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Innocent Man Quotes

The most violent expression of God's wrath and justice is seen in the Cross. If ever a person had room to complain for injustice, it was Jesus. He was the only innocent man ever to be punished by God. If we stagger at the wrath of God, let us stagger at the Cross. Here is where our astonishment should be focused.
R. C. Sproul

Authors on Innocent Man Quotes: Mahatma Gandhi Ma-Roo Michael Connelly Jim Cymbala William Rawle Gorilla Monsoon Benjamin Franklin J. K. Rowling Michelle Alexander Joe Biden R. C. Sproul Fred Hammond Donald Rumsfeld MyAnna Buring John Grisham Richard Jewell Norman Lamm Charles Dickens Ian McShane Joseph Addison Rick Perry Khalil Gibran Amelia Atwater-Rhodes Isaac Parker Philip K. Dick Kin Hubbard Sonia Sotomayor Jean de la Bruyere Ayn Rand Marcus Tullius Cicero Daniel Abraham
Even without love, I can live fine alone. It's not like I've always had what I wanted. In my life not even once... I was never selfish nor full of greed. The things I want to do, the things I want, the things I wish for... have I ever even had any of those, for at least once in my whole life? I can live fine without love. I will find a way to survive. Dying is hell. Why is living supposed to be hell?

There is no client as scary as an innocent man.
Michael Connelly

My job as a prosecutor is to do justice. And justice is served when a guilty man is convicted and an innocent man is not.
Sonia Sotomayor

Self-sacrifice of one innocent man is a million times more potent than the sacrifice of a million men who die in the act of killing others.
Mahatma Gandhi

There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for me to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed or enforced nor objectively interpreted - and you create a nation of law-breakers - and then you cash in on guilt.
Ayn Rand

Death row is a nightmare to serial killers and ax murderers. For an innocent man, it's a life of mental torture that the human spirit is not equipped to survive.
John Grisham

In a society of criminals, the innocent man goes to jail.
Philip K. Dick

If you hung him for being a good singer, you'd be hanging an innocent man!
Gorilla Monsoon

My great crime wasn't refusing to represent an innocent man; my great crime was imagining that there was some path to racial justice that did not include those we view as 'guilty'.
Michelle Alexander

Essentially the Succubus is a mythical figure - who used to come in and cause trouble with innocent men.
MyAnna Buring

Maimonides taught that it is better that 10 criminals go free than let one innocent man be executed. The Innocence Project represents that point of view.
Norman Lamm

Now and then an innocent man is sent to the legislature.
Kin Hubbard

It's easier to keep your stuff then it is to expose it, because some people don't get it. At the cross, at the feet of Jesus, there were some people who said, "Good! I'm glad that you're dead." Then there were some that were crying and saying, "Why are you doing this to this innocent man?" It is not easy to do.
Fred Hammond

Do not be merciful, but be just, for mercy is bestowed upon the guilty criminal, while Justice is all that the innocent man requires.
Khalil Gibran

It is better to let 100 criminals go free than to imprison 1 innocent man.
Benjamin Franklin

No one doubts that innocent men, women and children have been the victims of chemical weapons attacks in Syria. And there's no doubt who is responsible for this heinous use of chemical weapons in Syria: the Syrian regime.
Joe Biden

While the government can tell you that I am an innocent man, the government's letter cannot give me back my good name or my reputation.
Richard Jewell

Imagine, a September 11 with weapons of mass destruction. It's not 3,000. It's tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children.
Donald Rumsfeld

Circumstances may accumulate so strongly even against an innocent man, that directed, sharpened, and pointed, they may slay him.
Charles Dickens

Government mitigates the inequality of power, and makes an innocent man, though of the lowest rank, a match for the mightiest of his fellow-subjects.
Joseph Addison

I have ever had the single aim of justice in view. No judge who is influenced by any other consideration is fit for the bench. 'Do equal and exact justice,' is my motto, and I have often said to the grand jury, 'Permit no innocent man to be punished, but let no guilty man escape.
Isaac Parker

It takes balls to execute an innocent man.
Rick Perry

Your mother all but accused me of something that is, among my kind, the highest crime a man can commit. There is no trial, only punishment, because it is considered better to let an innocent man die than let a guilty one live." (Page 79.)
Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

The cross, as poignant as it is, is understandable from a human perspective: an innocent man was murdered by crooked politicians and religious leaders. But the empty tomb-- what can you say? Only a supernatural God could accomplish that.
Jim Cymbala

Court games aren't fair. They don't judge men by their worth, and they aren't about what's just. Guilty men can hold power their whole lives and be wept for when they pass. Innocent men can be spent like coins because it's convenient. You don't have to have sinned for them to ruin you. If your destruction is useful to them, you'll be destroyed.
Daniel Abraham

I must admit, Peter, I have difficulty in understanding why an innocent man would want to spend twelve years as a rat.
J. K. Rowling

When large numbers of wholly innocent men are in jail, we may take it that Swaraj is at hand.
Mahatma Gandhi

I come from the liberal side of thinking: Better one guilty man should walk free than one innocent man found guilty.
Ian McShane

The most innocent man, pressed by the awful solemnities of public accusation and trial, many be incapable of supporting his own cause. He may be utterly unfit to cross-examine the witnesses against him, to point out the contradictions or defects of their testimony. And to counteract it by properly introducing it and applying his own.
William Rawle

A guilty man is punished as an example for the mob; an innocent man convicted is the business of every honest citizen.
Jean de la Bruyere

An innocent man,
if accused,
can be acquitted;
a guilty man,
unless accused,
cannot be condemned.
It is,
more advantageous to absolve an innocent than not to prosecute a guilty man.
Marcus Tullius Cicero