Everything that man can imagine, he is capable of creating.
Thomas Sankara
All that the human mind can conceive, it is able to bring into existence.
Teaching means creating situations where structures can be discovered.
Jean Piaget
Educating implies fashioning circumstances where fundamentals can be exposed.
Life never stops. The torment of men will be eternal, unless the function of creating and acting and changing, living intensely through each day, be considered an eternal joy.
Le Corbusier
The everlasting strife of mankind will persist indefinitely unless the act of generating, performing and altering, experiencing each day with energy, is deemed an everlasting bliss.
Authentic marketing is not the art of selling what you make but knowing what to make. It is the art of identifying and understanding customer needs and creating solutions that deliver satisfaction to the customers, profits to the producers and benefits for the stakeholders.
Philip Kotler
The material of typography is the black, and it is the designer’s task with the help of this black to capture space, to create harmonious whites inside the letters as well as between them.
Adrian Frutiger
The fabric of typography is the darkness, and it is the artist's responsibility with the aid of this blackness to seize space, to engender consonant voids within the letters as well as among them.
Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program
Nancy Pelosi
Subsidized employment is marshalling more jobs than any other initiative.
It's not about standing still and becoming safe. If anybody wants to keep creating they have to be about change.
Miles Davis
It's not about stagnancy and attaining security. If anyone desires to remain productive they must be adaptable.
I think the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
I opine that Satan is a fabrication, spawned from the human psyche and fashioned in its own likeness.
Leadership is about setting a direction. It's about creating a vision, empowering and inspiring people to want to achieve the vision, and enabling them to do so with energy and speed through an effective strategy. In its most basic sense, leadership is about mobilizing a group of people to jump into a better future.
John P. Kotter
The purpose of my work was never to destroy but always to create, to construct bridges, because we must live in the hope that humankind will draw together and that the better we understand each other the easier this will become.
Alphonse Mucha
The only thing of real importance that leaders do is to create and manage culture. If you do not manage culture, it manages you, and you may not even be aware of the extent to which this is happening.
Edgar Schein
I've gone seventy-nine hours without sleep, creating. When that flow is going, it's almost like a high. You don't want it to stop. You don't want to go to sleep for fear of missing something.
Dr. Dre
I've remained awake for seventy-nine hours while producing. When that creative energy is in motion, it's akin to an ecstatic sensation. You don't wish for it to end. You dread sleeping in fear of losing out on something great.
Nature is busy creating absolutely unique individuals, whereas culture has invented a single mold to which all must conform. It is grotesque.
U.G. Krishnamurti
Nature is actively constructing distinct individuals, while culture has devised a single archetype to which everyone must adhere. It is preposterous.
The best way to get people to think outside the box is not to create the box in the first place.
Martin Cooper
'The best way to foster creative thinking is to avoid imposing limits in the first place.'
I'm not a lyric writer to make statements. What I enjoy doing is making paintings with lyrics, creating colorful images. I think that's more what entertainment and music should be.
Chris Cornell
I'm not a wordsmith to make proclamations. What I take pleasure in doing is crafting pictures with lyrics, creating vivid images. I believe that's more what amusement and music should be.
Who is blameless? Only those that blame no one for aught that is, has been or may be. Only in creating hope, life, understanding, harmony, does one become blameless. For, as you understand, they that would be loved must show themselves lovely; they that would have friends must be a friend to others. For in the manner you treat others, you treat your Lord. Let that light which has aroused you be alive, awakened. Condemn no one. And as you come seeking, know, understand, as you create same in the lives of others so is it reflected in your own.
Edgar Cayce
Dwelling is not primarily inhabiting but taking care of and creating that space within which something comes into its own and flourishes.
Martin Heidegger
Nurturing is not simply occupying but cherishing and constructing that area where something blooms and prospers.
Creating music is a wonderful way to celebrate our devotion for Lord Shiva.
Amish Tripathi
Composing music is a splendid way to express our veneration for Lord Shiva.
Florence Scovel Shinn
Your speech is your spellbook. The utterances you make shape your future.
Despite current ads and slogans, the world doesn't change one person at a time. It changes when networks of relationships form among people who share a common cause and vision of what's possible. This is good news for those of us intent on creating a positive future. Rather than worry about critical mass, our work is to foster critical connections. We don't need to convince large numbers of people to change; instead, we need to connect with kindred spirits. Through these relationships, we will develop the new knowledge, practices, courage and commitment that lead to broad-based change.
Margaret J. Wheatley
My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.
Barack Obama
Strive for perfection in everything. Take the best that exists and make it better. If it doesn't exist, create it. Accept nothing nearly right or good enough
Henry Royce
Pursue excellence in all aspects. Utilize the highest standard available and improve upon it. If there is no such standard, devise one. Refuse to settle for anything less than perfection.
The present moment is creative, creating with an unheard-of intensity.
Le Corbusier
The present instance is inventive, producing with an unprecedented vigor.
Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul.
Alice Walker
Whenever you are generating beauty in your environment, you are revitalizing your own spirit.
Your problem is how you are going to spend this one odd and precious life you have been issued. Whether you're going to spend it trying to look good and creating the illusion that you have power over people and circumstances, or whether you are going to taste it, enjoy it and find out the truth about who you are.
Anne Lamott
Each of us is responsible for creating an environment of warmth and consideration for those we love. I have always tried to define a good day not in terms of one in which all things were made right and comfortable for me but rather, as a day in which I have been able to make another's day more loving and special for them. We must treat each other with dignity. Not because we merit it but because we grow best in thoughtfulness.
Leo Buscaglia
Thought is not reality; yet it is through Thought that our realities are created.
Sydney Banks
Reflection is not actuality; nevertheless it is by means of Reflection that our realities are fashioned.
Today is a new day. Today is a day for you to begin creating a joyous, fulfilling life. Today is the day to begin to release all your limitations. Today is the day for you to learn the secrets of life. You can change your life for the better. You already have the tools within you to do so. These tools are your thoughts and your beliefs.
Louise Hay
We've moved from wisdom to knowledge, and now we're moving from knowledge to information, and that information is so partial – that we're creating incomplete human beings.
Vandana Shiva
We have progressed from insight to data, and now we are transitioning from facts to details, and that information is so one-sided – thus forming partial individuals.
Design is not about decorating functional forms - it is about creating forms that accord with the character of the object and that show new technologies to advantage.
Peter Behrens
Creating forms that blend with the personality of the object and demonstrate the use of advanced technologies to maximum effect.
Black Consciousness therefore takes cognizance of the deliberateness of God's plan in creating Black people black.
Steven Biko
'Black Consciousness acknowledges the intentional nature of God in fashioning African Americans with dark skin color.'
I've never felt that fear is my enemy. Fear is my friend. It offers me a chance to stay alert, keep growing, continue creating something new. If you don't take that sort of risk, you learn nothing.
Eartha Kitt
I have never regarded fear as a foe. Fear is my ally. It presents me with the opportunity to remain mindful, progress, and create something new. If one does not take that kind of gamble, nothing can be learned.
When the time is yours, the future is waiting, The person you become, and the people you're creating.
Jeff Hardy
Life is not a matter of creating a special name for ourselves, but of uncovering the name we have always had.
Richard Rohr
When we form heart-centered beliefs within our bodies, in the language of physics we're creating the electrical and magnetic expression of them as waves of energy, which aren't confined to our hearts or limited by the physical barrier of our skin and bones. So clearly we're speaking to the world around us in each moment of every day through a language that has no words: the belief-waves of our hearts.
Gregg Braden
When we measure something we are forcing an undetermined, undefined world to assume an experimental value. We are not measuring the world, we are creating it.
Niels Bohr
The purpose of the corporation must be redefined as creating shared value, not just profit per se. This will drive the next wave of innovation and productivity growth in the global economy.
Michael Porter
To create, one must first question everything.
Eileen Gray
Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.
Margaret J. Wheatley
That's what we do, man, we're like storytellers. We tell you stories from the streets. Whether we did it before when we was young or we heard it from one of the homies telling us a tale of what he been through. It's all in having fun and creating a movie like vibe to tell a tale from the streets.
The psyches and souls of women also have their own cycles and seasons of doing and solitude, running and staying, being involved and being removed, questing and resting, creating and incubating, being of the world and returning to the soul-place.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
I like people who are still actively creating in their life, who aren't set, I don't feel like I'm set. And I don't have any baggage, for better or worse. I don't have any plants or pets or kids. I can lock the door and go. I need to be with somebody for whom that's okay.
Dana Delany
To my mind, a picture should be something pleasant, cheerful, and pretty, yes pretty! There are too many unpleasant things in life as it is without creating still more of them.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Terrorism is a psychological warfare. Terrorists try to manipulate us and change our behavior by creating fear, uncertainty, and division in society.
Patrick J. Kennedy
Some people think or expect that you should make the same kinds of art forever because it creates a convenient narrative... I want my work to embody my inherent contradictions.
Kiki Smith
People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.
Thomas Szasz
If you're overfishing at the top of the food chain, and acidifying the ocean at the bottom, you're creating a squeeze that could conceivably collapse the whole system.
Carl Safina
MinÂiÂmalÂism is about creÂatÂing comÂplete harÂmony and not about making simple.
Naoto Fukasawa