things that I have done. I’ve got too much left to say and too much to become.
Alex Gaskarth

My potential is limitless, but the day is holding me back.
Alex Gaskarth

Love is not only blind, but a fool, a stumbling mess falling backwards through showroom doors into atmospheres unwelcoming of his presence.
Alex Gaskarth

Don't throw yourself at someone because of who you think they are, throw yourself at someone because you know you're both in it for the memories.
Alex Gaskarth

Give it up for the process that leads to childbirth!
Alex Gaskarth

It's hard to listen to your own record or your own songs and not pass judgment in a critical way just because it's your own thing. It's weird to sit down to listen to it to enjoy it.
Alex Gaskarth

Live for yourself. Love those around you - but realise they have their own agendas.
Alex Gaskarth

I'm not on drugs, I'm just weird.
Alex Gaskarth

Each and every single one of you is beautiful. Believe in yourself!
Alex Gaskarth

The one thing I always do is I always brush my teeth before I play. I don't know why.
Alex Gaskarth

I'd like to go out knowing that I helped a few people along the way.
Alex Gaskarth

I think my biggest revelation was to write entirely from the heart, and to convey emotion, even when it meant forcing myself to feel uncomfortable in doing so.
Alex Gaskarth

I missed the moment when time collapsed and memory was erased, replaced by finicky social experiments, lost in the blur of intoxication, sucked through multi-colored bendy-straws
Alex Gaskarth

Everytime we've had a misstep, rather than freaking out and not being able to recover, we've always looked to what's the next thing to do.
Alex Gaskarth

We had to google the lyrics to our own song
Alex Gaskarth

Always look for your lost ones in trashcans.
Alex Gaskarth

Surrounding yourself with good people makes you feel better about yourself, making them strip tease makes you feel even better.
Alex Gaskarth

Money doesn't grow on trees but it does hang out in lakes
Alex Gaskarth

Good to know we're all twelve years old mentally. Keeps things in perspective.
Alex Gaskarth

It's easy to forget how to appreciate your front door when you're always walking through it
Alex Gaskarth

Human nature makes it easy to bicker like children, but the human heart makes it possible to squelch the noise our head creates.
Alex Gaskarth

If I am only sure of one thing in life, it's that it's meant to be lived!
Alex Gaskarth

I receive a lot of letters on tour, and read about a lot of people hurting.
Alex Gaskarth

The day Blink-182 announced their hiatus, I felt as if a part of me died.
Alex Gaskarth

Music is more fun when it's collaborative, in my opinion.
Alex Gaskarth

If the kids don't believe, make them believe.
Alex Gaskarth