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Bud Abbott Quotes

American comedian and producer (b. 1895), Birth: 2-10-1897, Death: 24-4-1974
You never heard of a comedy team that didn't fight, did you?
Bud Abbott

Now, on the St. Louis team we have Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know's on third...
Bud Abbott

It gets boring at home. How many reruns of Abbott and Costello movies can a guy watch on TV?
Bud Abbott

Well, I always had a chauffer, because I have never driven a car in my life. I still can't drive.
Bud Abbott

Sitting at home the way I do, I'd just love the hear from people. It'd be a great help in passing the time.
Bud Abbott

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That's why so many stars are making pictures in Europe today. The tax guys are making thieves out of everybody.
Bud Abbott

They liked me so long as the liquor flowed at my house, but I haven't seen any of them around lately.
Bud Abbott