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Milton H. Erickson Quotes

American psychiatrist and psychologist (b. 1901), Birth: 5-12-1901, Death: 25-3-1980 Milton H. Erickson Quotes
Life will bring you pain all by itself. Your responsibility is to create joy.
Milton H. Erickson

Life will bring its own tribulations. Your responsibility is to foster cheerfulness.
Every person's map of the world is as unique as their thumbprint.There are no two people alike. No two people who understand the same sentence the same way... So in dealing with people, you try not to fit them to your concept of what they should be.
Milton H. Erickson

Life isn't something you can give an answer to today. You should enjoy the process of waiting, the process of becoming what you are. There is nothing more delightful than planting flower seeds and not knowing what kind of flowers are going to come up.
Milton H. Erickson

Allow yourself to see what you don’t allow yourself to see.
Milton H. Erickson

Permit yourself to observe what you don't let yourself to observe.
The unconscious mind is decidedly simple, unaffected, straightforward and honest. It hasn't got all of this facade, this veneer of what we call adult culture. It's rather simple, rather childish It is direct and free.
Milton H. Erickson

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Until you are willing to be confused about what you already know, what you know will never grow bigger, better, or more useful.
Milton H. Erickson

'Unless you are prepared to have your existing knowledge challenged, it cannot expand in scope, quality, or utility.'
Patients are patients because they are out of rapport with their own unconscious... Patients are people who have had too much programming - so much outside programming that they have lost touch with their inner selves.
Milton H. Erickson

Change will lead to insight far more often than insight will lead to change.
Milton H. Erickson

Transformation will foster understanding more regularly than understanding will cause alteration.
Quote Topics by Milton H. Erickson: People Way Unconscious Mind Unique Motivation Goal Past Dream Knowing Tipping Wanted Communication Littles Firsts Book Therapy Translate Chairs Adults Natural Persons Dignity Simple Climate Life Is Determine Looks World Insults You
You can't effect the cards that you are dealt, but you can determine how you play them.
Milton H. Erickson

You can't alter the hand you are given, but you can choose how to use it.
Each person is a unique individual. Hence, psychotherapy should be formulated to meet the uniqueness of the individual's needs, rather than tailoring the person to fit the Procrustean bed of a hypothetical theory of human behavior.
Milton H. Erickson

Enlightenment is always preceded by confusion.
Milton H. Erickson

Realization is always preceded by bewilderment.
The most important thing in changing human behavior is the person's motivation.
Milton H. Erickson

The most essential factor in altering human habits is the individual's commitment.
You use hypnosis not as a cure but as a means of establishing a favorable climate in which to learn.
Milton H. Erickson

You utilize hypnosis not as a remedy but as a method of constructing an advantageous atmosphere in which to gain knowledge.
People do not come into therapy to change their past but their future.
Milton H. Erickson

People do not seek therapy to alter their history but to shape their destiny.
The unconscious works without your knowledge and that is the way it prefers.
Milton H. Erickson

The subconscious functions without your cognizance and that is its preference.
A goal without a date is just a dream.
Milton H. Erickson

A target without a timeline is merely a fantasy.
People who accomplish a great many things are people who have freed themselves from biases. These are the creative people.
Milton H. Erickson

Those who have achieved much are those who have liberated themselves from preconceptions. These are the imaginative ones.
You see, we don't know what our goals are. We learn our goals only in the process of getting there. "I don't know what I'm building but I'm going to enjoy building it and when I get through building it I'll know what it is." In doing psychotherapy you impress this upon patients. You don't know what a baby is going to become. Therefore, you take good care of it until it becomes what it will.
Milton H. Erickson

I am very confident. I look confident. I act confident. I speak in a confident way.
Milton H. Erickson

I have no intention of dying. In fact, it will be the last thing I do!
Milton H. Erickson

Don't ask why the patient is the way he is, ask for what he would change.
Milton H. Erickson

You don't take insults. You leave them with the insulter.
Milton H. Erickson

Life's difficulties are merely necessary roughage.
Milton H. Erickson

Trance is a natural everyday experience.
Milton H. Erickson

The Structure of Magic I by Richard Bandler and John Grinder is a delightful simplification of the infinite complexities of the language I use with patients. In reading this book, I learned a great deal about the things that I've done without knowing about them.
Milton H. Erickson

How many of us really appreciate the childishness of the unconscious mind?
Milton H. Erickson

There are so many things in human living that we should regard not as traumatic learning but as incomplete learning, unfinished learning.
Milton H. Erickson

What is easiest to see is often overlooked.
Milton H. Erickson

You can pretend anything and master it.
Milton H. Erickson

We always translate the other person's language into our own language.
Milton H. Erickson

You can trust the unconscious.
Milton H. Erickson

When I wanted to know something, I wanted it undistorted by somebody else's imperfect knowledge.
Milton H. Erickson

Therapy is often a matter of tipping the first domino.
Milton H. Erickson

Dreams, puns, elisions, plays on words and similar tricks that we ordinarily think of as frivolous, all play a surprising and somewhat disconcerting role in the communication of important and serious feelings.
Milton H. Erickson

Little is really known of the actual potentials of human functioning.
Milton H. Erickson

You can't learn to swim on a piano bench.
Milton H. Erickson

Life is lived in the present and directed toward a future.
Milton H. Erickson

Emphasis should be placed more on what the patient does in the present and will do in the future than on a mere understanding of why some long-past event occurred.
Milton H. Erickson

As for my dignity... the hell with my dignity. I will get along alright in this world. I don't have to be dignified, professional.
Milton H. Erickson

The conscious ego cannot tell the unconscious what to do?
Milton H. Erickson

Shut up, sit in that chair there and go into a deep trance!
Milton H. Erickson