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David Shore Quotes

Canadian screenwriter and producer, Birth: 3-7-1959 David Shore Quotes
It's a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what. The weird thing about telling someone they're dying is it tends to focus their priorities. You find out what matters to them. What they're willing to die for... What they're willing to lie for.
David Shore

Doing what you love means dealing with things you don't.
David Shore

People choose the paths that grant them the greatest rewards for the least amount of effort.
David Shore

You make decisions and choices, and you're never going to know if they're the ideal choices, but you make them and you make the most of them.
David Shore

There are a lot of explorations on TV of romantic relationships, and some are good and some are bad. I think there are very few explorations of male friendship that' s not just a wingman type friendship and not just an opportunity for humor, but that really explores two friends and their relationship.
David Shore

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You're supposed to trust friends. You have no reason to be his friend? That is part of the pleasure of friendship: trusting without absolute evidence and then being rewarded for that trust.
David Shore

Only two things you ignore: things that aren't important and things you wish weren't important. And wishing never works.
David Shore

Like I always say, there's no "I" in "team." There is a "me," though, if you jumble it up.
David Shore

Quote Topics by David Shore: Thinking People Stories Team Should Pleasure Planets Ideals Runway Care Choices Safety Too Late Two Wind Heart Rewards Two Friends What Matters Interesting Lying Doing What You Love Punishment House Issues Friendship Reason Suffering Decision Noise
If we were to care about every person suffering on this planet, life would shut down.
David Shore

Shorten the runway and you have fewer takeoffs and landings, shorten the runway and you enhance safety and reduce the noise, ... It also reduces the justification for the buyout as it is now being proposed.
David Shore

You have to be driven by the stories that you want to tell. You can't simply be responding, or there won't be any real heart to those stories anymore.
David Shore

You have to make changes before people are clamoring for changes. If people are asking for changes, it's too late.
David Shore

If your audience doesn't like something, you should think to yourself, "Well, why don't they like something? Is there something wrong here?" And, if they like something, you should think to yourself, "Why do they like it? What am I doing right here?," and deal with those issues.
David Shore

The saying within the writer's room, which were my words of wisdom, if you will, was, "The punishment doesn't have to fit the crime, but there has to be a crime."
David Shore

I think you have to do the stories that interest you and hope an audience likes it, rather than doing stories that you think the audience will like, whether you like them or not. I think there has to be something that you find compelling and interesting, and then hopefully an audience will agree with you.
David Shore

Directing is a very all-consuming job. What you want to do there, as you're coming down the final road, is to just sit back and enjoy and let the wind flow through your hair. When you're directing, you're sitting there going, "I need to make this shot. How many hours do we have left in the day? How many hours behind are we?" You're just constantly worried about doing the job.
David Shore