Comedy. It was just huge in my house. Peter Sellers and Alec Guinness, Monty Python and all those James Bond movies were highly regarded.
Mike Myers
Whatcha gunna do when Hulkamanina and my 24 pythons run wild on you?!?!?!!?
Hulk Hogan
Monty Python is like catnip for nerds. Once you get them started quoting it, they are constitutionally incapable of feeling depressed.
Kevin Hearne
The other guys, all they have to do is use their big butts and big python arms to hit homers. Me, I'm the little guy in the group. People always root for the little guy.
Ken Griffey, Jr.
Python is an experiment in how much freedom programmers need. Too much freedom and nobody can read another's code; too little and expressiveness is endangered.
Guido van Rossum
Monty Python crowd; half of them came from Cambridge, and half of them came from Oxford. But, there seems to be this jewel, this sort of two headed tradition of doing comedy, of doing sketches, and that kind of thing.
Rowan Atkinson
I didn't work hard to make Ruby perfect for everyone, because you feel differently from me. No language can be perfect for everyone. I tried to make Ruby perfect for me, but maybe it's not perfect for you. The perfect language for Guido van Rossum is probably Python.
Yukihiro Matsumoto
You can start any 'Monty Python' routine and people finish it for you. Everyone knows it like shorthand.
Robin Williams
The skin of a python is no less precious to the snake than fur is to the fox.
Maneka Gandhi
Python has been an important part of Google since the beginning, and remains so as the system grows and evolves. Today dozens of Google engineers use Python, and we're looking for more people with skills in this language.
Peter Norvig
Dada was given the Venus of Milo a clyster and has allowed the Laocoön and his sons to rest awhile, after thousands of years of struggle with the good sausage Python. The philosophers are of less use to Dada than an old toothbrush, and it leaves them on the scrap heap for the great leaders of the world.
Hans Arp
When I was a little kid I loved the Marx brothers and discovered Monty Python when I was 10 or 11-years-old. I used to take a tape recorder and hold it up in front of the TV to record entire episodes to play over and over again, so that I could memorise it.
Rainn Wilson
Monty Python only became valuable when it was sold to Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) in America. They didn't pay much either, but the series has been shown repeatedly, which led to lucrative tapes, CDs and DVDs.
Eric Idle
If you're talking about Java in particular, Python is about the best fit you can get amongst all the other languages. Yet the funny thing is, from a language point of view, JavaScript has a lot in common with Python, but it is sort of a restricted subset.
Guido van Rossum
No day of my life passes without someone saying the words 'Monty Python' to me. It's not bad.
Eric Idle
Now, it's my belief that Python is a lot easier than to teach to students programming and teach them C or C++ or Java at the same time because all the details of the languages are so much harder. Other scripting languages really don't work very well there either.
Guido van Rossum
Mark Hammond is working in this area, with Windows Scripting Host. It is definitely an area where Python fits almost perfectly. That's quite independent from Java, actually.
Guido van Rossum
I saw what looked like another fallen tree in front of me and put my foot on it to cross over. At that moment it reared up in front of me-the biggest python I had ever seen!
Louis Leakey
In my daily work, I work on very large, complex, distributed systems built out of many Python modules and packages. The focus is very similar to what you find, for example, in Java and, in general, in systems programming languages.
Guido van Rossum
Python is executable pseudocode. Perl is executable line noise.
Bruce Eckel
My own perception of that is somewhat colored by where people ask my advice, which is still, of course, about changes to Python internals or at least standard libraries.
Guido van Rossum
Python - why settle for snake oil when you can have the whole snake?
Mark Jackson
I note that the Python folks still think they like JPython. I wonder how long that will last?
Larry Wall
I just play to progressive audiences. You know, if they're watching Discovery Channel, History Channel, that kind of thing, "Monty Python" have already laid the groundwork. They're known around the world. People like that kind of surrealist, left-field humor, and that's what I do. And "Saturday Night Live," a lot of American humor. "The Simpsons," above all, the weird, left-field humor, which I love. And sardonic. So that's all I'm doing. I find that audience, and they're in every developed country around the world.
Eddie Izzard
Perl is worse than Python because people wanted it worse.
Larry Wall
Modern programs must handle Unicode —Python has excellent support for Unicode, and will keep getting better.
Guido van Rossum
I prefer the finesse of French humour. English humour is more scathing, more cruel, as illustrated by Monty Python and Little Britain.
Helen Mirren
Mrs Bawden yanked me away from the table and dragged me across the food hall. I tried to twist away from her, but she had a grip like a python on steroids.
Malorie Blackman
I think the special thing about Python is that it's a writers' commune. The writers are in charge. The writers decide what the material is.
Eric Idle
I sing the National Anthem, while I'm standing, over your body, hold you like a python.
Lana Del Rey
I was what they call 'skinny fat' - a body that resembled a python after swallowing a goat.
A. J. Jacobs
People are still crazy about Python after twenty-five years, which I find hard to believe.
Michael Palin
When you choose a language, youre also choosing a community. The programmers youll be able to hire to work on a Java project wont be as smart as the ones you could get to work on a project written in Python. And the quality of your hackers probably matters more than the language you choose. Though, frankly, the fact that good hackers prefer Python to Java should tell you something about the relative merits of those languages.
Philip Greenspun
Nobody and nothing beats The Simpsons. Even after all this time, it's still the best satire since Monty Python.
Alice Cooper
Monty Python: A documentary series on everyday life in Great Britain.
Frank Portman
Why the hell hasn't wxPython become the standard GUI for Python yet?
Eric S. Raymond
The middle way is still driving on the wrong side of the road; it still permits the killing of the fox for pleasure. One cannot kill half a fox. Like Monty Python parrot, a fox torn apart by hounds remains dead, deceased and off its perch for ever. Before the fox has been dispatched - sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly - it will have suffered the agonies of the pursuit by animals four times its size and four times its strength. The middle way is a compromise that still seriously compromises the welfare of the fox.
Lyndon Harrison, Baron Harrison
A giant python was discovered in Florida. Spooky news for a state that derives half it's income from a giant mouse.
Dana Gould
Growing up, I watched shows such as 'Blackadder' and 'Monty Python' with my parents.
Mathew Baynton
I have a weird sense of humour. My dad's the same. We love watching 'Monty Python' together.
Miranda Kerr
Generally the pythons are better than anything else at killing.
Dave Barry
I'd grown up loving English films, I was a huge Monty Python fanatic as a kid.
Alessandro Nivola
I love crazy names. It comes right from Monty Python and Woody Allen - nothing in the world makes me giggle more than a funny name. It became a thing I started doing when I wrote. If a person came into a store and said, "How much is this apple?" that person would have an insane name.
Michael Schur
My favorite language for maintainability is Python. It has simple, clean syntax, object encapsulation, good library support, and optional named parameters.
Bram Cohen
I'm grew up a huge fan of The Three Stooges and Monty Python, so somebody getting slapped in the face with a fish, or falling out of a chair, or running into a door, or tripping over their own feet and eating it, is all stuff I find really, really funny.
Thomas Sadoski
Pastoralia by George Saunders. Possibly my favorite book. Its one of the weirdest books Ive ever read. If Monty Python and Thomas Pynchon had a love child, and it was raised by Frank Zappa on a weird commune, that would be this book.
Libba Bray
Everybody uses pop culture as a shorthand. You might make an obscure reference to Monty Python or Iron Eagle that only some people will get, but if they do it conveys a world of meaning.
Ernest Cline
Monty Python paid me £20,000 to write, direct and assemble them - the cheapskates! I told them I'd never earned less in a year since leaving Cambridge. The first show sold out in 43 seconds and we ended up performing ten in total. We had no idea there would be such demand.
Eric Idle
The great thing about university is that they incline you to get up and do it, from the Classics to modern plays, to the humor that Monty Pythons made popular.
Michael York