You who feel no pain at the suffering of others It is not fitting for you to be called human.
It is inappropriate to deem you a person if you are indifferent to the anguish of others.
I early conceived a liking for, and sought every opportunity to relieve the sufferings of others.
Rebecca Lee Crumpler
Perhaps there is no more dangerous place for a Christian to be than in safety and comfort, detached from the suffering of others.
Shane Claiborne
If we suffer in the sufferings of others and feel happy in the happiness of others, we are loving God.
Meher Baba
Compassion is ethical intelligence: it is the capacity to make connections and the consequent urge to act to relieve the suffering of others.
Will Tuttle
He who is indifferent to the suffering of others is a traitor to that which is truly human.
All the mega corporations on the planet make their obscene profits off the labor and suffering of others, with complete disregard for the effects on the workers, environment, and future generations. We have a straightforward proposal: if they want public money, we want public control. It's that simple.
Derrick Jensen
True power does not amass through the pain and suffering of others.
Joy Harjo
Being involved with Oxfam has really opened my eyes to the world at large and the suffering of others. But my background and my life experience are what have allowed me to understand how interconnected we all are. I believe one person suffering reverberates throughout the world.
Joy Bryant
A person who has not been completely alienated, who has remained sensitive and able to feel, who has not lost the sense of dignity, who is not yet 'for sale', who can still suffer over the suffering of others, who has not acquired fully the having mode of existence - briefly, a person who has remained a person and not become a thing - cannot help feeling lonely, powerless, isolated in present-day society.
Erich Fromm
We learn resignation not by our own suffering, but by the suffering of others.
W. Somerset Maugham
When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.
Miguel Angel Ruiz
When you see those in healthcare who don't get this burn-out, they are very motherly, fatherly, or loving and attentive with the patients. [These] wonderful caretakers, doctors, and nurses don't get as much burn-out as people who are more defensive of the feelings and suffering of others.
Matthieu Ricard
Rather than turning away from the staggering scale and depth of misery caused by war, we must strive to develop our capacity to empathize and feel the sufferings of others.
Daisaku Ikeda
The essence of compassion is a desire to alleviate the suffering of others and to promote their well-being
Dalai Lama
Veronika had noticed that a lot of people she knew would talk about the horros in other people's lives as if they were genuinely concerned to help them, but the truth was that they took pleasure in the suffering of others, because that made them believe they were happy and that life had been generous with them
Paulo Coelho
Any man filled with empathy is capable of gaining valuable insights on the human condition through the suffering of others. You do not need to suffer to know suffering, but you need empathy first to identify and feel the suffering of others around you.
Suzy Kassem
It is remarkable with what Christian fortitude and resignation we can bear the suffering of other folks.
Jonathan Swift
Since my accident I am a little more mindful of the suffering of other people.
George C. Wallace
We should try our best to relieve the suffering of others in whatever way we can.
Mata Amritanandamayi
Men have been taught that their first concern is to relieve the suffering of others. ... To make that the highest test of virtue is to make suffering the most important part of life. Then man must wish to see others suffer in order that he may be virtuous. Such is the nature of altruism.
Ayn Rand
In order to live fully we may need to look deeply at our own suffering and at the suffering of others. In the depths of every wound we have survived is the strength we need to live. The wisdom our wounds can offer us is a place of refuge. Finding this is not for the faint of heart. But then, neither is life.
Rachel Naomi Remen
Most people have no imagination. If they could imagine the sufferings of others, they would not make them suffer so. What separated a German mother from a French mother?
Ernst Toller
[D]on’t cling to your self-righteous suffering, let it go. . . . Nothing is too good to be true, let yourself be forgiven. To the degree you insist that you must suffer, you insist on the suffering of others as well. (90)
Stephen Levine
No true search for enlightenment ignores the suffering of other sentient beings. Ever. We simply need to create a way to address that suffering while remaining in a blissful center.
Marianne Williamson
We have become terribly vulnerable, not because we suffer but because we have separated ourselves from each other. A patient once told me that he had tried to ignore his own suffering and the suffering of other people because he had wanted to be happy. Yet becoming numb to suffering will not make us happy. The part in us that feels suffering is the same as the part that feels joy.
Rachel Naomi Remen
Most people have no imagination. If they could imagine the sufferings of others, they would not make them suffer so.
Anna Funder
Many people today in the developed countries are so far removed from poverty and suffering and starvation that they lack empathy for the sufferings of others.
Mary Robinson
I fancied I had some constancy of mind because I could bear my own sufferings, but found through the sufferings of others I could be weakened like a child.
Sarah Fielding
... scientists have made no clear effort to become an important, independently active force of mankind. Whole congresses at a time, they back away from the suffering of others; it is more comfortable to stay within the bounds of science.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Winning intoxicates you, and numbs you to the sufferings of others.
Margaret Atwood
... we can bear with great philosophy the sufferings of others, especially if we do not actually see them.
Albion Fellows Bacon
It is people who go through suffering that have an empathy for the suffering of others.
Mary Robinson
It's through the small things that we develop our moral imagination, so that we can understand the sufferings of others.
Alexander McCall Smith
To shut your mind, heart, imagination to the sufferings of others is to begin slowly but inexorably to die. It is to cease by inches from being human, to become in the end capable of nothing, generous or unselfish; or sometimes capable of anything, however terrible.
John Austin Baker
People of delicate health, selfish dispositions, and coarse minds, can always bear the sufferings of others placidly.
Isabel Burton
one does not remember one’s own pain. It is the suffering of others that undoes us
Anna Funder
Your suffering only matters if it connects you to the suffering of others, if it heals them too.
Geoffrey Wood
One's own troubles can be borne with fortitude; only a monster of indifference can bear the sufferings of others with fortitude.
Susan Ertz
I will never be ok with the suffering of others - that I will likely continue to fight so I must treat it as a marathon race not a sprint.
Kristin Bauer van Straten
I palliate the sufferings of others. yes I see myself as softening the blows, dissolving acids, neutralizing poisons, every moment of the day. I try to fulfill the wishes of others, to perform miracles. I exert myself performing miracles.
Anais Nin
Is it really that much better to make friends with animals before you kill them than to treat them as nameless, faceless objects before you kill them? From a yogic point of view, one must weigh the karmic consequences of perceiving others as mere objects to be used and the consequences of profiting from the suffering of others.
Sharon Gannon
I knew that suffering did not enoble; it degraded. It made men selfish, petty and suspicious. It absorbed them in small things...it made them less than men; and I wrote ferociously that we learn resignation not by our own suffering, but by the suffering of others.
W. Somerset Maugham
At the age of twelve I had an attitude toward life that was to endure, that was to make me seek those areas of living that would keep it alive, that was to make me skeptical of everything while seeking everything, tolerant of all and yet critical. The spirit I had caught gave me insight into the suffering of others, made me gravitate toward those whose feelings were like my own, made me sit for hours while others told me of their lives, made me strangely tender and cruel, violent and peaceful.
Richard Wright
The tragic sense of life: our heroic acceptance of the suffering of others.
Edward Abbey
There's a reticence necessary when you consider the suffering of others. Into the space created by that reticence, you bring in those things that best help us confront ambiguity: music, painting, film, and so on.
Teju Cole