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Power To Change Quotes

Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world.
Roald Dahl

Authors on Power To Change Quotes: Curt Mega Miranda Kerr Serj Tankian Anthony D. Williams Roald Dahl Anwar Sadat Debbie Ford H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Ally Condie Cassandra Clare Marcus Aurelius Yann Arthus-Bertrand Chogyam Trungpa John Mayer Wangechi Mutu
If you don't have the power to change yourself, then nothing will change around you.
Anwar Sadat

Never underestimate your power to change yourself.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

The beauty of dystopia is that it lets us vicariously experience future worlds - but we still have the power to change our own.
Ally Condie

We have the power to change our lives, and the world around us.
Serj Tankian

If you are distressed by something, it is due to your own estimate of it; and you have the power to change it at will.
Marcus Aurelius

There are people in the world who have the power to change our values.
John Mayer

I hope my kids see imagination has power to change everything.
Wangechi Mutu

Only you have the power to change your thoughts. Alter your thoughts and you alter your world.
Miranda Kerr

We and we alone have the power to change our lives, and we can choose to do so at any moment.
Debbie Ford

It's time to come together. We all have the power to change, so what are we waiting for?
Yann Arthus-Bertrand

You have the absolute power to change someone's life with kindness.
Curt Mega

The artist has tremendous power to change the world.
Chogyam Trungpa

Love has the power to change everything.
Anthony D. Williams

Words have the power to change us.
Cassandra Clare