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Candice Patton Quotes

I like seeing women defined by what they do and what they're passionate about rather than the men that they're in love with or associated with. That's always more important to me, as a female.
Candice Patton

It's great to know that young black girls are seeing themselves on TV as leading ladies, and I'm part of that. It's just such an honor.
Candice Patton

I would love to get a role that changes the landscape of being an African American woman in television and film.
Candice Patton

The thing that I love about The Flash and about superhero shows, in general, is that it's not about having superpowers that makes you a superhero. You don't have to be The Flash and have super speed to do the right thing. You can be a great reporter or you can be a cop, like Joe West, and still fight for the things that matter.
Candice Patton

My fan interactions are really, really special. They're one of the highlights of this job for me, because I go out and do these conventions all across the world and meet all of these young girls - girls that look like me, and girls that look nothing like me, that are excited and empowered to see a woman of color on television. I'm really grateful for the fans that I have.
Candice Patton

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On a superhero show, you have to have people who are really human and who have the experience the audience is having.
Candice Patton

I think it always makes for great television when two characters actually take time to realize that they want to be with each other. You have to leave it to the writers to know what makes great television.
Candice Patton

It's nice getting to play a different version of yourself. You sign on for a show and think you're just going to play one character for however many years, so it's nice, for an actor, to have a little bit of fun.
Candice Patton

Quote Topics by Candice Patton: Girl Nice Character Superhero Producers Fighting Way Special Trying Female Important Shows African American Roles Matter Answers Grateful Comment Honor Fun Black Two Men Thinking People Television
I try and stay away from my comment section on Twitter. But for the most part, the response that I get usually is very positive - and so it's nice.
Candice Patton

I don't really dig for answers from the producers and writers that much. I let things happen the way they're going to happen.
Candice Patton