Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated
are confident they are acting on their own free will.
Joseph Goebbels
Brainwashing works most effectively when those who are being influenced have faith they are taking action voluntarily.
Remove grace, and you have nothing whereby to be saved. Remove free will and you have nothing that could be saved.
Anselm of Canterbury
Eliminate clemency and you have no hope of salvation. Abolish autonomy and you have no potential for redemption.
You can do what you decide to do — but you cannot decide what you will decide to do.
Sam Harris
We are conscious co-creators in the evolution of life. We have free will. And we have choices. Consequently our success is based on our choices, which are, in turn, totally dependent on our awareness.
Bruce H. Lipton
I've had so many great experiences in my life, of living total free will, that I wouldn't change it for all the gold in the earth.
George Jung
A man can surely do what he wills to do, but cannot determine what he wills.
Arthur Schopenhauer
...We're a government that believes in everybody having the illusion of free will.
Anthony Burgess
Free grace will fix those whom free will shook down into a gulf of misery.
Thomas Boston
I once laboured hard for the free will of man, until the grace of God at length overcame me.
Saint Augustine
The greatest judgment which God himself can, in the present life, inflict upon a man is to leave him in the hand of his own boasted 'free'-will.
Augustus Toplady
The providence of God is subordinate to creation; and it is, therefore, necessary that it should not impinge against creation, which it would do, were it to inhibit or hinder the use of free will in man. . .
Jacobus Arminius
You can't have it both ways. You can't have both free will and a benevolent higher power who protects you from yourself.
Arthur C. Clarke
It is what we are forced to do that forms our character, not what we do of our own free will.
Alberto Moravia
Free-will cannot will good and of necessity serves sin.
John Calvin
Freedom of the will is a psychological fiction.
Louis Berkhof
An artist is forced by others to paint out of his own free will.
Willem de Kooning
This crown of free will is fallen from our head" and "If it be God's purpose that saves then it is not free will.
Thomas Watson
Everything, including that which happens in our brains, depends on these and only on these: A set of fixed, deterministic laws.
Marvin Minsky
Free will, though it makes evil possible, also makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having.
C. S. Lewis
Free will is located in or near the anterior cingulate sulcus.
Francis Crick
If someone claims to have free will, ask them, free from precisely what?
Peter J. Carroll
When you take the free will out of education, that turns it into schooling.
John Taylor Gatto
I have free will, but not of my own choice. I have never freely chosen to have free will. I have to have free will, whether I like it or not!
Raymond Smullyan
Freedom is not a reaction; freedom is not a choice. . Freedom is found in the choiceless awareness of our daily existence and activity.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Which brings me to my conclusion upon Free Will and Predestination, namely - let the reader mark it - that they are identical.
Winston Churchill
With free will, we can modify, to a certain extent the chain of karma that has been set in motion by the karma of the previous moment. That is what free will really is, the ability to alter the sequence of karmic fate.
Frederick Lenz
The combination of foolishness in the heart and free will in the head is extremely volatile.
John Rosemond
We have already shown that there is no such thing as free will. That's a will-o'-the-wisp. You never make choices without reasons, not as a responsible or a rational person
John Gerstner
You are free to do what you want, but you are not free to want what you want.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Free will is an illusion. People always choose the perceived path of greatest pleasure.
Scott Adams
Free will and consciousness is an illusion, and the self is a complex of memes.
Susan Blackmore
Only when he voluntarily chooses that which he inexorably must do, has man any free will at all.
Mary Esther Harding
My first act of free will shall be to believe in free will.
William James
One thing I've learned that is basic but bears repeating constantly: You are created with free will. Not even the Creator can help you unless you ask for help.
Doreen Virtue
The free will is a pagan goddess that the Church has worshipped for far too long.
Steve Lawson
Because I cursed him to it. (Acheron) Be glad I’m not physically there or I’d slap you upside the head. You know how free will works, so stop the whining and get off the cross. Someone needs the wood. (Savitar)
Sherrilyn Kenyon
We suffer from the evils which we, by our own free will, inflict on ourselves and ascribe them to God, who is far from being connected with them!
Start it at no particular time of your life; wander at your free will all over your life; talk only about the thing which interests you for the moment; drop it the moment its interest threatens to pale.
Mark Twain
You may fetter my leg, but Zeus himself cannot get the better of my free will.
People allow themselves to be slaves of their bad habits and society's bad habits - but they have free will, and if they wish to be free they can.
Peace Pilgrim
The counsels and decrees of God do not truckle to the frail and fickle will of man.
Matthew Henry
But man is freer than all the animals, on account of his free-will, with which he is endowed above all other animals.
Thomas Aquinas
You have fettered yourself of your own free will, man - break the fetters!
Halldór Laxness