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Brent Spiner Quotes

American actor, Birth: 2-2-1949 Brent Spiner Quotes
If you look around at the people in show business today they are basically the people who didn't give up.
Brent Spiner

I'm an avid biography reader.
Brent Spiner

I try not to make plans. Because, even the best laid plans etc. etc.
Brent Spiner

Certainly I find it most interesting to play a role that I can invent from nothing.
Brent Spiner

Timing is everything, as you know.
Brent Spiner

Similar Authors: Ronald Reagan Woody Allen Will Rogers Drake Michael Jackson Steven Wright Bruce Lee Conan O'Brien Mitch Hedberg Mike Tyson Robin Williams Clint Eastwood Steve Martin Zach Braff Chris Rock
People think that being on Star Trek is career suicide, but it's really just the opposite
Brent Spiner

I think the potential for man is so enormous, if we can stay alive long enough, we're going to be seeing a lot of what Star Trek is projecting.
Brent Spiner

I think it's the business part of the word show business that causes me the most concern.
Brent Spiner

Quote Topics by Brent Spiner: Thinking Stars Character People Jobs Running Couple Mean New York Years Guy Fun Long Kids Play Trying Nice Writing Car Real Independence Night Actors Sweet World Ideas Laughing Drama Home Makeup
The woman who wrote the movie [Ladies And Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains], her name is Nancy Dowd. She's a wonderful writer. She wrote Coming Home. And when I read the script, at that time, I thought, "This movie is going to do for girls what Breaking Away did for boys." I thought it was going to be huge. It was a great script.
Brent Spiner

My own personal favorite Cher song is the unforgettable Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves.
Brent Spiner

John Logan was kind of wrapping up - "Well, thanks for coming in..." - and I thought, "Oh, God, this is over and I'm out of here, and I really don't want to leave."So I said, "Can I ask you a question?" He said, "Sure." "What movie do you think you've seen more than any other movie?" And he said, "Wow, let me think about that. I guess probably The Searchers." And I said, "Well, oddly, that's the movie I've seen more than any other movie." And I wasn't just BS-ing. It's true. It's my favorite movie.
Brent Spiner

[The Aviator] came about through John Logan, who I've been friends with for many years.
Brent Spiner

Radical surgery is never fun.
Brent Spiner

I don't read fiction at all.
Brent Spiner

When I go to the old folks' home, I'm gonna be sitting in a rocking chair, telling everybody how I worked with Jack [Lemmon] and Walter [Matthau].
Brent Spiner

And the basic sort of thrust of Star Trek being about equality and tolerance and things I believe in deeply.
Brent Spiner

Having spent so much time in a fictional world, I prefer to read about the real world
Brent Spiner

Any job you can go to and have a laugh everyday has got to be a good job.
Brent Spiner

I like to think of myself as the Rutger Hauer of this show Star Trek: The Next Generation. But then I like to think of myself as Rutger Hauer in real life: strikingly handsome, irresistible to women, an intergalactic enigma.
Brent Spiner

Voice acting is about the easiest thing to do. You roll out of bed, throw your clothes on that you had on the night before, you go into the studio, and nobody cares, just as long as you can speak.
Brent Spiner

Needless to say, I was impressed by Felicia [Day] and her moxie with how to do a web series. I mean, she's the queen of the web.
Brent Spiner

Initially I objected to the Data makeup. I said, "Why do I need this makeup? Why can't I just look like me?" In fact, I said to Gene Roddenberry, "Don't you think that by this time in history, they would've figured out how to make skin look like skin?" And he said, "What makes you think that what you have isn't better than skin?" And I went, "Um, okay."
Brent Spiner

There's such a grand fraternity of actors who've played the Joker, not the least of whom is Mark Hamill, who voiced it for so long and was so great. I did it one time and... I've gotten some feedback on it from people who've seen it and really enjoyed it, but I don't know.
Brent Spiner

We were kind of never one of CBS favorites [with Threshold], even though we'd gotten really good reviews for the pilot. We were on at, what was it, 10 o'clock on a Friday night? That's kind of where you bury a show if you don't want it to last. But, wow, what a cast, huh? You could never get that cast together again.
Brent Spiner

I'm, like, y'know, I didn't have a problem doing one scene in Dude, Where's My Car? I'm certainly not going to have a problem doing one scene in a [Martin] Scorsese movie!
Brent Spiner

It wasn't exactly a cattle call. I had an agent, and they were seeing people for the parts, so my agent said, "Here's the script, see if there's anything that speaks to you." And I did, and I called my agent and said, "I think this character Data is kind of interesting," and she said, "Well, okay, I'll get you the appointment with Junie Lowry." I had to read with the casting agent first, 'cause nobody really knew me then. Then after that, I had, I think, six different auditions for the role. And finally it was me [on Star Trek].
Brent Spiner

The Dain Curse [Tom Fink] was a great job. I was in New York, and I was young - I think I'm 28 years old in that - and I got to work with James Coburn and Jean Simmons and Jason Miller. Plus, it was a Dashiell Hammett story, and I had a great character. It was fantastic to shoot.
Brent Spiner

I think we're all fans, and I understand the whole world of fandom, because I am a fan.
Brent Spiner

I know a guy who writes on the show, it was his episode, and he called and said, "Would you do it?" And I said, "Yeah." There's not really much else to tell, except that I was thrilled to be on The Simpsons, because it's one of the greatest series in the history of television.
Brent Spiner

I don't know you could do a whole film about Dr. Okun from Independence Day.
Brent Spiner

Both of the Quaid brothers, Randy and Dennis, were in my class, and Tommy Schlamme, who produced and directed The West Wing with Aaron Sorkin, among many others. Marianne Williamson, who did A Course In Miracles, she was in my high-school drama class, too. So it was kind of an amazing class.
Brent Spiner

A job is a job. And I like to work.
Brent Spiner

I had no idea I was part of what was going to be a big mega-hit. I thought I was doing a B sci-fi movie [Independence Day]. And, actually, it was Jeff Goldblum who looked at me one day and said, "You know, I think this is going to be really something." And I said, "Well, I hope you're right." And sure enough, it turned out to be.
Brent Spiner

Rent Control was an interesting movie. It was directed by... I had done a couple of plays off Broadway, and this Italian director came, his name was Gian Luigi Polidoro, and he determined I was the person to play the lead in his low-budget comedy. He'd won an award at the Venice Film Festival, and... He was, y'know, a skilled director.
Brent Spiner

Dr. Okun. Who's named after a special-effects guy named Jeff Okun, who had done Stargate for Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin, who did Independence Day. But "Brakish" just came up one day when Jeff Goldblum and I were improvising, and he told me his character's name and I told him mine.
Brent Spiner

Rent Control is not a terrible movie, certainly not for the budget they had. And, again, it's such an '80s kind of thing.
Brent Spiner

I love the South Park guys, Trey Parker and Matt Stone. They're geniuses. I throw that word around a lot, but I really do mean it.
Brent Spiner

I've played myself before this ["Brent Spiner"] - and I've played myself since, for that matter - and playing yourself one of the most difficult characters you can play, 'cause God knows most of us don't know who that is.
Brent Spiner

We got to be really good friends [Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau]. It was just thrilling, every day. Every single day. I had a big couple of musical numbers in [Out to Sea], and I remember doing one of them and shooting it from beginning to end.
Brent Spiner

I went to New York out of college, and in my day, we were told that was the way you became a good actor. You don't go to Hollywood, you go straight to New York and work in the theater. So that's what most of the people I knew did.
Brent Spiner

Of course, when you see [ musical numbers] in the movie [Out To Sea ], it's cut into a lot with other scenes, but we shot the number straight through, so here I am doing it, and sitting right in front of me in the audience was Donald O'Connor. And I was, like, "Oh, my God, I can't believe I'm performing a musical number in front of Donald O'Connor," who's one of the greats of the silver screen. But it was a thrilling experience, it really was.
Brent Spiner

I've gotten such good feedback from that [re-team with Wil Wheaton for Big Bang Theory appearance], and I hardly did anything.
Brent Spiner

As I get older and I get more of this dialogue and I lose more and more brain cells, it really does become the most difficult part of the job!
Brent Spiner

I think everyone agrees First Contact was our best film, and even at that, they're kind of... I don't know, they're sort of movies. But they're kind of really Star Trek movies, if you take my meaning. It's hard for me to say. I was glad to be doing them. Whether they were good isn't really up to me to determine, and it doesn't matter what I think. I thought we had a really nice script on Nemesis, and the audience didn't seem to care for it, so what can you do?
Brent Spiner

Joey being one of my finest performances ever. Matt LeBlanc's basically doing the same thing right now, playing himself on Episodes. When I did Joey, I really leaned on them to make me the biggest ass they possibly could, because, frankly, everyone in their heart of hearts thinks of themselves that way. Or at least I do, anyway.
Brent Spiner

I don't read Science Fiction.
Brent Spiner

Obviously we're doing a comedy [Fresh Hell], and our intent is to entertain, but we're also really aware and trying to stay aware of the subtext of what it's like to reach a certain age and be dismissed, basically, from the fraternity you've always wanted to be a part of, and the desperation involved in trying to claw your way back into it.
Brent Spiner

I've toyed with this idea [of Fresh Hell] for a long time. I actually wrote a feature years ago with this sort of concept in mind, and it's gone through several incarnations, and... It wasn't 'til I met Chris Ellis, who directed me in a little thing that was actually for a ride in Universal Singapore, for those of you who happen to be going to Universal Singapore.
Brent Spiner

Generally, I have to be able to get the lines out of my mouth without making a mistake before I go to sleep.
Brent Spiner

In my heart, I've never left Brazil.
Brent Spiner