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Attributes Quotes

Beware of those who attribute petty instructions to God.
Abdul Sattar Edhi

Heed the warnings of those who assign trifling edicts to a higher power.
Authors on Attributes Quotes: Maimonides Winston Churchill Karl Marx Scott Hamilton Andre Gide Jo Brand Pharrell Williams Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Victor Vasarely Christina Baldwin Northrop Frye Stephen Jay Gould Whoopi Goldberg Michael Gove Dorothy Parker Mariella Frostrup Nathaniel Hawthorne Thomas Otway Ari Fleischer John Dryden Abdul Sattar Edhi P. Chidambaram Ibn Taymiyyah Ted Malloch Claude Monet Herbie Hancock Swami Paramananda William Ames Michael Adam Hamilton Dieter F. Uchtdorf Gloria Gaynor Harold Klemp Robert A. Heinlein
Every form is a base for color, every color is the attribute of a form.
Victor Vasarely

We're born with success. It is only others who point out our failures, and what they attribute to us as failure.
Whoopi Goldberg

No attribute of God is more dreadful to sinners than His holiness.
Matthew Henry

To attribute to God, and not to self, whatever good one sees in oneself; but to recognize always that the evil is one's own doing, and to impute it on one's self.
Benedict of Nursia

Mission is not primarily an activity of the church, but an attribute of God.
David Bosch

The more of himself man attributes to God, the less he has left in himself.
Karl Marx

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.
Robert A. Heinlein

[Y]ou possess all the attributes of a demagogue; a screeching, horrible voice, a perverse, crossgrained nature and the language of the market-place. In you all is united which is needful for governing.

Whoever considers the Attributes of Allaah to be like the attributes of the creation, such that the Istawaa of Allaah is like the ascending of the creation, or His Descending (Nuzool) is like the descending of the creation or other than that, then he is a deviated innovator.
Ibn Taymiyyah

The attributes of God tell us what He is and who He is.
William Ames

One of the best attributes of human beings is that they're adaptable; one of the worst attributes of human beings is they are adaptable. They adapt and start to tolerate abuses, they adapt to being involved themselves in abuses, they adapt to adversity and they continue on.
Julian Assange

Fear is not one of my attributes.
Bernie Mac

God and all attributes of God are eternal.
Baruch Spinoza

The resources of the scholar are proportioned to his confidence in the attributes of the intellect.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Satyagraha is an attribute of the spirit within.
Mahatma Gandhi

Consciousness is an attribute while awareness is not; one can be aware of being conscious, but not conscious of awareness. God is the totality of consciousness, but awareness is beyond all--being as well as not-being.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

The most dominant cultural attributes maintained are the ones that are reinforced by your environment.
Peter Joseph

It's all about dreams. If I had to attribute my success in life to any one thing it is this. I believed in my dreams, even when no one else did.
Oprah Winfrey

There are certain things that have universal attributes, like music. Something of greater magnitude is conveyed by them. They connect us with the universal storehouse of life and knowledge.
Swami Paramananda

Patience is one of the most valuable attributes in investing.
Martin Zweig

He has every attribute of a dog except loyalty.
Thomas Gore

Never attribute to malevolence what is merely due to incompetence
Arthur C. Clarke

Our aim in studying the Godhead must be to know God himself better. Our concern must be to enlarge our acquaintance, not simply with the doctrine of God’s attributes, but with the living God whose attributes they are.
J. I. Packer

I attribute my success on the battlefield to always being on the spot to see and do everything for myself
Duke of Wellington

Most often it happens that one attributes to others only the feelings of which one is capable oneself.
Andre Gide

Gratitude - the meanest and most snivelling attribute in the world.
Dorothy Parker

God is identical with His attributes, so that it may be said that He is the knowledge, the knower, and the known.

I've said it before and can only repeat that I owe everything to Boudin and I attribute my success to him. I came to be fascinated by his studies, the products of what I call instantaneity.
Claude Monet

Revenge, the attribute of gods! They stamped it with their great image on our natures.
Thomas Otway

If we take away any of the attributes of God, we do not weaken God but we weaken our concept of God.
Aiden Wilson Tozer

Churchill says the Government had to choose between war and shame. They chose shame. They will get war, too.
Winston Churchill

While love is one of God's attributes, it's not his only attribute. God is also holy and just.
Robert Jeffress

When knowledge is missing all other attributes have no grooves in which to rest.
Nelly Mazloum

Rationality is not one of this industry's attributes.
Scott Hamilton

I was never an ingénue at any point in my career. I was hoping that whatever I was bringing to the table, it wasn't some physical attribute that would change or fade over time.
Fred Savage

People are wiser than we are willing to attribute to them.
P. Chidambaram

If any performer has quality in his voice he can almost always be helped to develop all the other necessary attributes.
Lawrence Welk

Christlike attributes come into our lives as we exercise our agenncy righteously.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Beauty and truth may be attributes of good writing, but if the writer deliberately aims at truth, he is likely to find that what he has hit is the didactic.
Northrop Frye

Good Heaven, whose darling attribute we find is boundless grace, and mercy to mankind, abhors the cruel.
John Dryden

Yes, too much emphasis is put on outward physical attributes in every area of American life.
Gloria Gaynor

When you do your best, you are expressing an attribute of God.
Harold Klemp

I definitely consider myself a songwriter first because that's my best attribute.
Chad Kroeger

Moping is an unattractive attribute in a man.
Graydon Carter

Nature is the chart of God, mapping out all His attributes.
Martin Farquhar Tupper

Courage... is not a selfish attribute: it is only possible if you are pursuing a wider and more worthy goal.
Ted Malloch

The principle of love within us is an attribute of the Deity, and it is placed within us to be dispensed independently according to our own will.
Brigham Young

If the ox could think, it would attribute oxality to God.

All this contains much that is obviously true, and much that is relevant; unfortunately, what is obviously true is not relevant, and what is relevant is not obviously true.
Winston Churchill