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Judgment Quotes

A slave stands infront of Allah on two occasions. The first during salah, and secondly on the Day of Judgment. Whoseover stands correctly in the first, the second standing will be made easier for him. And whosoever, disregards the first standing, the second standing will be extremely difficult.
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya

Authors on Judgment Quotes: Michel de Montaigne William Shakespeare Donald Trump Francois de La Rochefoucauld Mason Cooley William Penn Barack Obama George Eliot Epictetus Friedrich Nietzsche Marshall B. Rosenberg Tullian Tchividjian Leonardo da Vinci Alexander Pope William Cowper Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Baltasar Gracian Samuel Johnson Ayn Rand R. C. Sproul Carl Jung Marcus Aurelius Warren G. Bennis Paul Bloom Euripides Amanda Palmer Ralph Waldo Emerson Gary A. Klein Josh Billings George Santayana Wayne Dyer Jean de la Bruyere Ambrose Bierce
Fear is an insidious and deadly thing. It can warp judgment, freeze reflexes, breed mistakes. Worse, it's contagious.
James Stewart

Dread is a subtle and destructive force. It can distort discernment, immobilize reactions, engender errors. Even worse, it is communicable.
I learned that good judgment comes from experience and that experience grows out of mistakes.
Omar N. Bradley

Many pastors criticize me for taking the Gospel so seriously. But do they really think that on Judgment Day, Christ will chastise me, saying, 'Leonard, you took Me too seriously'?
Leonard Ravenhill

If you are pained by any external thing, it is not this that disturbs you, but your own judgment about it.
Marcus Aurelius

People are drastically overconfident about their judgments of others.
Daniel Gilbert

Do not judge others. Be your own judge and you will be truly happy. If you will try to judge others, you are likely to burn your fingers.
Mahatma Gandhi

Making good judgments when one has complete data, facts, and knowledge is not leadership - it's bookkeeping
Dee Hock

Every new concept first comes to the mind in a judgment.
Charles Sanders Peirce

By skepticism . . . we arrive first at suspension of judgment, and second at freedom from disturbance.
Sextus Empiricus

To denounce moralizing out of hand is to pronounce a moral judgment.
H. L. Mencken

If you want to see what judgment looks like, go to the cross. If you want to see what love looks like, go to the cross.
D. A. Carson

Incoherence is a common hazard for journalists who dabble in ethical judgments.
Andrew Ferguson

The tendency to turn human judgments into divine commands makes religion one of the most dangerous forces in the world.
Georgia Harkness

It is often said that second thoughts are best. So they are in matters of judgment but not in matters of conscience.
John Henry Newman

We're generally overconfident in our opinions and our impressions and judgments.
Daniel Kahneman

Do not base your life on the judgments of others; first, because they are as likely to be mistaken as you are, and further, because you cannot know that they are telling you their true thoughts.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

One of the most amazing things Jesus said is that at the judgment seat, preachers are going to say `I cast out devils, and Jesus will say `I never knew you.
Leonard Ravenhill

Science is a very human form of knowledge. We are always at the brink of the known; we always feel forward for what is to be hoped. Every judgment in science stands on the edge of error and is personal. Science is a tribute to what we can know although we are fallible.
Jacob Bronowski

The soul's impurity consists in bad judgements, and purification consists in producing in it right judgements, and the pure soul is one which has right judgements, for this alone is proof against confusion and pollution in its functions.

Watergate showed more strengths in our system than weaknesses... The whole country did take part in quite a genuine sense in passing judgment on Richard Nixon.
Archibald Cox

How often God visited the Jewish Church with judgments because they would not repent and be revived at the call of His prophets! How often have we seen Churches, and even whole denominations, cursed with a curse, because they would not wake up and seek the Lord.
Charles Grandison Finney

The gospel is not something partial or piecemeal: it takes in the whole life, the whole of history, the whole world. It tells us about creation and the final judgment and everything in between.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones

You can't enter a contest emotionally charged. It clouds your judgment, it clouds your reaction.
Conor McGregor

It is very unfair to judge any body's conduct, without an intimate knowledge of their situation.
Jane Austen

A moral person is one who constantly exercises, and acts on, his best rational judgment.
Barbara Branden

I never make moral judgments; I'm not qualified to do so. I am not a censor, a priest, or a politician.
Federico Fellini

The Book of Mormon is true, just what it purports to be, and for this testimony I expect to give an account in the day of judgment.
Joseph Smith, Jr.

There's nothing wrong with being gay, so to deny it is to make a judgment.
Keanu Reeves

They who quarrel with others, instead of quarrelling with their own hearts, waste their lives.
Guru Amar Das

All the seemingly positive valuations and judgments of ressentiment are hidden devaluations and negations.
Max Scheler

Undeserved praise causes more pangs of conscience later than undeserved blame, but probably only for this reason, that our power of judgment are more completely exposed by being over praised than by being unjustly underestimated.
Friedrich Nietzsche

I am anti-life, the Beast of Judgment. I am the dark at the end of everything. The end of universes, gods, worlds…of everything. And what will you be then, Dreamlord?" "I am hope.
Neil Gaiman

Knowing is different from doing and therefore theory must never be used as norms for a standard, but merely as aids to judgment.
Carl von Clausewitz

The thought of judgment, criticism and condemnation must, in time, operate against the one who sets it into motion.
Ernest Holmes

I know from experience that nobody can give me a tip or a series of tips that will make more money for me than my own judgment.
Jesse Lauriston Livermore

A decree of death has been passed on America. The judgment of God has been rendered, and she must be destroyed.
Louis Farrakhan

If ...
it is not in my power to arrive at the knowledge of any truth,
I may at least do what is in my power,
suspend judgement.
Rene Descartes

What could be the basis of our having more inherent value than animals? Their lack of reason, or autonomy, or intellect? Only if we are willing to make the same judgment in the case of humans who are similarly deficient.
Tom Regan

Let us preach Christ, let us be faithful to proclaiming the Gospel, but let's leave judgment in the hands of God.
Tony Campolo

Outward judgment often fails, inward judgment never.
Theodore Parker

If I had followed my better judgment always, my life would have been a very dull one.
Edgar Rice Burroughs

If you find someone with wisdom, good judgment, and good actions; make him a companion.
Gautama Buddha

I was not addicted to stealing in my youth, nor have ever been; yet such was the confidence of the Negroes in the neighborhood, even at this early period of my life, in my superior judgment, that they would often carry me with them when they were going on any roguery, to plan for them.
Nat Turner

Value judgments are destructive to our proper business, which is curiosity and awareness.
John Cage

Time is the only critic without ambition.
John Steinbeck

When desire, having rejected reason and overpowered judgment which leads to right, is set in the direction of the pleasure which beauty can inspire . . .

Better to confess Christ 1000 times now and be despised by men, than be disowned by Christ before God on the day of Judgment.
J. C. Ryle

Market value is irrelevant to intrinsic value. ... Unqualified judgment can at most claim to decide the market-value - a value that can be in inverse proportion to the intrinsic value.
Arnold Schoenberg

Do not allow the Church or State to govern your thought or dictate your judgment
Matilda Joslyn Gage