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Brooklyn Quotes

Spread love, it's the Brooklyn way.
The Notorious B.I.G.

Authors on Brooklyn Quotes: Betty Smith Barbra Streisand Barbara Stanwyck Tracy Morgan Bun B Donald Trump Tom Robbins Michelle Williams Herbie Mann Nassim Nicholas Taleb The Notorious B.I.G. Meg Cabot David Wilkerson Marilyn Monroe Paul Auster Rudolph A. Marcus Rick Riordan Anthony Bourdain Joshua Foer Carson McCullers Nicki Minaj Tony Visconti Mikhail Baryshnikov Bob Dole Mark Twain Fernando Torres Theo Rossi Mel Brooks Don DeLillo Gregory Pardlo Paul Pierce Hakeem Jeffries Stan Musial
When I was trekking across Brooklyn, looking for MC battles - and there were plenty of them - I never dreamed I'd be at this podium.

I was a prosecutor in Brooklyn in the homicide division and then as a senior assistant district attorney.
Star Jones

I live in Brooklyn, in Williamsburg, so I just like to wander around. Williamsburg's such a cool little neighborhood community spot.
Zoe Kravitz

At some point we all have to move on. Im here to create some kind of legacy in Brooklyn.
Paul Pierce

In Brooklyn, it was as though you were in your own little bubble. You were all part of one big, but very close family, and the Dodgers were the main topic of everybody's conversations and you could sense the affection people had for you. I don't know that such a thing exists anymore.
Don Drysdale

Why should these Palestinians, who have lived in Jerusalem for hundreds of years, be evicted from their homes so that Jews from Brooklyn can live in them?
Norman Finkelstein

Where I grew up in Brooklyn, nobody committed suicide. Everyone was too unhappy.
Woody Allen

Also, I preached to gangs on the streets of Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx - and miracles began to happen.
David Wilkerson

I'm a tough old broad from Brooklyn. Don't try to make me into something I'm not. If you want someone to tiptoe down the Barkley staircase in crinoline and politely ask where the cattle went, get another girl.
Barbara Stanwyck

Brooklyn is not the easiest place to grow up in, although I wouldn't change that experience for anything.
Neil Diamond

I'm a tough old broad from Brooklyn. I intend to go on acting until I'm ninety, and they won't need to paste my face with make-up.
Barbara Stanwyck

I once started out to walk around the world but ended up in Brooklyn, that Bridge was too much for me.
Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Its a matter of principle. If Jews born in Brooklyn have a right to a state in Palestine then Palestinians born in Jerusalem have a right to a state in Palestine.
Christopher Hitchens

It seemed like I always did some great hitting in Brooklyn. The field there was close to the stands. Every time I started walking to the plate, I could hear the fans say, 'Here comes that man again. Here comes that man.'
Stan Musial

Living in Brooklyn it's a very fend-for-yourself place. Maybe it's made me a little bit harsh but I don't consider that to be pejorative.
Fernando Torres

'Dear God,' she prayed, 'let me be something every minute of every hour of my life.'
Betty Smith

And," Amber said, practically drooling as she ogled him, "it's tradition for new arrivals to help with the pep rally." Brooklyn quirked her lips in doubt. "Tradition?" "It's a new tradition," Amber shot back. "Clearly the deeper meaning of the word has escaped you.
Darynda Jones

I grew up in Brooklyn.
Johnny Kelly

When I went to Brooklyn in 1948 Jackie Robinson was at the height of his brilliant career.
Ernie Harwell

I think of myself as a girl from Brooklyn.
Barbra Streisand

I was unaware of the dispute in Brooklyn. I would never knowingly wear any clothes or support any company who produced clothing with alleged wage and labor violations.

I grew up to the sound of live music in our Brooklyn household.
Tony Visconti

I was raised in Brooklyn, and I lived there for 59 years.
Herbie Mann

After a subsequent interview at Brooklyn Poly, I was hired, and life as a fully independent researcher began.
Rudolph A. Marcus

My net worth, that net works. Keep my shooters out in Brooklyn where the Nets work.
Nicki Minaj

I have some Russian friends. But probably only 10 percent. I don't hang out usually in the big Russian communities in Brooklyn and New Jersey.
Mikhail Baryshnikov

I admit I keep a clichéd ironic distance with many things in the world, but Brooklyn is not one of them.
Gregory Pardlo

An egg cream can do anything. An egg cream to a Brooklyn Jew is like water to an Arab. A Jew will kill for an egg cream. It's the Jewish malmsey.
Mel Brooks

Even though I grew up as a Sephardic Jew in Brooklyn where we ate Syrian food and went to temple, it was still America.
Isaac Mizrahi

I read Betty Smith's "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn," all of Shirley Jackson's books, which I loved.
Alice Hoffman

I've lived most of my life in Manhattan, but as close as Brooklyn is to Manhattan, there are people who live there who have been to Manhattan maybe once or twice.
Ellen Burstyn

Brooklyn was a dream. All the things that happened there just couldn't happen. It was all dream stuff. Or was it all real and true and was it that she, Francie, was the dreamer?
Betty Smith

At all events there is in Brooklyn something that makes me feel at home.
Marianne Moore

When I was 15 years old, or 16, I carried around on the streets of Brooklyn a paperback copy of Plato's Republic, front cover facing outward. I had read only some of it and understood less, but I was excited by it and knew it was something wonderful.
Robert Nozick

I'm just a simple kid from Brooklyn who landed into the most enchanted lifestyle imaginable.
Michael Musto

The Brooklyn Dodgers had a no hitter last night.
Bob Dole

Who knows how to make love stay? Tell love you are going to the Junior's Deli on Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn to pick up a cheesecake, and if love stays, it can have half.
Tom Robbins

I wish I had an invisible plane to take me home to Brooklyn, and I wouldn't have to ride the subway.
Keri Russell

I'm from Brooklyn. I grew up very poor- seven people, four rooms. My dad had no education.
Peter Criss

I am happy everywhere except in places where I see glitz and rich farts. I am happiest in Brooklyn, where the concentration of rich farts is minimal.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Being from Staten Island and Brooklyn, I'm used to eating pasta and meatballs every single day.
Theo Rossi

Brooklyn's good. Brooklyn's funky. Brooklyn's happening.
Waris Dirie

I am a dark-skinned, nappy-headed, scar-faced dude from the streets of Brooklyn. I can't hide from being who I am. It's all over my face.
Michael K. Williams

Only the dead know Brooklyn.
Thomas Wolfe

I started off in Brooklyn, New York, with a small loan and built a business that today is worth well over $10 billion.
Donald Trump

Brooklyn was like Philadelphia made better by its proximity to Manhattan.
Jonathan Franzen

Before I moved to Brooklyn to pursue music, I was a high school dropout and speed freak who'd been living with her dealer boyfriend in Bucks County, Pennsylvania at 16.
Britta Phillips

I was raised on the streets, in hot, steamy Brooklyn, with stifled air.
Barbra Streisand

And I'm sure than in Poland, or somewhere, it is considered cool to drive a Porsche and wear necklaces and black silk, but at least back in Brooklyn if you did those things you were either a drug dealer or from New Jersey.
Meg Cabot