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Riding Quotes

I'm very versatile and there's nothing I really regret in my life. I'm excited with who I am and I'm just going to keep riding the wave.
Rick Ross

I'm chameleon-like and have no misgivings about my past. I'm delighted with myself and will continue to take advantage of opportunities that come my way.
Authors on Riding Quotes: Nuno Oliveira David Byrne Harry S. Truman Robin Williams J. D. Salinger Sarah Dessen Bill Watterson Margaret Mitchell Bob Dylan Craig Kelly Tom Waits Dave Barry Valentino Rossi Sete Gibernau Jane Smiley Mehmet Murat Ildan Charlie Munger Scarlett Johansson Onew Jimi Hendrix Vanessa Carlton Roz Savage Mark Ruffalo Eddie Griffin Knute Rockne Buck Brannaman Sister Souljah Pat Martin Julie Benz Jonathan Gottschall Dusty Baker Sandra Gulland Lane Frost
Riding a race bike is an art - a thing that you do because you feel something inside.
Valentino Rossi

Piloting a competition bicycle is an artistry - an action that you take because of what you sense internally.
Ride as much or as little, or as long or as short as you feel. But ride.
Eddy Merckx

Take to the saddle as much or little, for a lengthy or brief duration - but go for it.
I Want To Ride My Bicycle I Want To Ride My Bike I Want To Ride My bicycle I Want To Ride It Where I Like
Freddie Mercury

I answered the voice that I was a poor girl who knew nothing of riding and warfare.
Joan of Arc

The horns came riding in like the rainbow masts of silver ships.
Peter S. Beagle

There are Americans will find it difficult to believe that the Prime Minister can simply impose candidates on ridings, and can so efficiently move individuals out of private life and into the Cabinet with virtually no resort to the electorate.
Stockwell Day

I'd rather die riding 95 than live a life full of nothing but filthy lies.
Mitch Lucker

Life is like riding in a taxi. Whether you are going anywhere or not, the meter keeps ticking.
John C. Maxwell

The modern Little Red Riding Hood, reared on singing commercials, has no objection to being eaten by the wolf.
Marshall McLuhan

Everyone has a completely different style of riding and a different style of judging.
Travis Pastrana

Long as I was riding in a big Cadillac and dressed nice and had plenty of food, that's all I cared about.
Etta James

There is no secret so close as that between a rider and his horse.
Robert Smith Surtees

I remember riding my bike down the boardwalk with nowhere to go and looking at the girls. It was really innocent.
Mark Ruffalo

The wolf said, "You know, my dear, it isn't safe for a little girl to walk through these woods alone." Red Riding Hood said, "I find your sexist remark offensive in the extreme, but I will ignore it because of your traditional status as an outcast from society, the stress of which has caused you to develop your own, entirely valid worldview. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be on my way.
James Finn Garner

It'd be the thrill of anyone's bull riding career to ride Red Rock. Like when Freckles Brown rode Tornado.
Lane Frost

I was always a character actor. I just looked like Little Red Riding Hood.
Paul Newman

First, our focus on security is on the infrastructure itself. So it is all about how you protect the network, the device, and the application that is riding on the server.
John W. Thompson

I guess I'm just in the flow and riding the wave.
Matthew Gray Gubler

What we are seeking so frantically elsewhere may turn out to be the horse we have been riding all along.
Harvey Cox

I was always fast riding bikes with my brother who got me on a bike. There was little to do so I ended up riding everywhere. It was both my transportation, entertainment, and a good way perhaps to make a living I hope.
Peter Sagan

I never want to abandon my bike. I see my grandfather, now in his seventies and riding around everywhere. To me that is beautiful. And the bike must always remain a part of my life.
Stephen Roche

The things that stop you having sex with age are exactly the same as those that stop you riding a bicycle.
Alex Comfort

A vegan riding a hummer contributes less to greenhouse gas emissions than a meat eater riding a bicycle.
Paul Watson

I ain't never been the type of person out at the movies and holding hands and riding around listening to R. Kelly.
Young Jeezy

Those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside
John F. Kennedy

In Europe, I always have fun bike riding in Amsterdam.
Ezra Koenig

In riding a horse, we borrow freedom.
Helen Thompson Woolley

You learn to cope with whatever you have to cope with. I spent my childhood in New York, riding on subways and buses. And you know what you learn if you're a New Yorker? The world doesn't owe you a damn thing.
Lauren Bacall

Shoulder-in is the aspirin of horseback riding - it cures everything.
Nuno Oliveira

No one can teach riding so well as a horse.
C. S. Lewis

Everyone asks me 'how it feels to fly.' It feels like riding in a high powered automobile, minus bumping over the rough roads, continually signaling to clear the way and keeping a watchful on the speedometer to see that you do not exceed the speed limit and provoke the wrath of the bicycle policeman or the covetous constable.
Harriet Quimby

The secret in riding is to do few things right. The more one does, the less one succeeds. The less one does, the more one succeeds.
Nuno Oliveira

I felt as if I were riding a pendulum. Just as I would swing into the abyss of hopelessness, the pendulum would swing back with some small goodness.
Ruta Sepetys

Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, you all had great moments, but you never tasted the supreme triumph; you were never a farm boy riding in from the fields on a bulging rack of new-mown hay.
Grant Wood

When I was in my twenties, it felt like I was riding wild horses, and I was hoping I didnt go over a cliff.
Chaka Khan

The secret in riding is to do only a few things but to do them right
Nuno Oliveira

I can be surfing the exact same wave and then sometimes something will just set off, even if I'm riding the same board the whole time. Something will just set off and it just feels like you can push just that extra bit harder.
Mick Fanning

I never got hurt when I was in Morocco doing all the horse riding and my own stunts. But on the last day on the last shot I slid off my horse and landed on my bottom. I did not get hurt but it was very embarrassing.
Oded Fehr

I have always had good strength in my legs from working out with weights. I have also been riding a bike of some sort for most of my life and have good agility.
Mark-Paul Gosselaar

When perfectionism is driving us, shame is riding shotgun and fear is that annoying backseat driver!
Brené Brown

When riding, ask yourself what will my horse get out of it if I get what I want? Many times, human nature is to take and to not give anything back.
Buck Brannaman

I've got like a weird bond with horses. I'm kind of a horse whisperer, I don't know what it is. I'm not great on a horse. I'm getting better, but I'm not brilliant. So yeah, I've spent a lot of time with horses. They're great creatures, I love them. I do love riding them when I get the chance to.
Kit Harington

That's what I want, that kind of recklessness where the poem is even ahead of you. It's like riding a horse that's a little too wild for you, so there's this tension between what you can do and what the horse decides it's going to do.
Li-Young Lee

I miss riding those fast trains in Japan... 'cause I'd never seen a train that fast in my life.
Ike Turner

The left’s idea of “science” is that we should all be riding bicycles and using the Clivus Multrum composting latrines instead of flush toilets. Anyone who dissents, they say — while adjusting their healing crystals for emphasis — is “afraid of science.”
Ann Coulter

People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs.
Alexei Sayle

The goal is to live with God like composure on the full rush of energy, like Dionysus riding the leopard, without being torn to pieces.
Joseph Campbell

Each and all, we are riding into the dark. Even living, we cannot remember half the events of our own days.
Loren Eiseley

I really love to ride my motorcycle. When I want to just get away and be by myself and clear my head, that's what I do.
Kyle Chandler