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Stephen King Quotes

American author and screenwriter, Birth: 21-9-1947 Stephen King Quotes
Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.
Stephen King

'Demons exist, and phantoms are authentic too. They dwell inside us, and at times, they prevail.'
The water was glassy and calm, still candy-colored in the afterglow of sunset.
Stephen King

The water was tranquil and placid, still tinted with the hues of sundown.
A life without love is like a tree without fruit.
Stephen King

A life without love is like a barren orchard.
The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool.
Stephen King

Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.
Stephen King

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Outside, daylight was bleeding slowly toward dusk.
Stephen King

You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants.
Stephen King

People who try hard to do the right thing always seem mad.
Stephen King

Quote Topics by Stephen King: Writing Thinking People Book Men Believe Kids Stories Children Dream Heart Way World Lying Dark Eye Long Real Ideas Running Years Jobs Sometimes Life Want Reading Night Two Pain Light
The place where you made your stand never mattered. Only that you were there... and still on your feet.
Stephen King

you can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.
Stephen King

People want to know why I do this, why I write such gross stuff. I like to tell them I have the heart of a small boy... and I keep it in a jar on my desk.
Stephen King

The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.
Stephen King

The world, although well-lighted with fluorescents and incandescent bulbs and neon, is still full of odd dark corners and unsettling nooks and crannies.
Stephen King

I do not kill with my gun; He who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father. I kill with my heart.
Stephen King

The road to hell is paved with adverbs.
Stephen King

I do not aim with my hand; he who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I aim with my eye. I do not shoot with my hand; he who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I shoot with my mind. I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father. I kill with my heart.
Stephen King

Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty.
Stephen King

May you find your Tower, Roland, and breach it, and may you climb to the top!
Stephen King

When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, 'Why god? Why me?' and the thundering voice of God answered, 'There's just something about you that pisses me off.'
Stephen King

I believe the road to hell is paved with adverbs, and I will shout it from the rooftops.
Stephen King

If there is love, smallpox scars are as pretty as dimples. I'll love your face no matter what it looks like. Because it's yours.
Stephen King

First comes smiles, then lies. Last is gunfire.-Roland Deschain, of Gilead
Stephen King

JK Rowling created seven Horcruxes. She put a part of her soul in every book and now her books will live forever
Stephen King

The thing under my bed waiting to grab my ankle isn't real. I know that, and I also know that if I'm careful to keep my foot under the covers, it will never be able to grab my ankle.
Stephen King

Kids, fiction is the truth inside the lie, and the truth of this fiction is simple enough: the magic exists.
Stephen King

The scariest, most terrifying thing that I fear? Yes. My Imagination. I thought you were going to say "Fear, itself." Then you have a small imagination.
Stephen King

Sometimes human places, create inhuman monsters.
Stephen King

It's a little place on the Pacific Ocean. You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific? They say it has no memory. That's where I want to live the rest of my life. A warm place with no memory.
Stephen King

There will be water if God wills it.
Stephen King

If we don't have each other, we go crazy with loneliness. When we do, we go crazy with togetherness.
Stephen King

Once again there was the desert, and that only.
Stephen King

A person’s never too old for stories. Man and boy, girl and woman, we live for them. - Roland Deschain
Stephen King

Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.
Stephen King

Show me a man or a woman alone and I'll show you a saint. Give me two and they'll fall in love. Give me three and they'll invent the charming thing we call 'society'. Give me four and they'll build a pyramid. Give me five and they'll make one an outcast. Give me six and they'll reinvent prejudice. Give me seven and in seven years they'll reinvent warfare. Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and is always trying to get back home.
Stephen King

I think there ought to be some serious discussion by smart people, really smart people, about whether or not proliferation of things like The Smoking Gun and TMZ and YouTube and the whole celebrity culture is healthy.
Stephen King

Sometimes the embers are better than the campfire.
Stephen King

When all else fails, give up and go to the library.
Stephen King

But then fall comes, kicking summer out on its treacherous ass as it always does one day sometime after the midpoint of September, it stays awhile like an old friend that you have missed. It settles in the way an old friend will settle into your favorite chair and take out his pipe and light it and then fill the afternoon with stories of places he has been and things he has done since last he saw you.
Stephen King

In small towns people scent the wind with noses of uncommon keenness.
Stephen King

If you liked being a teenager, there's something really wrong with you.
Stephen King

Go then, there are other worlds than these.
Stephen King

If I have to spend time in purgatory before going to one place or the other, I guess I'll be all right as long as there's a lending library.
Stephen King

Alone. Yes, that's the key word, the most awful word in the English tongue. Murder doesn't hold a candle to it and hell is only a poor synonym.
Stephen King

Love isn't soft, like the poets say. Love has teeth which bite and the wounds never close.
Stephen King

What if I fall?', Tim cried. Maerlyn laughed. 'Sooner or later, we all do.
Stephen King

As for the end of the universe…I say let it come as it will, in ice, fire, or darkness. What did the universe ever do for me that I should mind its welfare?
Stephen King

Wendy? Darling? Light, of my life. I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm just going to bash your brains in.
Stephen King

Yes, I’ve made a great deal of dough from my fiction, but I never set a single word down on paper with the thought of being paid for it...I have written because it fulfilled me. ... I did it for the pure joy of the things. And if you can do it for joy, you can do it forever.
Stephen King

I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was 12 - Jesus, did you?
Stephen King

It was life, often unsatisfying, frequently cruel, usually boring, sometimes beautiful, once in a while exhilarating.
Stephen King