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Closing Quotes

When we close ourselves off, we're not just closing ourselves off to other people, we're closing ourselves off from ourselves and impeding ourselves. When you open up, you allow yourself to be who you are.
Amy Cuddy

Authors on Closing Quotes: Thomas Dreier Craig Armstrong Joe Torre Mark Twain Tom Waits Alex Rodriguez Marshall Goldsmith Jeff Gordon Gabriel Garcia Marquez Amy Cuddy Mickey Gilley Jhonen Vasquez Barack Obama Irving Babbitt Arthur Laurents Lisa Kleypas Edmund Wilson Jorge Luis Borges James Caan Austin O'Malley Ethel M. Dell Joseph Heller Glenn Greenwald
If you aren't opening doors for people, you are closing them!
Marshall Goldsmith

Final thoughts are so, you know, final. Let's call them closing words.
Craig Armstrong

You're the only one who's closing your eyes at night. There's no one else who can do it for you.
James Caan

I can't start writing until I have a closing line.
Joseph Heller

Now it's closing time/the music's fading out.
Tom Waits

It is well to open one's mind but only as a preliminary to closing it ... for the supreme act of judgment and selection.
Irving Babbitt

Old-fogyism is comfortably closing in.
Edmund Wilson

Death is the opening-and the closing-of a Door.
Ethel M. Dell

Death is just infinity closing in.
Jorge Luis Borges

No is always a door-closing word; Yes is a door-opening word.
Thomas Dreier

I won't be managing the Mets. I am closing the door on managing the Mets and probably everybody else.
Joe Torre

Choosing not to read is like closing an open door to paradise
Mark Twain

If my life depended on it - if my daughter's life depended on it - I'd want Mariano Rivera closing. Wouldn't you?
Alex Rodriguez

You're still going to see accidents, you always will. Especially towards the closing laps of a race.
Jeff Gordon

He thought about his people without sentimentality, with a strict closing of his accounts with life, beginning to understand how much he really loved the people he hated most.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Don't all the girls get prettier at closing time?
Mickey Gilley

The window is closing.
Barack Obama

Witty closing remarks have been replaced by massive head trauma and severe hemorrhaging.
Jhonen Vasquez

Closing Bell is unlike any play I've written.
Arthur Laurents

Pretend you're mine," he urged, his arms closing around her. "Just for a minute. Pretend there's never been anyone but me, that I'm the one you're promised to. Do it for me....I'll never ask again.
Lisa Kleypas

The living have their eyes opened by closing the eyes of the dead.
Austin O'Malley

Incestuous, homogeneous fiefdoms of self-proclaimed expertise are always rank-closing and mutually self-defending, above all else.
Glenn Greenwald