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Flags Quotes

As soon as slavery fired upon the flag it was felt, we all felt, even those who did not object to slaves, that slavery must be destroyed. We felt that it was a stain to the Union that men should be bought and sold like cattle.
Ulysses S. Grant

Authors on Flags Quotes: Yasser Arafat Donald Trump Adrian Cronauer Jesse Ventura Rand Paul Sinclair Lewis Mark Twain Sean Hannity Eddie Izzard Mike Fitzpatrick Greg Ginn William J. Brennan Franklin Knight Lane Mehmet Murat Ildan Chris Witty Wendell Berry Finley Peter Dunne John Wayne Francis Ford Coppola Mahatma Gandhi Johnny Cash Winona LaDuke H. P. Lovecraft Kesha Pierre de Coubertin Ann Coulter Stephen Colbert Ken Kesey Michael Morpurgo Bette Midler Tertullian Ivica Dacic John Cena
Burn my Flag and I will shoot you........but I'll shoot you with a lot of love, like a good American
Johnny Cash

'Desecrate my banner and I will fire upon you........but with a generous amount of fondness, like a loyal citizen of this nation.'
The American flag has not been planted on foreign soil to acquire more territory but for humanity's sake.
William McKinley

Your name is Windows. Why are you a flag?
Paula Scher

On the field I defend our colours, love our flag and sing our anthem. I could not be more Italian than I am now.
Gianluigi Buffon

It comes as a great shockā€¦to discover that the flag to which you have pledged allegianceā€¦has not pledged allegiance to you. It comes as a great shock to see Gary Cooper killing off the Indians, and although you are rooting for Gary Cooper, that the Indians are you.
James A. Baldwin

Nowhere else in history has there ever been a flag that stands for the right to burn itself. This is the fractal of our flag. It stands for the right to destroy itself.
Ken Kesey

I still want to be the candidate for guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks.
Howard Dean

To survive in peace and harmony, united and strong, we must have one people, one nation, one flag.
Pauline Hanson

The victory march will continue until the Palestinian flag flies in Jerusalem and in all of Palestine.
Yasser Arafat

We do not consecrate the flag by punishing its desecration, for in doing so, we dilute the freedom this cherished emblem represents.
William J. Brennan

There's one beneficial effect of going to Moscow. You come home waving the American flag with all your might.
Mary Tyler Moore

The Confederate flag represents the same thing to blacks as the Nazi flag represents to Jews,.
Ken Page

White collar conservative flashin' down the street, Pointing that plastic finger at me, Hoping soon my kind will drop and die, But I'm gonna wave my freak flag high.
Jimi Hendrix

If I fall, pick up the flag, kiss it, and keep on going.
Omar Torrijos

The American flag represents all of us and all the values we hold sacred.
Adrian Cronauer

The Republican Party would have the American flag and the swastika flying side by side.
Julian Bond

The Confederate flag is one of those things that should only be seen on t-shirts, belt buckles and bumper stickers to help the rest of us identify the worst people in the world.
John Oliver

The American flag is the most recognized symbol of freedom and democracy in the world.
Virginia Foxx

History of science is a relay race, my painter friend. Copernicus took over his flag from Aristarchus, from Cicero, from Plutarch; and Galileo took that flag over from Copernicus.
Mehmet Murat Ildan

I prefer a man who will burn the flag and then wrap himself in the constitution to a man who will burn the constitution and then wrap himself in the flag.
Craig Washington

I fear my enthusiasm flags when real work is demanded of me.
H. P. Lovecraft

I fly my geek flag proudly. Absolutely.
LeVar Burton

When facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the American flag.
Sinclair Lewis

That one flag encircles us with its folds today, the unrivaled object of our loyal love.
Benjamin Harrison

Nationalism is just racism with a flag.
Peter Joseph

Why don't those damn oil companies fly their own flags on their personal property-maybe a flag with a gas pump on it.
Smedley Butler

If you want a symbolic gesture, don't burn the flag, wash it.
Norman Thomas

A man may climb Everest for himself, but at the summit he plants his country's flag.
Margaret Thatcher

I really do see the good in people, and I don't want to change that.
Jennifer Morrison

The six colors, including the white background, represent the colors of all the world's flags ... this is a true international emblem.
Pierre de Coubertin

I would rather be assassinated than see a single star removed from the American flag.
Abraham Lincoln

I am not the flag: not at all. I am but its shadow.
Franklin Knight Lane

You don't defend national sovereignty with flags, cheap election rhetoric, and advertising campaigns.
Stephen Harper

Sure I wave the American flag. Do you know a better flag to wave?
John Wayne

I don't get all choked up about yellow ribbons and American flags. I see them as symbols, and I leave them to the symbol-minded.
George Carlin

Fascism will come to America wrapped in a flag.
Sinclair Lewis

The flag still stands for freedom and they can't take that away.
Lee Greenwood

Why fight for a flag when you can buy one for a nickel.
Ezra Pound

In vain they seek to hide behind the flag and the Constitution. In their blindness they forget what the flag and the Constitution stand for. Now, as always, they stand for democracy, not tyranny; for freedom, not subjection; and against a dictatorship by mob rule and the over-privileged alike.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Every time I hit a shot, I feel like I am shaking hands with the flag stick.
Moe Norman

The American flag is the symbol of our freedom, national pride and history.
Mike Fitzpatrick

I hear they had our flag on their dressing room floor. I wonder if they'd like us to sign it?
Hayley Wickenheiser

When I see the American flag, I go, 'Oh my God, you're insulting me.'
Janeane Garofalo

One night I dreamed that I painted a large American flag, and the next morning I got up and I went out and bought the materials to begin it.
Jasper Johns

We have way better nazi flags than THAT one.
Burnie Burns

Together, we will have one great American future. Our potential is unlimited. We will be one people, under one God, saluting one American flag.
Donald Trump

Here Eddie, hold the flag while I putt out.
Walter Hagen

If you remove the English army to-morrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organisation of the Socialist Republic your efforts would be in vain.
James Connolly

Pledge allegiance to the flag that neglects us.
Tupac Shakur