Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated.
Rosalind Franklin
The realms of science and existence should not be segregated.
Philosophers are people who know less and less about more and more, until they know nothing about everything. Scientists are people who know more and more about less and less, until they know everything about nothing.
Konrad Lorenz
I am among those who think that science has great beauty.
Marie Curie
I am one of those who believe that science possesses immense allure.
Nonsense is nonsense even when spoken by world-famous scientists.
John Lennox
Magic is the sole science not accepted by scientists, because they can't understand it.
Harry Houdini
Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been.
Albert Einstein
But how is one to make a scientist understand that there is something unalterably deranged about differential calculus, quantum theory, or the obscene and so inanely liturgical ordeals of the precession of the equinoxes.
Antonin Artaud
Yeah but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could they didn't stop to think if they should.
Jeff Goldblum
Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you're being had.
Michael Crichton
Some of the most fun people I know are scientists.
Mae Jemison
I love being a very personal singer-songwriter, but I also like being a scientist or explorer.
Far from being magisterial in its objectivity, science was conditioned by history, society, and the prejudices of scientists.
Thomas Kuhn
The scientists split the atom; now the atom is splitting us.
Quentin Reynolds
The scientist is motivated primarily by curiosity and a desire for truth.
Irving Langmuir
It is obvious that anything a scientist discovers or invents is based on previous discoveries and inventions. The same applies to the arts.
Lukas Foss
I hope that some day scientists can be considered heroes again, instead of Paris Hilton.
Walter Isaacson
A good scientist values criticism almost higher than friendship: no, in science criticism is the height and measure of friendship.
Francis Crick
Science is the study of what Is, Engineering builds what Will Be. The scientist merely explores that which exists, while the engineer creates what has never existed before.
Theodore von Karman
I will have nothing to do with a bomb! [Response to being invited (1943) to work with Otto Robert Frisch and some British scientists at Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project to create the atomic bomb.]
Lise Meitner
Most kids are not dreaming of being programmers, scientists or engineers.
I don't like to say bad things about paleontologists, but they're not very good scientists. They're more like stamp collectors.
Luis Walter Alvarez
The ideal scientist thinks like a poet and works like a bookkeeper
E. O. Wilson
In private many scientists admit that science has no explanation for the beginning of life... Darwin never imagined the exquisitely profound complexity that exists even at the most basic levels of life.
Michael Behe
To describe externals, you become a scientist. To describe experience, you become an artist.
Timothy Leary
Being a scientist and staring immensity and eternity in the face every day is as grand and inspiring as it gets.
Carolyn Porco
A scientist who is also a human being cannot rest while knowledge which might be used to reduce suffering rests on the shelf.
Albert Sabin
Scientist believe in things, not in person
Marie Curie
Not every statement by a scientist is a statement of science.
John Lennox
I'm not a scientist either, but I can use my brain, and I can talk to one.
Charlie Crist
Physicists analyse systems. Web scientists, however, can create the systems.
Tim Berners-Lee
Three stages of truth for scientists:
It's not true.
If it is true, it's not very important.
We knew it all along.
Leo Szilard
Only a fool of a scientist would dismiss the evidence and reports
in front of him and substitute his own beliefs in their place.
Paul Kurtz
I understood that I was inventing myself, and that I was doing this more in the way of a painter than in the way of a scientist. I could not count on precision or calculation; I could only count on intuition.
Jamaica Kincaid
What makes a scientist great is the care that he takes in telling you what is wrong with his results, so that you will not misuse them.
W. Edwards Deming
And when statesman or others worry [the scientist] too much, then he should leave with his possessions.
Tycho Brahe
If politicians and scientists were lazier, how much happier we should all be
Evelyn Waugh
Those [scientists] who dislike entertaining contradictory thoughts are unlikely to enrich their science with new ideas.
Max Planck
The Microbe is so very small
You cannot make him out at all,
But many sanguine people hope
To see him through a microscope.
Hilaire Belloc
I have always thought it curious that, while most scientists claim to eschew religion, it actually dominates their thoughts more than it does the clergy.
Fred Hoyle
What we need to do is to humanize the scientist and simonize the humanist.
C.P. Snow
I am a philosopher, not a scientist, and we philosophers are better at questions than answers.
Daniel Dennett
What scientists are attached to is journeys into the unknown and discovering things that are completely unexpected and baffling and surprising.
Brian Cox
I am optimistic globally. So many scientists are working frantically on the reparation of our planet.
Steve Irwin
It is not so much that I have confidence in scientists being right, but that I have so much in nonscientists being wrong.
Isaac Asimov
A scientist is happy, not in resting on his attainments but in the steady acquisition of fresh knowledge.
Max Planck
Scientists announced today that they have discovered a cure for apathy. However, they claim no one has shown the slightest interest in it.
George Carlin
We have artists with no scientific knowledge and scientists with no artistic knowledge and both with no spiritual sense of gravity at all, and the result is not just bad, it is ghastly.
Robert M. Pirsig
Rather than being an interpreter, the scientist who embraces a new paradigm is like the man wearing inverting lenses.
Thomas Kuhn