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Jesse Eisenberg Quotes

American actor and writer, Birth: 5-10-1983 Jesse Eisenberg Quotes
The first rule of Zombieland: Cardio. When the zombie outbreak first hit, the first to go, for obvious reasons ... were the fatties.
Jesse Eisenberg

I had great difficulty in school interacting with others, and I took refuge in the contrived setting of play acting, which is what I still do.
Jesse Eisenberg

I grew up in a secular suburban Jewish household where we only observed the religion on very specific times like a funeral or a Bar Mitzvah.
Jesse Eisenberg

I have an iPad and I watch three things: 'The Daily Show,' '60 Minutes,' and 'Meet the Press.'
Jesse Eisenberg

When playing a role, I would feel more comfortable, as you're given a prescribed way of behaving. So, both Facebook and theatre provide contrived settings that provide the illusion of social interaction.
Jesse Eisenberg

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Every character I play has to be the hero of his own story, the way we're all heroes of our own lives.
Jesse Eisenberg

In those moments where you're not quite sure if the undead are really dead, dead, don't get all stingy with your bullets. I mean, one more clean shot to the head, and this lady could have avoided becoming a human Happy Meal. Woulda... coulda... shoulda.
Jesse Eisenberg

No compliment is ever sufficient and every insult, of course, is true.
Jesse Eisenberg

Quote Topics by Jesse Eisenberg: People Thinking Character Way Acting Play Actors Writing Jobs Watches New York Looks Trying Night Roles Feelings School Reading Children Cities Long Nice Self Mean Silly Skills Stupid Class Opportunity Shows
I have one female fan. But she lives with me. I'm not aware of any others.
Jesse Eisenberg

Society will decide after the technology is created what we will and won't accept.
Jesse Eisenberg

People ask me what my hobbies are in interviews, and I always say biking. But all I bike for is to get to rehearsal more quickly.
Jesse Eisenberg

The happiest moments for me, creatively, are doing readings of a play around a table where there's no audience.
Jesse Eisenberg

There’s something strange about theater. My characters consistently demonize elitism, but of course it’s taking place in a theater where only so many people can see it. I’ve been in silly popcorn movies - the kind of thing that as an actor you might feel embarrassed about - but those movies reach many more people.
Jesse Eisenberg

The more people say nice things about me, the more I feel it's false.
Jesse Eisenberg

I think there are probably a lot of actors like me who I think probably struggle to feel comfortable in their own lives, and acting in some ways provides a safe context for them to live out emotions that they possibly repress or live out experiences that they are not afforded by virtue of circumstance.
Jesse Eisenberg

The only way to be turned off to being famous is to be famous. And I only have like a tiny, tiny bit of that, and I'm already disgusted by it. But I realize that the only way to be disgusted by fame is to be famous, because otherwise it looks amazing. Then people stop you on the street, and it's like the most annoying thing in the world. The first time it happened it's great, and then the second time you have to shake somebody's hand.
Jesse Eisenberg

Poor people are gross and they 'smell bad
Jesse Eisenberg

I'm not into music - the only music I like is musical theater, but I have every Ween album.
Jesse Eisenberg

Often times, being in a popular thing means that you have to compromise your own acting.
Jesse Eisenberg

I feel things can always be funny, but that's probably because I have some kind of leftover childhood need to make people laugh. For somebody like me, that's the thing you excel at.
Jesse Eisenberg

My mom always said that she didn't wear a red nose and big shoes because that's the reason people are scared of clowns. My dad is a sociology teacher, so he probably figured that out with her. Those are the things that are exaggerated, that don't give off the signals of humans. You know, if you draw a picture of a circle and ask somebody to feel empathy with the circle, they won't. But if you draw literally two, three dots inside the circle, like two eyes and a nose, you immediately feel empathy.
Jesse Eisenberg

I cried every day of first grade. In class. Which meant I ended up getting comfortable emoting in a place where it wasn't the norm.
Jesse Eisenberg

I don't watch the movies I'm in - ever. Sometimes I keep pictures, but that's it. I used to watch my movies, because I didn't want to be rude to the people making them, but I stopped a few years ago. I think it's pretty common among actors. It's like listening to your own voice, but multiplied by a million.
Jesse Eisenberg

I don't attribute an actor's great success to their own individual performance when it's something as collaborative as a movie.
Jesse Eisenberg

It's really hard to copy another actor and be successful. In fact, that's usually the reason people are not good, because they're copying something they've seen, but, for some reason with their face and their body, it doesn't work.
Jesse Eisenberg

I find it very difficult to do normal things without getting approached.
Jesse Eisenberg

When cellphones came out, my girlfriend refused to get one for five years, because she thought it would turn her into somebody who couldn't connect with other people - and, of course, she got a cellphone.
Jesse Eisenberg

I've never had tastes of people my own age. All of my friends when I was 15 were in their 40s. I'm not actually mature, just very self-conscious around people my own age because I feel like I'm supposed to act the same way they act and I don't know how.
Jesse Eisenberg

Any time you play a character for a long period of time, regardless of how close it is to you, it infiltrates your life. It's impossible for it not to.
Jesse Eisenberg

People think, 'You're an actor, you can afford clothes,' but I just try to take the clothes from the movie, which makes the selecting of film projects that much more difficult, because you try to play characters that might wear something you'd want to wear.
Jesse Eisenberg

Everyone's a geek in some way or other. Everyone's an outsider.
Jesse Eisenberg

No one should be offended - that's not my style.
Jesse Eisenberg

The old cliché in theater is, if you’re nervous, pick up a prop, which will immediately take you outside of your mind.
Jesse Eisenberg

I don't understand capri pants. They seem like neither here nor there.
Jesse Eisenberg

I give credence to the worst things somebody writes about me, and if somebody writes something nice, I think they're wrong or false or lying or joking.
Jesse Eisenberg

As for environmentalism, I'm only an environmentalist by accident. I live in New York, so I bike, and the closest grocery store to me sells organic produce. I also shop with a book bag because I ride a bike, and it's hard to carry the paper or plastic bags.
Jesse Eisenberg

I live in New York City, so there's so much stimulation when you walk outside, it does not require a television in the home.
Jesse Eisenberg

If you're acting, then there's a prescribed way to behave; whereas in life there's no prescribed way. So acting feels like a comfortable way to get through the day.
Jesse Eisenberg

I grew up in an apolitical household. I never left the country. When I became an adult, I started traveling and became interested in politics, and I probably talked about things in a silly, ignorant way.
Jesse Eisenberg

Acting is a weird profession. It's very disquieting, and at the time it just made me so confused. It's only when you step away from a movie for several weeks or months that you start to put things in perspective.
Jesse Eisenberg

I just can't - I can't exist in normal group situations. A classroom, where you have to sort of jockey for position, compete for attention - I would just withdraw.
Jesse Eisenberg

When you do a play, you have the kind of nightly feeling of accomplishment. But you also have the daily dread of the doing it every night. And because you're doing the whole thing every day, it's like climbing up the mountain every single night. With a movie it's like climbing the mountain very slowly, over months of filming.
Jesse Eisenberg

If I get no sleep the night before a show, I feel that performance is the best one.
Jesse Eisenberg

I don't watch the movies I've been in. I try to stay as little aware of the final product as possible, because my job doesn't really change.
Jesse Eisenberg

In acting class, you're trained to express yourself as much as you can.
Jesse Eisenberg

I live in New York City, where, if you're in a movie at a popular independent theater, you think you're king of the world, because you're in a bubble. So there's no way for me to properly conceive of the attention that the movie gets in a way that doesn't make me confused.
Jesse Eisenberg

I feel like when I was 13 and I had to go to bar mitzvahs every weekend. This is the same feeling. You have to put on a suit every weekend to go meet with a bunch of Jews.
Jesse Eisenberg

Where I feel something that I had written was misinterpreted in a way that made people feel bad, that is absolutely horrifying to me. I feel so embarrassed and I feel ashamed that I should make people feel bad.
Jesse Eisenberg

I am actually going to two therapists right now. I don't know, I actually feel like therapy has just made me more uncomfortable.
Jesse Eisenberg

I think it's a room full of insecure actors, which is ultimately very comforting.
Jesse Eisenberg