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Frank Quotes

Frank (Frank Sinatra) is a singer who comes along once in a lifetime, but why did he have to come in mine?
Bing Crosby

Authors on Frank Quotes: Rick Riordan Frank Moore Cross Robert Henri Chael Sonnen Muhammad Ali George Strait Tracy Morgan Don Rickles Jon Gordon James Agee H. R. McMaster Walter Cronkite Philip Johnson Jean Chretien Stanley Kubrick Billy Joe Saunders Gilbert Gottfried Timothy Omundson Dwayne Hickman Jay Chiat Fan Bingbing William McDonough Eileen Myles Jerry Weintraub Robert Wyatt Bing Crosby Greg Giraldo Chet Baker Hershel Shanks Mariah Carey Garry Winogrand William Sadler Elie Wiesel
Artt Frank is my all-time favorite drummer. He always seems to know where I'm going.
Chet Baker

To be frank, politics is about wanting power, getting it, exercising it, and keeping it.
Jean Chretien

We’ve arrived,” Leo announced. “Time to Split.” Frank groaned. “Can we leave Valdez in Croatia?
Rick Riordan

We exchanged many frank words in our respective languages.
Peter Cook

I wish Frank Sinatra would just shut up and sing.
Lauren Bacall

One must be frank to be relevant.
Corazon Aquino

I am a very frank person and that's how I hope to remain. I don't like to pretend to be polite. What you see is what you get.
Fan Bingbing

There will never be another Frank Sinatra. I never wanted to be another Frank Sinatra. I only wanted to be another Michael Buble.
Michael Buble

There hasn't been a more effeminate Jew in the closet since Anne Frank.
Greg Giraldo

The only appropriate response to the question, 'Can I be frank?' is, 'Yes, if I can be Barbara.
Fran Lebowitz

Frank Sinatra enjoyed my humor, so I could say almost anything to him. I mean, within reason.
Don Rickles

When your time is turned into money, the felt presence of immediate experience is analogous to being enslaved. I mean, let's be frank about it, it is enslavement.
Terence McKenna

Frank Zhang: lumbering klutz, child of Mars, part-time pachyderm.
Rick Riordan

One does not have to make Frank Capra movies to like people.
Stanley Kubrick

Patsy Cline belongs shoulder-to-shoulder with Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald.
Elvis Costello

Outside of advertising, the person who's influenced me most is quite possibly Frank Gehry.
Jay Chiat

My musical development stopped when Frank Sinatra died.
Alex Trebek

If Frank Sinatra is singing, maybe everything will go good.
Chris Isaak

Frank Lloyd Wright... his things were beautiful but not very functional.
David Byrne

People like Frank Zappa were amazing for us Brits.
Rick Wakeman

Michael's the ultimate entertainer. After Michael Jackson, it's Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, and Bruce Lee.
Tracy Morgan

I'm frank, brutally frank. And even when I'm not frank, I look frank.
Roy Thomson, 1st Baron Thomson of Fleet

I haven't any wisdom - just a child like everybody else. I'm not as great as Frank Lloyd Wright.
Philip Johnson

People who understand music hear sounds that no one else makes when Frank Sinatra sings.
Walter Cronkite

This continent, an open palm spread frank before the sky.
James Agee

The Merchants of Carolina, are fair, frank Traders.
John Lawson

I'm Sinatra, I'm Frank Sinatra in disguise.

When one is frank, one's very presence is a compliment.
Marianne Moore

Billy Gilbert hit a kamikaze back pass which Justin Fashinu pounced on like a black Frank Bruno
Ian Darke

Meetings between Presidents, as you know, are supposed to be privileged. They're supposed to be confidential. They're supposed to allow the president and other leaders to have frank exchanges.
H. R. McMaster

Anderson isn't qualified to make Frank Mir a sandwich
Chael Sonnen

Keep it simple (Frank Zhang)
Rick Riordan

There is nothing more entertaining than to have a frank talk with yourself. Few do it-frankly. Educating yourself is getting acquainted with yourself.
Robert Henri

I have a tremendous respect for Professor [Frank Moore] Cross.
Elie Wiesel

I guess I would model myself after the Bill Condons, the Frank Darabonts and the David Nutters if I were to direct a feature, which I would love to do, by the way.
William Sadler

I've always liked Frank Sinata and Big Band music.
George Strait

Frank Sinatra told Floyd Paterson how he should whoop me. Frank Sinatra.
Muhammad Ali

I was raping Frank Herbert, but with love.
Alejandro Jodorowsky

Frank imitated the voice of Vitellius: 'They're wimps! Back in my day, we died all the time, and we liked it!
Rick Riordan

What is public for you, Elie [Wiesel], is private for Frank [Moore Cross], and the reverse.
Frank Moore Cross

We listened [with my mother] to [Frank] Sinatra and Glen Campbell and we had some Beatles records that I liked. This was in the '70s.
Jon Gordon

Hope," Frank grumbled. "I'd rather have a few good weasels.
Rick Riordan

People are quite shocked when you remind them that Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra never wrote a song that they recorded in their lives, as far as I know.
Robert Wyatt

I'd like to have a kid, but I'd probably get a Frank Sinatra Jr. instead of a Gilbert Gottfried Jr. I'd totally screw up like that.
Gilbert Gottfried

I guess what this is reflecting is my own search for answers that I can't find. Frank [Moore Cross] and I have examined a lot of archaeological materials in the hope of finding out.
Frank Moore Cross

Aside from women, I don't know. My work doesn't function the way Robert Frank's did.
Garry Winogrand

As my life went on and I met Frank Sinatra and people like that, and I watched live performers on stage, I learned how to tell a story. Because if you listen to Sinatra, all of his songs are stories; there's a beginning, middle, and end. So that's where it comes from.
Jerry Weintraub

Frank gave Leo a confused smile- like he couldn't decide whether to gloat or to thank Leo for being a doofus- but he cheerfully let Hazel drag him along.
Rick Riordan

Happy 110th birthday to Frank Zamboni, who left us in 1988 but still resurfaces periodically.
Steve Rushin