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Faith Popcorn Quotes

Faith Popcorn Quotes
The trouble in corporate America is that too many people with too much power live in a box (their home), then travel the same road every day to another box (their office).
Faith Popcorn

Too many marketers assume that future will hold back and wait until they're ready for it. It won't.
Faith Popcorn

Send me out into another life. But get me back for supper.
Faith Popcorn

The future bears a resemblance to the past, only more so.
Faith Popcorn

Cocooning is about insulation and avoidance, peace and protection, coziness and control - a sort of hyper-nesting.
Faith Popcorn

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America is a consumer culture, and when we change what we buy - and how we buy it - we'll change who we are.
Faith Popcorn

If the vision is there, the means will follow.
Faith Popcorn

You can trust a crystal ball about as far as you can throw it.
Faith Popcorn

Quote Topics by Faith Popcorn: Popcorn Consumers Home Future America Pieces Fighting Fun Another Life Hungry Protection Vengeance Vision Guy Ifs Land Culture Bears Dream United States Financial Individuality Enough Waiting Competing Sick Supper Men Balls Hands
Stop competing on price; compete on value. Deliver total consumer solutions, rather than just your piece of the solution.
Faith Popcorn

The cliches of a culture sometimes tell the deepest truths.
Faith Popcorn

We can never give up the belief that the good guys always win. And that we are the good guys.
Faith Popcorn

To offset a depersonalized society, consumers crave recognition of their individuality.
Faith Popcorn

Just before consumers stop doing something, they do it with a vengeance.
Faith Popcorn

We are hungry for things that have touched human hands.
Faith Popcorn

Women are opening businesses at twice the rate of men ... Forty percent of businesses will be owned by women. Women are saying, I don't belong in this company. I'm sick of fighting this battle.
Faith Popcorn

It used to be enough just to make a fairly decent product and market it. Not anymore. In the '90s, you've got to have a Corporate Soul.
Faith Popcorn

This is a dream as old as America itself: give me a piece of land to call my own, a little town where everyone knows my name.
Faith Popcorn

Cocooning: The need to protect oneself from the harsh, unpredictable realities of the outside world.
Faith Popcorn

Make your company stock a consumer product. When consumers buy stock in your company, they'll never buy a competitive product. You've linked their financial future to yours.
Faith Popcorn