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Nick Cave Quotes

Australian singer-songwriter, Birth: 22-9-1957 Nick Cave Quotes
We cannot afford to be idle. To act on a bad idea is better than to not act at all. Because the worth of the idea never becomes apparent until you do it. Sometimes this idea can be the smallest thing in the world, a little flame that you hunch over and cup with your hand, and pray will not be extinguished by all the storm that howls about it. If you could hold onto that flame, great things could construct around it, that are massive and powerful and world changing, all held up by the tiniest of ideas.
Nick Cave

I want to write songs that are so sad, the kind of sad where you take someone's little finger and break it in three places.
Nick Cave

Love is a state that I would like to exist in continuously.
Nick Cave

An artist's duty is rather to stay open-minded and in a state where he can receive information and inspiration. You always have to be ready for that little artistic Epiphany.
Nick Cave

Polly Jean, I love you. I love the texture of your skin, the taste of your saliva, the softness of your ears. I love every inch and every part of your entire body. From your toes and the beautifully curved arches of your feet, to the exceptional shade and warmth of your dark hair. I need you in my life, I hope you need me too.
Nick Cave

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I can control the weather with my moods. I just can’t control my moods.
Nick Cave

Kylie Minogue is the greatest thing that has happened to Australian music.
Nick Cave

Music is storming, driving, relentless, devotional, slinky, subtle, heartbreakingly-beautiful sounds that, lyrically, switch from the cynical to the sanguine, the defeated to the defiant, dealing in love, war, beauty, children, romance, rejection, Pethedine, poetry, panties, God, Auden, Johnny Cash, cold potatoes, too-much-money, not enough money, writer’s block, flowers, animals and more flowers. But maybe I’m projecting here.
Nick Cave

Quote Topics by Nick Cave: Writing Song Thinking People World Believe Art Rocks Ideas Mean Artist Moving Years Heart America Children Book Important School Way Sorrow Needs Hate Inspiration Records Light Violence Looks Levels Strong
It's a wonderful life if you can find it.
Nick Cave

He who seeks, finds, and who knocks, will be let in.
Nick Cave

All of our days are numbered. We cannot afford to be idle. To act on a bad idea is better than to not act at all, because the worth of an idea never becomes apparent until you do it.
Nick Cave

But if you're gonna dine with them cannibals Sooner or later, darling, you're gonna get eaten . . .
Nick Cave

The artistic process seems to be mythologized quite a lot into something far greater than it actually is. It is just hard labor.
Nick Cave

Who knows their own story? It certainly makes no sense when you’re in the middle of it
Nick Cave

People think I'm a miserable sod but it's only because I get asked such bloody miserable questions.
Nick Cave

'Inspiration' is a word used by people who aren't really doing anything.
Nick Cave

My music has to do with beauty, and it's intended to, if not lift the spirits, then be a kind of a balm to the spirits.
Nick Cave

I am not interested in anything that doesn't have a genuine heart to it. You've got to have soul in the hole. If that isn't there, I don't see the point.
Nick Cave

Most people wait for the muse to turn up. That's terribly unreliable. I have to sit down and pursue the muse by attempting to work.
Nick Cave

I look at you and you look at me and deep in our hearts know it That you weren't much of a muse, but then I weren't much of a poet
Nick Cave

I don't particularly believe all love is doomed. But I guess, one is usually kinda suffering from some aborted love affair or association, rather than being at the peak of one. I think it's fairly obvious that a lot more suffering goes on in the name of love than the little happiness you can squeeze out of it.
Nick Cave

I'm very happy to hear that my work inspires writers and painters. It's the most beautiful compliment, the greatest reward. Art should always be an exchange.
Nick Cave

One thing that I'm really interested in is the kind of esoteric detail that surrounds these great figures. And Wikipedia is full of that kind of stuff, whether it's true or untrue. It staggers me: why, in the short space assigned to a person or an event, that kind of random information is there. To be honest, that's wonderful fuel for songwriting.
Nick Cave

I've never been interested in being relevant.
Nick Cave

There's an element to songwriting that I can't explain, that comes from somewhere else. I can't explain that dividing line between nothing and something that happens within a song, where you have absolutely nothing, and then suddenly you have something. It's like the origin of the universe.
Nick Cave

My biggest fear is losing memory because memory is what we are. Your very soul and your very reason to be alive is tied up in memory.
Nick Cave

The writer who refuses to explore the darker regions of the heart will never be able to write convincingly about the wonder, the magic and the joy of love for just as goodness cannot be trusted unless it has breathed the same air as evil.
Nick Cave

Death looms large I guess because it should. It's the one thing that we as human beings from birth have a right to. It's the only thing we've really got, and I don't mean to sound bleak about this, but it's a unifying factor amongst us all.
Nick Cave

In the hysterical technocracy of modern music, sorrow is sent to the back of the class where it sits, pissing its pants in mortal terror.
Nick Cave

I think it's an essential fact for any performer or artist to fail as poignantly as they can succeed.
Nick Cave

I'm a believer. I don't go to church. I don't belong to any particular religion, but I do believe in God. I couldn't write what I write about and be creative without a certain form of belief.
Nick Cave

I've spent my life butting my head against other people's lack of imagination.
Nick Cave

I love rock-n-roll. I think it's an exciting art form. It's revolutionary. Still revolutionary and it changed people. It changed their hearts. But yeah, even rock-n-roll has a lot of rubbish, really bad music.
Nick Cave

It's very intuitive, the way that I approach my work. I only buy something that has a pulse. I may not know how I'm going to use it, but I know it has a pulse and it has multiple readings - if I shift it one way or another, it can be read this way or it can be read that way, but both readings are critical and very much ground the work.
Nick Cave

I love being manipulated by what I see. I love weepies and romantic comedies where you're reaching for the Kleenex at the right moment.
Nick Cave

In getting older, I find myself becoming progressively more ineffectual in a lot of different ways, and part of that is down to no longer having the youthful feeling that what you're doing has any true impact.
Nick Cave

You searched through all my poets, From Sappho through to Auden, I saw the book fall from your hands, As you slowly died of boredom.
Nick Cave

You write a scene, and it works or it doesn't. It's immediate.
Nick Cave

Sound doesn't always have to be heard. Sound can also be created by how a pattern is set up on a surface- how it moves across the surface, how light reflects the surface [and] can generate a feeling. Sound can also be through feeling, through color, through texture.
Nick Cave

Said 2,000 years of Christian history, baby And you ain't learned to love me yet?
Nick Cave

I've always done a lot of research and stuff around the songs that I write so there are pages and pages of writing and you can kind of see these songs emerging.
Nick Cave

A gentleman never talks about his tailor.
Nick Cave

It's very important that the music has a sense of adventure to it, and that it's done by the seat of your pants. There's a kind of nervy element about it.
Nick Cave

I am the captain of my pain.
Nick Cave

The older I get, the more I feel those kinds of ghosts - especially the women in my life - moving out of the shadows a bit more and becoming more present in my life.
Nick Cave

There are methods to creating a mayhem that sounds different from your usual mayhem. Because mayhem and a heavy drum backbeat end up sounding like Green Day or something. But if you put a different beat within it to create some air and lightness, the chaos comes through better.
Nick Cave

If you got a trumpet, get on your feet, brother, and blow it!
Nick Cave

I'm a big fan of teatowels and am always on the lookout for a good one.
Nick Cave

The songs that I like are the ones that you can't visualize, that are just cries from the heart - those very straight, direct songs that make rock & roll music so wonderful.
Nick Cave

Getting married, for me, was the best thing I ever did. I was suddenly beset with an immense sense of release, that we have something more important than our separate selves, and that is the marriage. There's immense happiness that can come from working towards that.
Nick Cave