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Ozzie Guillen Quotes

Venezuelan-American baseball player and manager, Birth: 20-1-1964
Yes, I would (be a big hit on Dancing with the Stars), but I don't think I can be wearing those tight outfits they have on there. I'm a very good dancer. I'm the John Travolta of Venezuela. If I was one of the 'Jersey Shore' guys and I had their stomach, then hell yeah I would do it.
Ozzie Guillen

He (Buck Showaleter) never even smelled a jock in the big leagues. Mr. Baseball never even got a hit in Triple-A. I was a better player than him, I have more money than him and I'm better looking than him.
Ozzie Guillen

I love Fidel Castro...I respect Fidel Castro. You know why? A lot of people have wanted to kill Fidel Castro for the last 60 years, but that motherfucker is still here.
Ozzie Guillen

The only difference between me and the fans is I can't eat or drink during the game and you guys can't make moves. Besides that, we are pretty much the same people.
Ozzie Guillen

I look back now and realize you have to learn the system. Not kiss ass, but you have to learn the system.
Ozzie Guillen

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In life there are worse things (then being fired by the Miami Marlins) and I have experienced them. I have lived through bad moments and I will get through this with support.
Ozzie Guillen

Guillen wasn't finished about his intent to stick with Contreras with left-hander Neal Cotts warming up. He was dominating the Twins, ... People think I'm a bad manager or don't know the game or fall asleep during the game and wake up and change pitchers. I'm watching the same game they are.
Ozzie Guillen