During the early 1960s, I decided to supplement research support for quantitative economic studies at Pennsylvania by selling econometric forecasts to private and public sector buyers.
Lawrence Klein
The honorable William Penn, late governor of Pennsylvania, was chosen agent to the Court of Britain, and directed to deliver the petition to the King himself and to endeavor by his personal influence to procure a favorable reception to this last address.
Mercy Otis Warren
[On being first black woman to earn a PhD in economics and first black woman admitted to Pennsylvania bar:] I never looked for anybody to hold the door open for me. I knew well that the only way I could get that door open was to knock it down: because I knocked all of them down.
Sadie Tanner Mossell Alexander
A Pennsylvania woman convicted for shoplifting was sentenced to wear a badge that reads "Convicted Shoplifter." However, her lawyers hope to plea bargain down to a bumper sticker reading "I'd Rather Be Stealing!.
Jimmy Fallon
Clemente could field the ball in New York and throw out a guy in Pennsylvania.
Vin Scully
Well, the infrastructure part of the stimulus has worked. There's absolutely no question about it. We can demonstrate in Pennsylvania and other states around the union how it's produced good, paying jobs both on the construction sites and back in American factories. It has worked.
Ed Rendell
I used to sit on the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue and wonder why the Senate was always going into recess, until in my first year I realized how intense the pressure was.
Hillary Clinton
I can't wait for the next fad though, and I predict it's going to be Pennsylvania dutch culture, very Amish. It's going to be bonnets and butter churns.
Janeane Garofalo
Pennsylvania is Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between.
James Carville
Most Americans probably aren't aware that there was a time in this country when tanks and cavalry were massed on Pennsylvania Avenue to chase away the unemployed.
Andy Grove
Pennsylvania is a state that jasn't gone Republican since 1988.
Jake Tapper
Penn State has also continued to be a leader in Pennsylvania's largest industry: Agriculture.
Tim Holden
Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done.
Mike Turzai
I'm a regular at a hospital in Pennsylvania. The Riddle Hospital in Media, Pennsylvania.
Bam Margera
Pennsylvania couldn't be prouder of our native son, Joe Biden from Scranton. No one knows us better than Joe.
Bob Casey, Jr.
Republicans have not won the state of Pennsylvania and look what you have. You're companies are all gone. Your jobs are all gone. You haven't won the state of Pennsylvania in 28 years.
Donald Trump
Senator Arlen Specter hasn't really switched parties; he's simply realized he cannot win the Pennsylvania Republican primary election
Michael Reagan
And preserving our open spaces or having them there for recreational purposes is one of the things that contributes to the high level of quality of life that we offer in Pennsylvania, and that also translates into economic benefits.
Ed Rendell
I was never really a child actor. I was working sporadically in indie films in Pennsylvania, but I was still living at home.
Charlie McDermott
In a state like Pennsylvania, the paradox is, to win, you have to get the conservative Democrats in the west, but you still have to do well with the collar-county moderates in the east. [Mitt] Romney did fine with the moderates, but not the conservative Democrats. Trump is doing well with the conservative Democrats. Now Trump has to seal the deal with the moderates in the east.
John Brabender
When I did big things, some large corporations like the Pennsylvania Railroad Company were behind me and responsible party.
Andrew Carnegie
I own property in a quiet little town of Pennsylvania.
Davy Jones
I was born in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, in 1917, May the 28th. So you can figure that out; that's a long ways off. Oh, I've been around a long time.
Papa John Creach
In Pennsylvania, I love the Nemacolin Woodlands Resort in Farmington. It's a scenic area. We also enjoy visiting the Laurel Highlands in Western Pennsylvania. The mountains are really something to be seen, and it's a great area to be outside.
Troy Polamalu
Being in the presence of the "other" seems to show me who I am in a way that is really important to me. I feel radically more comfortable in Laos, say, than I do in Pennsylvania.
Pam Houston
I'm not a southern lady, I'm from Pennsylvania and we speak sort of correctly there. People identify me that way and they also easily identify me on the street because of my short stature. I get picked out in many ways and no way is a burden.
Zelda Rubinstein
I always say Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is my biggest influence. But for painters, I like many, many painters, but I love Francis Bacon the most, and Edward Hopper.
David Lynch
You may have noticed that Senator Obama’s supporters have been saying some pretty nasty things about Western Pennsylvania lately. And you know, I couldn’t agree with them more.
John McCain
I think our forests should be preserved as much as humanly possible for recreation and just for enjoyment of the natural beauty of Pennsylvania.
Ed Rendell
Pennsylvania is a very tough state; people don't last long in Pennsylvania politics.
Arlen Specter
I think in places like Pennsylvania, there`s folks who want our next president to talk like a hawk, but fly like a dove.
Chris Matthews
If Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania wins, for instance, it will tell Republicans that their own brand hasn't been hurt too badly by [Donald] Trump's negatives.
Mara Liasson
Now that Hillary [Clinton] has won Pennsylvania, it will take a village to help Obama escape from the suffocating embrace of his rival. Certainly Howard Dean will be of no use steering her to the exit. It’s like Micronesia telling Russia to denuke.
Maureen Dowd
I went to a local high school in Lancaster. Not much I can say about it; it was pretty much your typical public high school back in Pennsylvania.
Jonathan Groff
I'm fascinated by Catholic mystics, even though I grew up Mennonite in Pennsylvania.
Denison Witmer
I would rather say that I have to be not from Los Angeles but from America. When I go to Europe or Asia, I find myself disoriented. I'm not so inspired by their culture as much. It's not going to really come out in my work. I would be more influenced by what somebody from America does - like a sign painter from Pennsylvania.
Edward Ruscha
Pennsylvania might be a parochial state, but it's not a homogeneous state. So, even among just Republican voters, to be able to pull that off, when you have very moderate voters on one side of the state and more conservative in the middle, shows that Donald Trump has very, very broad support.
John Brabender
Note that the #1 Top Reviewer at Amazon (4550 book reviews) is Harriet Klausner, formerly an acquisitions librarian in Pennsylvania. This just goes to show that librarians were destined to rule the Web.
Peter Morville
Being in nature is inspiring. I grew up in rural Pennsylvania and spent countless hours of my youth wandering the woods in awe of the beauty that exists all around us.
Allison McAtee
Three hundred bridges become structurally deficient each year in the state of Pennsylvania. That's one percent added to the already 23 percent they already have. They just can't fix them fast enough.
Steve Kroft
Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.
Benjamin Franklin
Hendersonville is home because I live there and I work there. But when I come back to Pennsylvania and see the crowds and the landscape, it's such a rush. It just feels like home.
Taylor Swift
But in the long run we're not going to be able to keep out of state trash away from Pennsylvania.
Ed Rendell
You [Hillary Clinton] go to New England, you go to Ohio, Pennsylvania, you go anywhere you want, Secretary Clinton, and you will see devastation where manufacture is down 30, 40, sometimes 50 percent.
Donald Trump
The same electorate that is unhappy with [Pennsylvania's] GOP Sen. Rick Santorum appears to have some qualms with Rendell.
Stuart Rothenberg
You know, we had the elections earlier in the week, and a dead woman, in Pennsylvania, somehow was on the ballot and she was elected to city council. A dead woman actually elected! And I'm thinking, well, I guess there is still hope for Al Gore.
David Letterman
When I was growing up in Pennsylvania, auditioning for Broadway was my dream.
Taylor Swift
In 1736, Franklin's Pennsylvania Gazette printed an apology for its irregular appearence because its printer was "with the Press, labouring for the publick Good, to make Money more plentiful." The press was busy printing money.
John Kenneth Galbraith
It's been a great privilege to serve the people of Pennsylvania.
Arlen Specter
When I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania I had a baby in one arm, a diploma in the other and I didn't know where I was going in life.
Gloria Allred