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Missiles Quotes

It has been rumored that we have fired scud missiles into Kuwait. I am here now to tell you, we do not have any scud missiles and I don't know why they were fired into Kuwait.
Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf

Authors on Missiles Quotes: Helen Nielsen David Dinkins Jerry Brown Caspar Weinberger Jon Stewart Conan O'Brien E. P. Thompson Mervyn Peake Ann Coulter Carlson Gracie Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf Marianne Moore Benjamin Netanyahu
The missiles come first, and the justifications come second.
E. P. Thompson

I went to Israel when the missiles were falling there.
David Dinkins

You should be a missile and go and destroy your opponent.
Carlson Gracie

North Korea threatened to launch a missile at South Korea. North Korea backed down after South Korea threatened to launch a sequel to 'Gangnam Style.'
Conan O'Brien

We are using missile defense to protect our civilians, and they're using their civilians to protect their missiles.
Benjamin Netanyahu

It's the guided thought that conquers; not the guided missile.
Helen Nielsen

Even when you sign a treaty like I think [Richard] Nixon did, the anti-ballistic missile treaty, George W. Bush reneged on it. He got out of. So any treaty can be withdrawn from.
Jerry Brown

Even an inaccurate missile is quite a deterrent.
Caspar Weinberger

I thought we were out of money!? You can't simultaneously fire teachers AND tomahawk missiles.
Jon Stewart

Something to remember, that: cats for missiles.
Mervyn Peake

A cruise missile is more important than Head Start.
Ann Coulter

Assign Yogi Berra to Cape Canaveral; he could handle any missile.
Marianne Moore