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Henry Cavill Quotes

English actor, Birth: 5-5-1983 Henry Cavill Quotes
As much as everyone says that Superman is good, a lot of other people might say that that's why they find him boring A lot of Batman fans might say that.
Henry Cavill

I'm a serious geek. I mean I seriously want to own a unicorn when I'm older . . . or a Pegasus . . . yeah Pegasus sounds better.
Henry Cavill

If you've got nothing else, passion will get you through.
Henry Cavill

My mother is such an incredibly strong woman. She raised a family of five boys extremely well. She made us all strong, loving, caring people. We all support each other. I'm really thankful to her.
Henry Cavill

Playing an icon [superman], you don't try to be an icon because that defeats the purpose. The responsibility attached is enormous, and the realization that it actually really, really matters meant that I wanted to put the most amount of work into representing the character properly.
Henry Cavill

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People say, "Age is just a number." A lot of times it's not just a number. It's actually a real and true sign of someone's maturity. But in this case, she's fantastic.
Henry Cavill

I just loved the coolness of [Sean] Connery's Bond. He just sort of oozes cool.
Henry Cavill

Everyone doubts themselves. It's just a matter of admitting it or not.
Henry Cavill

Quote Topics by Henry Cavill: Character Jobs People Mother Two Actors Mean Real Home Acting Thinking Play Want Long Father Dad Interesting Opportunity School Useless Stories Kids Pain Matter Men Growing Up Doe Different Talking Feelings
I still don't have any crushes on actresses or models. It's always been one of those things with girlfriends. They say, "Who's on your list?" What do you call it, the Get Out of Jail Free card?
Henry Cavill

If people like to see me with my shirt off, it's enormously flattering. But that doesn't mean I'm going to take my shirt off all the time.
Henry Cavill

A large amount of constant activity will get things going. For example, training in the morning will have everything, all the juices flowing by the time you actually get to work. So, when you're at work, you've been already up for an hour or so or two hours, and you're raring to go where everyone else is still wiping sleep out of their eyes.
Henry Cavill

You can train and train until you are blue in the face, but you've got to diet, you've got to have that leanness because if you are not lean, your abs won't show. Of course, the training has to be put in, but then you've to shed all the fat and keep the fat off. And that's how you get an eight pack.
Henry Cavill

If there's one thing that we're very good at as humans, it's remembering the bad stuff. For some reason, it's always the pain that gets you.
Henry Cavill

Nature is a definite thing. But nurture is just as powerful. It can really mess with you.
Henry Cavill

The point of acting is to pretend you're someone else and sell a story.
Henry Cavill

Regrets are something you can't really have as an actor, because ultimately you'll end up destroying yourself there's a lot of disappointment in this business.
Henry Cavill

As an outside; don't worry about failure, because failure will take care of itself. Focus on success.
Henry Cavill

I'm a giant softy, for sure, but I honestly think these days it's probably considered more masculine to be emotionally connected.
Henry Cavill

It's our job as actors to make it look like it's not manufactured. If you have two actors who understand their characters - and therefore what they are trying to portray - then all they need to do is be the characters and there's a chemistry there.
Henry Cavill

My fame? Truly I don't consider myself famous...long way to go yet. But if anyone does ask for an autograph it's a wonderful feeling.
Henry Cavill

I found very interesting - trying to separate the different facets of Superman in that way. When you're aware of how people perceive you, you can't always remain true to yourself, and that was an interesting thing for me to apply to the character as well - exploring these different facets of his personality while having certain bits of it stripped away. The arrogance of a person who would have the kind of power that Superman does - we see that in The Return of Superman. Superman is not that character, but since he has all of those powers, he has that capacity for arrogance.
Henry Cavill

There are these fantasies among people who watch movies where they're like, "Oh, there's a chemistry between them - something going on." And sometimes there is. But for me, it's more like, I go to work, I do a job, I play a role, and then I go home. I don't wear a cape at home. I'm not an invulnerable alien at home.
Henry Cavill

Why can men no longer be best friends? This is so stupid. Today if you show two guys being best friends they end up giving out an image that they’re gay. But guys don’t always need to be drinking beer, fighting in pubs or pulling women by the hair. They may have a deep affection.
Henry Cavill

No matter what era we're in, we need hope.
Henry Cavill

When you give your all to something and you're hitting a wall, it just feels so wrong.
Henry Cavill

I'll never accept that I'm a sex symbol. That will mean that someone is a bit too fond of himself. If it happens, I think it's certainly going to be odd. People shouldn't see me as a sex symbol. I'm really just Henry. I'm just telling a story. I could be playing an incredibly unpleasant character who's not sexually attractive at all in my next movie. So I've no expectations at all.
Henry Cavill

Ideally you do want people to treat you professionally in return, but not everyone necessarily does that. This acting job - it pays very well and you get to live a wonderful lifestyle, but it's something that I love doing, so I want to work with other people who enjoy it as well ... Maybe if I met the Queen I'd be nervous, though I'd probably be more nervous about doing things the right way because it's a very formal occasion.
Henry Cavill

My mother and father have also raised five boys so they know there's only so much that can be controlled.
Henry Cavill

I often find during a day of shooting I will speak in an American accent all day long when I'm doing dialogue. At the end of the day, it often takes an effort when I'm talking to my fiancee to bring my English back just because you're so used to speaking that way.
Henry Cavill

I know I can't make everyone happy, but I know I can do the most justice I can possibly do to a character, or any character, if I put my all into it. That's the choice you have to make.
Henry Cavill

I read mostly historical fiction - lots of stuff set in ancient Rome and ancient Greece. I also liked sci-fi and fantasy: David Gemmell, Raymond E. Feist. It's a nice escape from the world. As much as I do love real-life stories, they can often make you hurt in a way I'd rather not hurt.
Henry Cavill

This acting job - it pays very well and you get to live a wonderful lifestyle, but it's something that I love doing, so I want to work with other people who enjoy it as well...
Henry Cavill

I'm from a family of six men, so I'm bound to be physical.
Henry Cavill

I never thought of myself as unlucky. When you aim high, it's tough to get there unless something really fortunate happens.
Henry Cavill

I go to work, I do a job, I play a role, and then I go home. I don't wear a cape at home. I'm not an invulnerable alien at home.
Henry Cavill

Some people thrive under pressure, but pressure can also ruin your performance, it can push you down angles which you don't want to go.
Henry Cavill

My version of Superman is essentially of a guy who has spent his whole life alone.
Henry Cavill

If I spend all my time being upset about having lost a job, then the next however many auditions I have are going to be useless.
Henry Cavill

I'd rather feel empathy for a character that's fictional, so it doesn't quite tie into personal experience as much.
Henry Cavill

If someone's trying to intimidate me, male or female, I don't respect them enough to be intimidated.
Henry Cavill

If I'm talking to someone and they're feeling a certain way, I will definitely tie into that very quickly. You have to learn to read emotions and feelings when you grow up in a family with four brothers - especially if three of them are a lot bigger than you.
Henry Cavill

I know there are a lot of people who like to get very involved in their characters, but I, personally, find it too involved. I just like to do it as a job - and it's my job to make it look real.
Henry Cavill

I don't think Americans look bad in spandex.
Henry Cavill

Certainly, for younger guys, Superman is this mythological character that they've thought about and explored in their imaginations... But one thing I really like about Superman fans is that they're so open-minded and excited and honest. There's something beautiful about their enjoyment of it - something very Superman-like.
Henry Cavill

As much as I do love real-life stories they can often make you hurt in a way I'd rather not hurt. . . . For some reason, it's always the pain that gets you.
Henry Cavill

I was overweight when I went to school. In fact, I was overweight when I left, just taller. Fatty Cavill was the nickname. I mean, no one wants to be Fatty Cavill.
Henry Cavill

Not every job is a good job.
Henry Cavill

I'm loyal to a fault. I may have learned that from my mother.
Henry Cavill

I work out two, two and a half hours a day.
Henry Cavill

I work out two, two and a half hours a day. For 'Immortals,' it was body-weight stuff: crunches, pullups, and martial arts-based cardio.
Henry Cavill