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Imperialism Quotes

When the people stand up, imperialism trembles.
Thomas Sankara

When the population rises, imperialism quakes.
Authors on Imperialism Quotes: Hugo Chavez Che Guevara Chiang Kai-shek Tony Benn Irving Babbitt Howard Zinn Robert Gilpin Edward Said Lin Biao Vladimir Lenin Lech Walesa Assata Shakur Mahatma Gandhi Jane Fonda Rebecca West Helen Gahagan Douglas Winston Churchill Karl Liebknecht Jerry Rubin Thomas Sankara Helen Keller Unita Blackwell Fidel Castro Bill Ayers John Roberts Tommy Douglas James Henry Breasted Salman Rushdie Mao Zedong Amartya Sen Joseph Stalin George Orwell Tariq Ali
We are not going to eliminate imperialism by shouting insults at it.
Amilcar Cabral

We are not going to vanquish imperialism by hurling derision at it.
We are not anti-American. We do not dislike Americans though we abhor American imperialism in all its manifestations. But then, so do many Americans. Many of them have said that even more forthrightly than we have, and many of them have suffered more than any of us for their plain speaking.
Tommy Douglas

Imperialism is a paper tiger.
Mao Zedong

The grand destroyer of the world, and the greatest threat... is represented by U.S. imperialism.
Hugo Chavez

...because it is the very nature of Imperialism to turn humans into beasts.
Che Guevara

China has no desire to replace Western imperialism in Asia with an Oriental imperialism or isolationism of its own or anyone else.
Chiang Kai-shek

When imperialism feels weak, it resorts to brute force.
Hugo Chavez

If imperialism is not banished from the country, China will perish as a nation. If China does not perish, then imperialism cannot remain.
Chiang Kai-shek

What we have is a more sophisticated form of imperialism, which is economic. But lurking in the background, always ready to go, is an armed force.
Howard Zinn

For behind all imperialism is ultimately the imperialistic individual, just as behind all peace is ultimately the peaceful individual.
Irving Babbitt

... If Mr. Kennedy does not like Socialism, we do not like imperialism. We do not like Capitalism.
Fidel Castro

Imperialism is the underlying motor of racism. The underlying reason that racism keeps on being promoted in all of its various forms.
Assata Shakur

The capitalist imperialism is gonna be destroyed.
Jerry Rubin

Monotheism is but imperialism in religion.
James Henry Breasted

Leninism is Marxism of the era of imperialism and the proletarian revolution.
Joseph Stalin

We are at a point in our work when we can no longer ignore empires and the imperial context in our studies. (p. 5)
Edward Said

American imperialism has always been the imperialism that has been frightened of speaking its name. Now it's beginning to do so. In a way, it's better. We know where we kneel.
Tariq Ali

Democracy is now going forth on a crusade against imperialism.
Irving Babbitt

Imperialism: The final stage of Capitalism.
Vladimir Lenin

Imperialism as he [Kipling] sees it is a sort of forcible evangelising.
George Orwell

Everything is divisible. And so is this colossus of U.S. imperialism. It can be split up and defeated.
Lin Biao

Imperialism is not the creation of any one or any one group of states.
Karl Liebknecht

Nothing can be controlled by one country today; nothing.
Helen Gahagan Douglas

While envisaging the destruction of imperialism, it is necessary to identify its head, which is no other than the United States of America.
Che Guevara

Many critics see international trade as a form of cultural imperialism that must be strictly controlled.
Robert Gilpin

Remember, imperialism is always presented as humanitarian: the white man's burden, the cross going round the world, the poor benighted natives, the sun never sets. . . So you have to be very careful about humanitarianism.
Tony Benn

There is no connection between imperialism and democracy. I mean when we ran an Empire which we did when I was born, there was no democracy anywhere.
Tony Benn

Violent nationalism, otherwise known as imperialism, is a curse.
Mahatma Gandhi

Peoples of the Americas are rising once again, saying no to imperialism, saying no to fascism, saying no to intervention - and saying no to death.
Hugo Chavez

Ultimately, imperialism made even the British working classes suffer. This is a point which the British working classes found quite difficult to swallow, but they did, actually.
Amartya Sen

No nation is wise enough to rule another.
Helen Keller

Imperialism was genuinely popular among Athenians who would expect to share in its profits, even if only indirectly and collectively, and not to have to bear its burdens.
John Roberts

There are two kinds of imperialists - imperialists and bloody imperialists.
Rebecca West

I have always noticed that whenever a radical takes to Imperialism, he catches it in a very acute form.
Winston Churchill

Who are we to say what's right for civilizations that were already thousands of years old when our own nation came into being?
Unita Blackwell

Building democracy as an imposition from abroad is a form of imperialism.
Lech Walesa

Imperialism or globalization - I don't have to care what it's called to hate it.
Bill Ayers

You are being used as cannon fodder for U.S. imperialism.
Jane Fonda

British society has never been cleansed of the filth of imperialism.
Salman Rushdie