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Dry Cleaning Quotes

A hearty laugh gives one a dry cleaning, while a good cry is a wet wash.
Puzant Kevork Thomajan

Authors on Dry Cleaning Quotes: Puzant Kevork Thomajan Debra Messing Cynthia Heimel The Miz Sarah Dessen Kimora Lee Simmons
He's getting dumped. And he doesn't even know it yet. He's probably eating a cheeseburger or flossing or picking up his dry cleaning, and he has no idea. No inkling.
Sarah Dessen

Well I remember the first thing that from coming from New York that just stunned me and I couldn't understand was that you valet park for everything. Even - you valet park to go to the dry cleaner. And that, you know, that just blew my mind. I was like, okay, you have to pay $5 to a guy to just drop off your dry cleaning. And so that, to me, was nuts - the fact you're always arriving.
Debra Messing

a car is just a moving, giant handbag! You never have actually to carry groceries, or dry cleaning, or anything! You can have five pairs of shoes with you at all times!
Cynthia Heimel

He also knows what king of protein I like, what T-shirts I like, how I like my dry cleaning to be done. He also knows how I like my stuff folded and put away into drawers.
The Miz

We as women analyze every little thing that comes out of men's mouths, but sometimes you've got to just pay their craziness no heed. Just pretend it's their "time of the month" and think about the dry-cleaning you've got to pick up.
Kimora Lee Simmons