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Joe Rogan Quotes

American actor, Birth: 11-8-1967 Joe Rogan Quotes
If you ever start taking things too seriously, just remember that we are talking monkeys on an organic spaceship flying through the universe.
Joe Rogan

The people I know that have the hardest time keeping it together emotionally are people that don't workout.
Joe Rogan

As a longtime practitioner of yoga and a person who's been involved in physical fitness my whole life, I can tell you, yoga helps you achieve altered states of consciousness. It is not just stretching. The only way you can say that it's stretching is if you haven't done it, or that you haven't done it rigorously for a long period of time.
Joe Rogan

The time you spend hating on someone robs you of your own time. You are literally hating on yourself and you don't even realize it.
Joe Rogan

The number one reason why marijuana is illegal is because the Pharma Cartel does not want you to grow your own medicine. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper. The first car ever made ran on hemp oil. Hemp seeds are also the healthiest food on the planet with the highest protein content out of any plant.
Joe Rogan

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One of the most fascinating lessons I've absorbed about life is that the struggle is good.
Joe Rogan

If you attach your mind to any ideology, you're going to be on a road, and that road may or may not lead you in a good direction. But you're gonna stay on that road because you are attached to an ideology. It could be a terrible road, but you stick with it regardless of rational thinking.
Joe Rogan

Build confidence and momentum with each good decision you make from here on out and choose to be inspired.
Joe Rogan

Quote Topics by Joe Rogan: People Thinking Mma Art Trying Moving Ideas Guy Men Talking Long Mean Way Comedy Mind Want Gay Real Laughing Comedian Country Hurt Crazy Hate Years Clubs Running Girlfriend Creating Smell
The key to happiness doesn't lay in numbers in a bank account but in the way we make others feel.
Joe Rogan

You're just part of the soup of the universe, so just try to enjoy what's good about it.
Joe Rogan

Greatness and madness are next door neighbours; and they borrow each other's sugar. You don't get there without the other.
Joe Rogan

This country has a mental health problem disguised as a gun problem, and a tyranny problem disguised as a security problem.
Joe Rogan

There's a direct correlation between positive energy and positive results.
Joe Rogan

Life is strange. You keep moving and keep growing. Before you know it, you look back and think, "What was that?"
Joe Rogan

We have to start treating each other as if we are treating ourselves living another life.
Joe Rogan

The Universe rewards calculated risk and passion
Joe Rogan

I'll go to church with anyone who's willing to smoke pot and look through a telescope with me.
Joe Rogan

So instead of investing your time in a passion, you’ve sold your life to work for an uncaring machine that doesn’t understand you. That’s the problem with our society. And what’s the reward? Go home and get a big TV.
Joe Rogan

Haters...are all failures. It's 100% across the board. No one who is truly brilliant at anything is a hater.
Joe Rogan

It's been one of the most important tools for me in personal growth for understanding myself, how I am, and what effect I do have on other people.
Joe Rogan

Aspire to be the man you pretend to be when you're trying to get laid.
Joe Rogan

There's only 2 reasons that you hate gay marriage; 1. You're dumb, or 2. You're secretly worried that dicks are delicious.
Joe Rogan

Selling your life to sit in a box and work for a machine. An uncaring machine that demands productivity that doesn't understand you and doesn't want to understand you... There's no natural behaviour. Everyone is wearing clothes they don't want to wear. Everybody is showing up and doing something they don't want to do. They have no connection to it. That's the problem with our society.
Joe Rogan

I realized a long time ago that instead of being jealous you can be inspired and appreciative. It carries more energy to you.
Joe Rogan

The quicker we all realize that we've been taught how to live life by people that were operating on the momentum of an ignorant past the quicker we can move to a global ethic of community that doesn't value invented borders or the monopolization of natural resources, but rather the goal of a happier more loving humanity.
Joe Rogan

The beautiful thing about podcasting is it's just talking. It can be funny, or it can be terrifying. It can be sweet. It can be obnoxious. It almost has no definitive form. In that sense it's one of the best ways to explore an idea, and certainly much less limiting than trying to express the same idea in stand up comedy. For some ideas stand up is best, but it's really, really nice to have podcasts as well.
Joe Rogan

Be the hero of your own story.
Joe Rogan

I've been inspired by a shitload of people in my life so if there's ever anybody that I can inspire, to me that's a huge gift. To be able to turn that back around.
Joe Rogan

To really appreciate life you got to know you're going to die.
Joe Rogan

You are one miniscule piece of a never-ending cycle. In fact, you're not even a piece. You're just a holder for billions and billions of other pieces. Whether that's organic components, living organisms inside your body, bacteria or whatever it is, you're just part of the soup of the universe, so just try to enjoy what's good about it.
Joe Rogan

For many people the reason why they're idiots is not necessarily that their brain doesn't work well, it's that they got in a terrible pattern.
Joe Rogan

Faith itself is a horrible mechanism that stunts the growth of ideas. It also stunts the act of questioning, and it does this by pushing the idea that you have to have faith - and that nothing has to be proven.
Joe Rogan

Our entire civilization is built on a foundation of unfixable bullshit.
Joe Rogan

No matter how civilized we are and how much society has curbed violent behavior. Human beings still have the same genes they had 10,000 years ago. Our bodies are designed to have a certain amount of physical stress and violence in them. We're designed to run from jaguars and fight to defend our territory.
Joe Rogan

If life wasn't real it would be the craziest psychedelic trip ever
Joe Rogan

After this whole acting thing is over and done, you eventually have to be human. Some people are never human. It's very weird.
Joe Rogan

Kindness is one of the best gifts you can bestow... We know that inherently that feels great.
Joe Rogan

The people who could most benefit from the self-reflective ego-dissolving qualities of cannabis are the ones that want it to be illegal.
Joe Rogan

Live your life like you're the hero in your movie and right now.
Joe Rogan

In order to be truly great at something you have to give into a certain amount of madness.
Joe Rogan

There's a very famous Miyamoto Musashi quote. "Once you understand the way broadly, you can see it in all things." The idea is once you understand what excellence is all about, whether it's in painting, or carpentry or martial arts, that you see how that excellence manifests itself in any discipline. I think that all the different things that I do enhance all the other things that I do.
Joe Rogan

We live in a society that makes it really easy for these pussies to get by.
Joe Rogan

The planet's spinning a thousand miles an hour around this gigantic nuclear explosion while these people roll these machines with rubber tires over this hard surface that we've laid down over the planet so that we can easily move ourselves back and forth.
Joe Rogan

I want to make sure that everything that I'm creating, I'm creating it so other people get enjoyment out of it. And that's the reward that you get for that.
Joe Rogan

The sensory deprivation chamber has been the most important tool that I've ever used for developing my mind
Joe Rogan

Peter Joseph is asking the questions and proposing the possible solutions that we should be demanding from the elected leaders of this crazy world. His brilliant analysis of this ridiculous system we're operating under is one of the most important voices for change in this generation.
Joe Rogan

A unicorn is a donkey from the future
Joe Rogan

I realized a long time ago that instead of being jealous you can be inspired and appreciative. It carries more energy to you... That can be an awesome motivating force that can improve your life if you choose to be inspired and not jealous. One (being jealous) has no benefit whatsoever, the other is an incredible resource for creating momentum and improvement.
Joe Rogan

I think it would do a lot of people good just to realize how vulnerable they are.
Joe Rogan

What's interesting about science is that we're constantly discovering new things about the universe, about ourselves, about our bodies, about diseases, about the possibilities of the future. It's amazing. Science is one of the coolest things about being a human being - without a doubt.
Joe Rogan